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Is it just me

The Beast

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By saying "Is it just me"...


...are you saying that YOU developed a Latina sexy chica body early in puberty???


:o  :ph34r:  :P  :lol:

:lolhitting :lolhitting :lolhitting

:D :D :D :D

I must say today has been an extra funny day on here. Some funny ass posts today.

NO doubt :headbang AND you I may add have contributed

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Or do Latino chicas develop sexy bodies early in puberty :lol:

I knew the real Beastly would go back to old form. :bang f*** that s*** of "taking advice to become a better poster." I have a feeling that by tomorrow this might be a 7 page thread; once again devoted to insulting Beastly.

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that organized religion is detrimental to society as people use it to justify their causes.





I could probably argue that I'm among the most "religious" (haha..believe it or not) on this board and I coudn't agree with you more. Jesus must cry sometimes(or a whole lot) in heaven...men and women, mostly men though, have hijacked something amazing and turned it into....


I'll just stop there.

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I knew the real Beastly would go back to old form.  :bang  f*** that s*** of "taking advice to become a better poster."  I have a feeling that by tomorrow this might be a 7 page thread; once again devoted to insulting Beastly.

WHATS wrong with beastley he just stated a fact, beastleys the s***

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that organized religion is detrimental to society as people use it to justify their causes.





I could probably argue that I'm among the most "religious" (haha..believe it or not) on this board and I coudn't agree with you more. Jesus must cry sometimes(or a whole lot) in heaven...men and women, mostly men though, have hijacked something amazing and turned it into....


I'll just stop there.

Yeah, I actually went to Catholic school but have been completely turned off by organized religion.

P.S. You messed up the Hot chicks thread for a while.

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well, I would hope you still search for truth in what the bible has to say, just stay away from the catholics, the methodists, the baptists, the.......



how did I mess it up??

Yeah, I do follow what the Bible says, I just don't practice Catholicism (I don't go to Church ever).


The link you posted to that picture has some sort of error and messed up page 32 on the thread. Jason fixed it based on my suggestion.

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WHATS wrong with beastley he just stated a fact, beastleys the s***

Well, I dont know if its a fact. And I dont have any problem with Beastly; I was just refering back to his thread where he was taking input from people on what he should do to become a better post. I said he has to stop creating dumb threads.....

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I probably wont be back on til November...going pheasant hunting in SD. I'd like to believe in a God, but I just need more proof.

If you could prove without doubt that there is a God then there would be no room for faith. There is evidence all around. Just keep looking.

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I probably wont be back on til November...going pheasant hunting in SD. I'd like to believe in a God, but I just need more proof.

Damn, topics change quick in here. Im about to go philosphical on your asses, so hold on.


Im not one of those people who say (when asked about God) "HES ALL AROUND YOU," but seriously consider our situation. Every element in this universe was perfectly balance just for Earth to exist. Then think of everything that went right for organisms to take form......then for evolution. Too many things seem to be going just right for me to think theres no God. The odds alone for the Earth to exist have to astronomical, then adding everything else just makes it mind boggling.

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My flaws aren't with god, mine are with organized religion. Don't want to get into a huge debate. I think its great that people have spirtitual things they can look to and look forward too.


I believe in a god, but I don't believe I need to go to church to worship him and get into heaven or anything like that.


I've seen way too many people that go to church every week that the rest of their lives are a complete sham yet they feel they are better then you and such.


I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life. Thats my religion.

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My flaws aren't with god, mine are with organized religion.  Don't want to get into a huge debate.  I think its great that people have spirtitual things they can look to and look forward too.


I believe in a god, but I don't believe I need to go to church to worship him and get into heaven or anything like that.


I've seen way too many people that go to church every week that the rest of their lives are a complete sham yet they feel they are better then you and such.


I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life.  Thats my religion.

This is exactly the same way I feel.

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1)My flaws aren't with god, mine are with organized religion. 


2)I believe in a god,


3)but I don't believe I need to go to church to worship him and get into heaven or anything like that.


4)I've seen way too many people that go to church every week that the rest of their lives are a complete sham yet they feel they are better then you and such.


5)I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life.  Thats my religion.

1) I sense a theme...a theme that should concern the modern church


2) cool


3) while I think you don't need to go to church, especially to worship God, the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist.


4) consult #1


5) I totally agree with you, I'd just consult #3 and you're golden.


all IMHO....as long as we keep the discussion civilized, I like talking about this stuff.

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1)My flaws aren't with god, mine are with organized religion. 


