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Concrete list of Free Agents


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Yahoo Sports List of Free Agents


Just thought a more concrete list of free agents would be appreciated.


Interesting players

-Mike Timlin

-Tom Martin

-Curtis Leskanic

-Latroy Hawkins

-Shigetoshi Hasegawa (we would only be overpaying if we got him)

-Jason Grimsley

-Wilson Alvarez

-Antonio Alfonseca (just kidding)

-Sidney Ponson

-Carl Pavano

-Cory Lidle

-Livan Hernandez

-Rick Helling

-Pedro Astacio

-Brian Anderson

-Raul Ibanez??? (dreaming)

-Rich Aurilia

-Miguel Tejada

-Luis Castillo

-Andy Fox

-Fernando Vina

-J.T. Snow

-Scott Spiezio



In bold are those that create a stirring in my boxers.

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I wouldn't mind Leskanic as a cheap bullpen guy.


He's had a few good seasons and he's closed before.


Threw pretty well for the Royals after he was dealt there this past season as well.


If we could get him cheap, why not.

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The guys I want on that list are:


Pavano, Alvarez, Castillo, Cabrera, Hasegawa, or Hawkins.


Pavano seems like he's figured out how to get guys out in the big league's now.


As for Alvarez he had a tremendous second half for L.A.


We all know about Castillo and Cabrera and Hasegawa or Hawkins would help our bullpen out a ton.



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Where are you seeing Cabrera on that list?  He would be awesome in Chicago duds though.

I thought Cabrera was a free agent? With all the talk about him I could have sworn he was, oh well I'd still like the Sox to try and trade for him since Montreal is dumping salary.



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I'd take Astacio for 5th starter in a heartbeat. I had no idea he was a FA. I'd rather see him than Ponson, Weaver, or Alvarez. He may come somewhat cheap too considering his last season and a half (injuries and resulting inconsistency).


Grimsley, Leksanic, and Hawkins for the pen.


Probably none of the position players except for Tejada, Ibanez, or Castillo, who I'm really not all that sold on. Luis had some sort of leg (knee, hip?) surgery prior to this season and we've seen his SBs and SB% drop considerably this season. Spezio would be alright but I think he's just another station-to-station guy that we really don't need. Aurillia at short, if he can play that position, would be a decent experiment. He's got skills, just needs to put it all together.


It's going to be a very interesting winter.

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I'd take Astacio for 5th starter in a heartbeat.  I had no idea he was a FA.  I'd rather see him than Ponson, Weaver, or Alvarez.  He may come somewhat cheap too considering his last season and a half (injuries and resulting inconsistency). 


Grimsley, Leksanic, and Hawkins for the pen.


Probably none of the position players except for Tejada, Ibanez, or Castillo, who I'm really not all that sold on.  Luis had some sort of leg (knee, hip?) surgery prior to this season and we've seen his SBs and SB% drop considerably this season. Spezio would be alright but I think he's just another station-to-station guy that we really don't need.  Aurillia at short, if he can play that position, would be a decent experiment.  He's got skills, just needs to put it all together.


It's going to be a very interesting winter.

I think I do remember that about Luis. I am not sold on Grimsley either. He did well at times, but also struggled at times. I never really though about Pedro Astacio. I would easily live with him as our 5th guy.

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I really think the Sox figure they've already got their #2 - #5 starters in place, namely, Buerhle-Loiaza-Garland-Schoewenweis.


The question is who is #1 ... Colon, or someone else. They've already said plan A is getting Colon signed, if not, they're on to Plan B.


Right now, the bullpen has a cast of:


Koch, Marte, Gordon, Sullivan, Wunsch, Wright, maybe Adkins, maybe Ginter.


Of those bullpen guys, I think the only sure returnees are Koch (basically untradeable) and Marte. I might include Wright in there because I'd imagine they want to keep him and his value is probably low right now until he proves he's healthy.


Gordon has been referring to himself in the the 3rd person again "Flash has proved he can close games again" so that means his big ego has once again kicked in ... and he'll sign elsewhere (Cubs, anyone?). Sullivan may not have his option picked up, although I hope they do.


