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Josh Donaldson called Tim Anderson "Jackie"


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21 minutes ago, black jack said:

I should probably end the conversation here because typically when someone like me asks questions, it ends badly.  But the topic was raised on a public forum so I'm going to use this opportunity to educate myself.


It's all very confusing to me.  If you're born a man, but relate to being a woman, doesn't that just mean you're a homosexual that dresses as a woman?  

Or can a man who feels like he's a woman still be attracted to woman meaning he thinks he's lesbian?  

Does sexual attraction have nothing to do with it?  

It sounds like a very difficult situation to be born into.  

Is therapy an option to help you cope or possibly (any word I insert here will come off as ignorant) fix these issues? 



I'm not sure I'll ever fully understand. 

How did this thread turn into this.

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1 hour ago, shoeless_joe21 said:

I'm trans. For so many years of my life, there wasn't a day that went by that I didn't think about killing myself. Gradually, I stopped socializing altogether and just sort of let my friendships fade away, because I wanted to hurt as few people as possible when I left.

It's not necessary that a comedian "goes after" someone like me. Everyone I cared about already did that, without knowing it, when I was growing up. It was just one of those things that was acceptable to mock. The only time I ever saw another person like me, it was on trash TV like Springer and presented as a freakshow. I never had to wonder how people felt about me, because eventually they volunteered their feelings through a hurtful joke. My friends, teachers, bosses, even my siblings and parents.

I'm not saying Chappelle can't make trans jokes or should be "canceled" for doing so. I'm just asking, why do it? Why punch down? It's hack comedy, and it emboldens bigots to continue viewing people like me as subhuman.

The Josh Donaldsons of the world have always been there, and probably always will be. But I never dreamed that there could be so many Yasmani Grandals. People willing to stand up for me, or at least, give me the basic human dignity we all should be afforded. So, if given the choice, why not be a Grandal?

Just want to say thanks for taking the time to share this the board. ?

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43 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

LOL.  Both sides.  Two hot heads.  Totally equivalent.

If you a PoC this wouldn't be your position as someone on the receiving side of it.

Now we're simply circling back to the "just shut up and play" argument that dates back to Kapaernick and LeBron.

Did TA's skin color change since 2019....

Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019


So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment. 

Is it a disrespectful comment, sure.  Is Donaldson an ass, sure.  But who called it a racist comment first, a 80 year old mouth piece for the image conscious team that was probably told what to say specifically which is why he wouldn't comment further.  

Is it a racist comment if Hicks said it TA, no

Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no

Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no

The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately 

Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today

We are all one.  So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form

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56 minutes ago, black jack said:

This was posted while I was typing and honestly, it leaves more questions than answers to me. 

I tried to give a general explanation.  I’m not trans so my understanding is imperfect.  I’m happy to try to explain more via PM if you are genuinely interested in trying to learn.

Edited by Tnetennba
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57 minutes ago, black jack said:


Forgive my ignorance, but I don't understand what trans means.  Google has a bunch of different meanings.

Is it someone that was born with both sexes or it someone that was born certain sex, but thinks they are the other?

Again, if this comes off as insensitive, I apologize.  Not my intention at all.  Sometimes the best way to end discrimination or perceived discrimination is by educating.    


If you'd rather not respond, I understand.  Maybe in a private message?

Apologies for distracting from TA's situation, but since it was already being discussed I felt compelled to share my perspective.

Don't feel bad at all, black jack. You have the willingness to understand, and that's all I would ever ask of anyone. Thank you. I totally understand how confusing it all is, and would be happy to try to answer any questions you have via PM.

Thank you everyone for your support. Truly, thank you so much.

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1 minute ago, Polar Bear said:

Did TA's skin color change since 2019....

Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019


So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment.

Just because we didn't hear about it until 2022 doesn't mean it wasn't a racist comment in 2019 and doesn't mean it wasn't received that way in 2019.


2 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no

Babe Ruth isn't known for being a pioneer in his race, so this is not a fair comparison


2 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no

Yes, though Asian Americans aren't discriminated against in this country to nearly the extent that black people are, so it would probably be less controversial.

4 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately 

Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today

So black people were enslaved in this country for over 100 years and systematically discriminated against for over 100 years after that, and we're just supposed to say, OK, now we'll just treat you as equal without fixing all the problems we caused them for 200 years?

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5 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Did TA's skin color change since 2019....

Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019


So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment. 

Is it a disrespectful comment, sure.  Is Donaldson an ass, sure.  But who called it a racist comment first, a 80 year old mouth piece for the image conscious team that was probably told what to say specifically which is why he wouldn't comment further.  

Is it a racist comment if Hicks said it TA, no

Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no

Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no

The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately 

Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today

We are all one.  So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form

Agree, the word "racist" has been thrown around way too much in the last few years. 

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1 hour ago, caulfield12 said:

The White Sox fanbase has changed...or we just always have had blinders on for those next to us in the crowd cheering for the same team.

It's one aspect of Reinsdorf's tenure that people can't quibble with...giving everyone opportunity regardless of race, religion or socio-economic background.

Following and watching sports is an escape, for me, from everyday worries and especially politics.  Now, however, with our overcharged political environment, I find it harder and harder to escape.  Whether it is listening to local sports talk radio and having to listen to someones political views or reading comments on soxtalk.

