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The Cell renovations....


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How sweet would that be?

To catch a home run from out there it would have to be a 420+ foot bomb. Makes more sense to build it in left field though.


Like how the idea still allows you to see the game from underneath the porch.....I was under the impression that a home run porch would take away the view from the concourse.

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To catch a home run from out there it would have to be a 420+ foot bomb. Makes more sense to build it in left field though.


Like how the idea still allows you to see the game from underneath the porch.....I was under the impression that a home run porch would take away the view from the concourse.

If they build it like Arlington, or any of the old Bp's like old Comiskey or Tiger Stadium it won't be that much further to get to the UD. It has more to do with tragectory vs distance.

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Anyone else see the story on the renovations on the channel 9 news? They showed the top eight rows of seats removed from the upper deck and said that they will actually be cutting the UD to shorten it by that much. Something like 6000 seats being removed. They said full plans won't be released until November.

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Anyone else see the story on the renovations on the channel 9 news?  They showed the top eight rows of seats removed from the upper deck and said that they will actually be cutting the UD to shorten it by that much.  Something like 6000 seats being removed.  They said full plans won't be released until November.

That's not that bad, only a week or so till November, course it prob won't be realeased till mid-late November.

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Anyone else see the story on the renovations on the channel 9 news?  They showed the top eight rows of seats removed from the upper deck and said that they will actually be cutting the UD to shorten it by that much.  Something like 6000 seats being removed.  They said full plans won't be released until November.

I saw it, and they said they actually are going to lower the upper deck, which I would have thought was impossible. Pretty neat.


Also, the sox website shows 10 pictures of the construction project, but there was no press release, which is pretty stupid.

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There are stories on page 5 of today's Sun Times and in the sports section of todays Daily Southtown.

The SunTimes says in part "Since they are not actually lowering the upper deck, nor adjusting the incline, is it all an optical illusion?

"It's perception" Sox spokesman Scott Reifert said Thursday...After the top 20 feet of the stadium's bowl are lopped off - 215 tons of steel and 3500 tons of concrete - a new canopy will be put on that will more closely resemble the roof on old Comiskey park...

The concourse on the 2nd level also will be more enclosed and amenities added.

Using last year's ticket pricing system, the trim eliminates 6600 upper deck reserved seats, or more than 1/2 of the most affordable seats priced at 14 dollars. Reifert said team officials are having conversations now about how [pricing will be] structured once the renovation is done. What's going to happen for next year, it's too soon to say."


The Southtown also reports that they are considering moving Sunday start times back to 2:00.


By the way, if you are looking for anything about this in the Tribune, good luck. I couldn't find it in there. Maybe it wasn't as newsworthy as the 5 stories last Friday about how the Cubs still hadn't won this year's pennant, or the 2 editorials on Friday and Monday about how being a Cub fan is really important. f***ers.

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Anything they do to make the outside look less like a spaceship is OK by me.

I also don't mind losing the cheapest seats, since I didn't like sitting in them that much anyway.

The highest seats were the ONLY bad seats in USCF, so the b****ers can finally stop b****ing. Talking about the general public, not really anyone specific on this board.


The 2pm Sunday start is a decent idea - gives families a chance to go to church and then head out to the game in time.


And it REALLY IS important to read why it's cool to be a sCrUB fan... :rolleyes:


Oh, irony alert!!!

My boss couldn't believe that I wasn't paying attention to the sCrUBS' March To The Series. He kept telling me that I was "missing HISTORY IN THE MAKING".

So I asked him if he saw Josh Beckett's performance earlier this week, and he said "Oh, I'M NOT WATCHING the World Series".


His reply? "The Marlins don't deserve to be there - ONLY the Cubbies deserve to be there". I left it alone - I can't try to debate that retarded "logic".


Cub fans..... :rolleyes: :lol:

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Cellular One gave the Sox all that money, which the

Sox are putting to good use.

Thanks to Cell One obviously.


My question is, why don't we revolutionize baseball and

get another big-time company to donate 68 mill

for salaries?

Would any company fork over the dough?

We could put the company's name on the back of our

jerseys or on the outfield grass.

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Cellular One gave the Sox all that money, which the

Sox are putting to good use.

Thanks to Cell One obviously.


My question is, why don't we revolutionize baseball and

get another big-time company to donate 68 mill

for salaries?

Would any company fork over the dough?

We could put the company's name on the back of our

jerseys or on the outfield grass.

Din't Bank1 do that for the bears or something similar?

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Cellular One gave the Sox all that money, which the

Sox are putting to good use.

Thanks to Cell One obviously.


My question is, why don't we revolutionize baseball and

get another big-time company to donate 68 mill

for salaries?

Would any company fork over the dough?

We could put the company's name on the back of our

jerseys or on the outfield grass.

Din't Bank1 do that for the bears or something similar?

It's like the Chicago Bears presented by BankOne. I have never heard them called it, looks like a waste of money. That would be like soccer, with the sponsor on the uniforms.

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