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21 hours ago, BFirebird said:

That 6th is actually T4....but the point still remains that I agree they seem really impatient at the plate.  Having Moncada back will jack up the walk rate a little bit, but how in the world did they have so many last year when you watch this team bat?

Lets compare walk rates this year vs. last year.  I know SSS and if you think it is an anomaly last year it is essentially the same lineup.

Player         2022        2021

Grandal      16.7%.      23.2%.     HUGE difference

Abreu.         8.9%.       9.3%.        Same

Vaughn.       8.3%.       8.7%          Same

Moncada.     6.7%.     13.6%         Really just entered lineup so a big negative effect

Sheets.          6%.         8.9%          Decent dip

Engel.            5.8%        7.9%          Decent dip

Robert.          5.3%        4.7%           Somehow better?  Still not good

Burger.          5.2%         9.5%          Pretty big dip

Eloy                 5.1%        6.9%          Decent dip

Pollock.           4.5%        7.1%.         Pretty big dip

TA                    2.7%        2.7%           Amazingly exactly the same

Leury               2.6%        8.6%            HUGE difference (he has noticeably been waaaaay super aggressive compared to last year - he is definitely part of the anomaly from last year)

Harrison          1.6%        5.6%           He is just bad so.....


So looking at this:

1.  Some guys (Abreu, Vaughn, TA, Robert - somehow has better rate) are at the same, while others have fallen off a cliff with walks (Grandal, Pollock, Leury/Harrison - group them together) or we have not received many yet due to injury (Moncada).

2.  With Moncada back (he had some good swings last night) and in the 2 hole, they should get more walks. 

3. If Grandal starts hitting, he will also get more walks....right now he is being pitched to because he isn't doing anything with the baseball.

4. Some of the main cogs are at the same rate as last year and I don't mind some aggressiveness (TA, Robert) but with lesser players (Sheets, Pollock, Leury/Harrison) I feel like they need to take a different approach especially being at the bottom of the order.  Their job should be to try and get on base in any fashion and spoil off pitches.  Leury did this last year and it was actually the one thing he was good at.  Pollock has decent walk rates in the past and Sheets should also be able to do this.



Moncada will up our walk rate being back and we need Grandal to snap out of it not only to drive in more runs but just be on base.  These 2 alone will probably get you back to middle of the pack.  If you can get the bottom of the lineup to see 30-40 more pitches a game that effects how long the SP can last and they will definitely draw more walks.  It almost feels like everyone in the lineup thinks they need a hit to get out of this team slump when really a more patient approach will probably do the trick because they will see some worse pitchers in the 5th and 6th than the SP.


Also....start hitting the ball in the air.  I 100% agree with everyone that they hit WAAAAAY too many groundballs....but that was even an issue last year.  Is that a Menechino thing with just trying to make contact and strikeout less?  But they seem to hit an inordinate amount of groundballs.

Nice data find.  I think the entire team is pressing.  They know they aren't hitting and may be trying to do to much.  The old trying to hit a 8 run homer syndrome.  I agree and have stated the last several years that we don't make pitchers work enough and swing at some absolutely awful pitches at the worst time.  Menecchino has to be feeling the heat because you can't fire the team but  you can fire a coach.  I hope that he is taking players and looking at the video and challenging them.  Players will swing at some bad pitches but he needs to ask "what was your thought process here"?  The coach should be involved in what the process is each night for working the pitchers they are likely to see.  If a player is pressing so badly that they can't execute the plan (or worse ignore the plan) they may need some bench time to understand a mutually agreed upon plan should be followed.

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sigh, nothings changed. Different players....20 years later watching the Yankees and we still do not understand how to hit or extend an at-bat like that organization does. This series reminds me of last year vs the Astros where it is clear we are not on their level and will not be unless something big changes within this organization. 

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