I hope they're as tired of Wunsch's inconsistency as I am and he gets moved. Adkins and Ginter are, unfortunately, just spare parts.


What this means is ... the bullpen is as much or more of a concern than the starting rotation. If Colon doesn't re-sign, they know they need to go out and sign a high-end rotation guy like Ponson or Millwood.


If Koch can't figure things out, they'd likely put Marte into the closer role, which I wouldn't mind. Unless Gordon re-ups, which I doubt. If they get rid of Wunsch, the situational lefty spot could possibly go to Munoz, Sanders, or even Bullard.

They'd still need a 7th/8th inning guy, which is why I hope they keep Sullivan.


As for long relief, I just don't think they'll relegate Dan Wright to that spot. Here is a guy who won 14 games and was hurt much of the year ... and I also believe mishandled to an extent. It would not surprise me if he didn't start on a rehab assignment or in AAA if he's got any options left (doubtful), and step in if someone falters or doesn't finally take a step up (Garland).


Rauch is also in the picture, assuming he's not traded. And there's a reason why Mitch Wylie is pitching in the fall league ... my guess is they think he'd make a good Sean Lowe type ... long relief, spot starter, etc. They've got to first decide whether he gets a spot on the 40 man ... right now, he's not on.


To me, the key is to build from the bullpen out. They've got 4 starters now, not counting Colon. They count Shoewenweis as a starter because that's what they've said all along, they want him to be the #5 guy, plus he wants to be a starter.


The bullpen is where the big questions are, folks.

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A few guys that haven't been mentioned much and caught my eye were:


1B Travis Lee - Spiezio and Fullmer have been talked about a lot, but Lee put together a nice year last year and only made 500K(likely to get a nice pay increase).


2B Todd Walker - I found it interesting that the guy thought Alomar was likely to leave. I think Walker could be a nice signing if his price isn't too high. His defense leaves something to be desired, but it is hard to argue with his career batting average of .290 and career OPS of .780. I think the area that the Sox offense needs to improve the most is batting averge and Walker would be a better addition then Alomar if they are looking for similar money.


OF Mike Cameron - I think there is a possibility that the Sox might move Maggs and/or Lee this offseason, especially if Colon is resigned, and I think Cameron would be a nice pick up if Maggs were moved(would probably save the Sox about 7M in 2004). The thing that interests me is his home and away splits. I think his numbers have been severely affected by playing half of his games in Safeco, and I feel like he could be a mid-.800 OPS guy with a home park like Commisky, not to mention his GG calibur D in CF


OF Raul Ibanez - I have a feeling that KC will keep him, but he could be a nice addition if Maggs or Lee is moved and the Sox are looking for a cheaper replacement.


OF Reggie Sanders - The guy quitely had one of the best seasons in baseball last year by posting a .913 OPS, and turned out to be one of the best bargains at 1M. He has still got some pop, decent speed, solid D, and could be had at a bargain price if either Lee or Maggs is moved.


SP Miguel Batista - I have always liked this guy. He throws nothing straight, and he could be a nice find if the Sox don't resign Colon. He quitely put up a 3.54 ERA last year and I love the fact that he is a groundball pitcher. He might be had for 4-5M/yr.


SP Carl Pavano - As someone else pointed out he could be a good find at a pretty cheap price. He has pretty good stuff and is still young.


RP Chad Fox - This guy has pretty electric stuff and could be had for a cheap price, maybe around 1M.


RP Kerry Ligtenberg - He was a closer before and put together a solid year. He could be a nice find in the 1.5-2M range.


RP Mike Timlin - Has been a closer before and could be had in the 1.5-2M range. The thing that I love the most about him is his 9 BB in 83.2 IP. That is plain sick.


These are the guys that caught my eye, haven't been mentioned much, and could be nice bargains.

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It was reported by Yahoo that Travis Lee is expected back next year in Tampa with an option of 2.5 million.


Also commenting on Wunsch. Wunsch won't be going anywhere anytime soon, and I don't understand why he would. Also before we put a lot of faith into guys like Sanders and Munoz I believe we would pickup a free agent lefty like Tom Martin or Steve Kline.

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