We all root for the Sox and political beliefs should not have any bearing.

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Just now, CentralChamps21 said:

So black people were enslaved in this country for over 100 years and systematically discriminated against for over 100 years after that, and we're just supposed to say, OK, now we'll just treat you as equal without fixing all the problems we caused them for 200 years?

So are you of the opinion that....

To solve racism we must practice racism 

You wanna know what the result of that will be, more racism in response to the racism that is in response to racism 

Its a never ending loop that has to be cut off or it will never end.  


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11 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Did TA's skin color change since 2019....

Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019


So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment. 

Is it a disrespectful comment, sure.  Is Donaldson an ass, sure.  But who called it a racist comment first, a 80 year old mouth piece for the image conscious team that was probably told what to say specifically which is why he wouldn't comment further.  

Is it a racist comment if Hicks said it TA, no

Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no

Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no

The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately 

Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today

We are all one.  So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form

The thing is its not a situation devoid of racism. Someone would have to be completely clueless to ignore that calling a black person "Jackie" that you're not particularly close with could easily be construed as racism.


Why do we give Donaldson the benefit of the doubt that he's smart enough to reference a three year old article and is solely riffing on Tim wanting to make baseball exciting, etc., but that he's not cognizant of how that can be interpreted? That's not something he's earned based on past interactions with this team and this player.

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1 minute ago, Polar Bear said:

So are you of the opinion that....

To solve racism we must practice racism 

You wanna know what the result of that will be, more racism in response to the racism that is in response to racism 

Its a never ending loop that has to be cut off or it will never end.  


To solve racism we must willingly provide people of color the opportunity to "catch up" to white people in terms of opportunity . To view doing so as being "racism" against white people is, in itself, a racist attitude.

Sorry if this is a touchy subject for me, a cousin of mine who is also one of my best friends married into a black family and I've heard first hand about all the shit they have to go through on a regular basis.


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15 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

Did TA's skin color change since 2019....

Did Donaldson's skin color change since 2019


So it wasn't a racist comment in 2019, 2020, or 2021 and their skin color has not changed and TA even didn't call it a racist comment when he could have.....wanna know why.....bc its not a racist comment. 

Is it a disrespectful comment, sure.  Is Donaldson an ass, sure.  But who called it a racist comment first, a 80 year old mouth piece for the image conscious team that was probably told what to say specifically which is why he wouldn't comment further.  

Is it a racist comment if Hicks said it TA, no

Is it a racist comment if a white player calls himself the next Babe Ruth and a black player calls him Babe over a 3 year span making fun of him....no

Is it racist if an Asian player calls himself the next ichiro and another race calls him ichiro...no

The concept of looking at everything through the lens of color is inherently racist in its own right because it is based in treating those of different races separately 

Bringing racism into something that is entirely devoid of racism is the problem with things today

We are all one.  So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form

If you don't see the racist undertones here, you don't want to.  You might even not be able to understand them because of your upbringing,  but that doesn't mean they aren't there, nor can you just handwave them away.  Understanding the explicit racism that Robinson experienced and why TA could connect to that is 100% race based.  Pretending that racism doesn't exist doesn't fix the problem. 

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22 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

We are all one.  So people need to stop looking at a person's skin color and defining what they are allowed to do and not do based on their skin color....thats racism in its purist form

I can’t believe we are still doing “Skin color doesn’t matter” in 2022.

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16 minutes ago, The Mighty Mite said:

Agree, the word "racist" has been thrown around way too much in the last few years. 

Too much for what?


I don't know if it was racist or not. But what has been thrown around way too much the last few years is the stuff where other people tell black people not to be offended, or that they don't understand 'tone'

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6 minutes ago, Polar Bear said:

So are you of the opinion that....

To solve racism we must practice racism 

You wanna know what the result of that will be, more racism in response to the racism that is in response to racism 

Its a never ending loop that has to be cut off or it will never end.  


The wealth transfer that has happened over centuries because of racism and racist policies is a real thing.  If your opponent gets a 50 meter head start in a 100 meter race, you don't get to claim the race was fair because the last 50 meters were run equally.  The irony here is that your last sentence was 100% correct, but for 100% the wrong reasons.

In 2019 the average white family in the US had almost $200k in wealth.  The average black family was $25k.  Even if you were able to wave a magic wand to make every single bit of racism in the US disappear, that gap does not because wealth is transferred generationally.  These are people who start from behind in wealth, live in substandard neighborhoods, attend substandard schools, with lower funding, and have fewer work opportunities even when of equal qualifications in the job market.

This IS a never ending loop that will never go away unless something is done.



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Just now, Chick Mercedes said:

Too much for what?


I don't know if it was racist or not. But what has been thrown around way too much the last few years is the stuff where other people tell black people not to be offended, or that they don't understand 'tone'

Its the 2022 version of "know your place, boy".  Same message, new words.

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8 minutes ago, Chick Mercedes said:

Too much for what?


I don't know if it was racist or not. But what has been thrown around way too much the last few years is the stuff where other people tell black people not to be offended, or that they don't understand 'tone'

Just watch what comes out of Joy Reids mouth, if you don't agree with her, you are a racist.

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