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The MLB lockout is lifted!


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2 hours ago, Pal said:

These fucks (both sides are fucks) both knew where they were going to end up and what it would take to get there and still will take it right to the final hour 

Yeah, I just can't "both sides" this one. One side locked out the other. The other side is asking for a rational increase on key points.

When I was younger, I didn't much care for the players' side. But this whole "billionaires vs millionaires" trope is lazy analysis. The billionaires could have continued under the previous agreement, and then negotiated in good faith, but I guess "winning" is more important to them.


Insofar as poppy goes, he's free to express his views, even if they're unpopular. As a purveyor of the occasional unpopular view here, I support him to continue to make this discussion interesting. (Full disclosure: I think he's misguided, but I also think its ok for him to opine against the prevailing position here.)


This sucks, but thinking about our Ukrainian friends getting bullied makes this impasse seem trivial by comparison. Here's hoping for an agreement, and then for this FO to not fuck up what could be a special team.

Edited by Two-Gun Pete
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2 hours ago, tray said:

I think we ALL hope that this gets worked out and that the war ends in Ukraine...the sooner the better. \That will make for a happy St Pat's day on the South side!


Kiev gets a team as soon as this wraps up. 

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Just now, HOFHurt35 said:

I don't understand the players'stubbornness on the extra playoff opportunities.

Yes, it water downs the regular season, but why plant your flag on this issue?

If the ownership group was willing to share some of those gains, it would already be done.  I would bet money it isn't the games or the teams, but the lack of cash flowing back to the players.

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Just now, HOFHurt35 said:

I don't understand the players'stubbornness on the extra playoff opportunities.

Yes, it water downs the regular season, but why plant your flag on this issue?

They want their main asks (higher min salary, higher CBT and closer to their $100M bonus pool to give the owners their 14 teams. 

Unfortunately, the garbage 14 team playoffs are happening. But it’s better than no baseball. 

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4 minutes ago, HOFHurt35 said:

I don't understand the players' stubbornness on the extra playoff opportunities.

Yes, it water downs the regular season, but why plant your flag on this issue?

taking less revenue to do more work. non starter. I know we think these guys have cushy jobs (and they do relatively) but they are workers none the less and have legit concerns here about the direction MLB is headed both for them and the fans.

Edited by chitownsportsfan
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7 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:


I said the other day that I thought the players would agree to $230M, it was just a matter of the owners moving there.  If true that's a major sticking point that looks to have a working compromise.

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17 minutes ago, HOFHurt35 said:

I don't understand the players' stubbornness on the extra playoff opportunities.

Yes, it water downs the regular season, but why plant your flag on this issue?

It is the players largest bargaining chip to get what they are asking for.  I can't say the players are opposed to post season expansion, but without proper compensation it does boil down to more work for less pay.  

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I'm reluctantly fine with 12 team playoffs...

I'd be reluctantly ok with 14 IF and ONLY IF there were massive incentives to being a top team (division winner). Like Ghost wins + home field.

I'd rather lockout than a straight-up 14 team playoffs. Fuck that mess.

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