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Wanna hear some old Sox-and-Roll sound bites?


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Is that HSC's voice I am hearing?  So good to hear some familiar voices in the bleak of winter

Yes it is, And Bagio too.


Sorry about all the un even cuts. This was thrown togeher from an old archiver that sucked ass. when chisport goes live, it will be much better then snr. we have a few more toys to play with on this broadcaster and more knowledge of the broadcaster

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Yeah, it was a bit uneven and the music was a bit louder than the talk and kind of was blowing my speakers - haven't spoken to Baggio enough to recognise his voice (met him only once, will have to make up for that in 2003). But I caught your voice and HSC's and JoeyBatters. Was fun -- I didn't hear anyone reading my don't bash Royce emails which I think I sent a bunch of one game, too bad that wasn't archived because I could imagine your all responses!

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i think we ripped royce just for you on that one cw......lol.......just think you can now drive about 2 hours further north and still see him when you get those jitters......lol.......hes still too close to the south side for comfort as far as im concerned..... wish he would have taken up with a team on the left coast instead.....the further from chicago he is the better ill feel..............lmao

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Just wait until Royce's magic bat and super glove destroy that minor league north side team -- then you will love Royce!


And as you know, I said a long time ago it was time for him to go, and Jose too. Let the future play, Harris and Jimenez.

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