2)I believe in a god,


3)but I don't believe I need to go to church to worship him and get into heaven or anything like that.


4)I've seen way too many people that go to church every week that the rest of their lives are a complete sham yet they feel they are better then you and such.


5)I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life.  Thats my religion.

1) I sense a theme...a theme that should concern the modern church


2) cool


3) while I think you don't need to go to church, especially to worship God, the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist.


4) consult #1


5) I totally agree with you, I'd just consult #3 and you're golden.


all IMHO....as long as we keep the discussion civilized, I like talking about this stuff.

Actually as a Christian #5 is totally and completely wrong. There is a very specific life that God, and Christ in the New Testament, says that we are to live. You should be better read than that PA.

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5)I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life.  Thats my religion


There is a very specific life that God, and Christ in the New Testament, says that we are to live


my "one philosphy" is the teachings of Christ. I try my best to treat people right (although I fail miserably every day), and I think God rewards us when follow His path, follow His guidance, etc.



Obviously his statement is completely over-generalized for what I believe, I was just agreeing that those things are a good foundation. :rolleyes: ;)


or am I wrong?

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My flaws aren't with god, mine are with organized religion.  Don't want to get into a huge debate.  I think its great that people have spirtitual things they can look to and look forward too.


I believe in a god, but I don't believe I need to go to church to worship him and get into heaven or anything like that.


I've seen way too many people that go to church every week that the rest of their lives are a complete sham yet they feel they are better then you and such.


I just live my life under one philosphy, try your best to treat people right and you will be rewarded in life.  Thats my religion.

That's my outlook on things as well. I was really religious (thought about entering the convent for a short while) until the age of 16. That's when alot of allegations of child abuse in the church started coming out and the church decided to protect the adults instead of the children. That was enough for me.


I hope that God would rather people live a good life rather than not doing good but showing up for an hour to make sure everyone sees you going to church and praying. I do believe in God, I've experienced too much to think there isn't a God.

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my "one philosphy" is the teachings of Christ. I try my best to treat people right (although I fail miserably every day), and I think God rewards us when follow His path, follow His guidance, etc.



Obviously his statement is completely over-generalized for what I believe, I was just agreeing that those things are a good foundation. :rolleyes:  ;)


or am I wrong?

Just checking. Because of the dissection of the modern institution that is the church further and further away from the Bible, a lot of misconceptions exsist of how to reach the afterlife. A common one has become the "good life" philosophy. And according to the Bible that couldn't be further from the truth. I saw what you posted and just wanted to make sure that you hadn't fallen into that trap. Just looking out for ya. ;)

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[3) while I think you don't need to go to church, especially to worship God, the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Exactly when did you become privy to information that proves that "the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist."? If this is a theory you believe in, then cool, but please don't post it as if it is an indisputable fact(If that's what you meant). Why would something like a god, who must obviously have knowledge and abilities beyond anything we could dream of create a species whose main purpose would be to worship the very thing that put them there? What would be the point? To give thanks for life? Why? Is life that great? How do you know?--what can you compare it to?


My take is: if I could somehow eradicate all organized religions from the planet, I'd do so in a heartbeat. Nothing has been responsible for more crimes against innocent people throughout history than religion. IMO, ALL organized religions were created and modified by clever people over the years who got off on power trips and being considered as a higher being than other humans. IMO, the whole faith thing is a load of crap drawn up by these aforementioned folks to A)explain away the myriad of questions they could not possibly accurately answer, and B)to ensure their subjects didn't go off looking for the answers themselves.


I consider myself an agnostic, because I believe that if there were a god or higher power that created everything, then it's something surely too complex for a human's mind by comparison to even remotely comprehend. Good=heaven, Bad=hell? That's the best the Supreme Being could come up with? Give me a break. And why did all direct contact between god and people happen over 2000 years ago? Interesting that ever since the Industrial Revolution, there have been no great floods, no talking bushes, no provable miracles, nothing. Perhaps if Geraldo Rivera, or thesmokinggun.com existed back then, then at least all bible-based religions would have been exposed as scams years ago. Again, these are just my opinions, no disrespect to anyone who disagrees.

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[3) while I think you don't need to go to church, especially to worship God, the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist.



Whoa, whoa, whoa. Exactly when did you become privy to information that proves that "the act of worshipping God is the single highest reason that we as humans even exhist."? If this is a theory you believe in, then cool, but please don't post it as if it is an indisputable fact(If that's what you meant). Why would something like a god, who must obviously have knowledge and abilities beyond anything we could dream of create a species whose main purpose would be to worship the very thing that put them there? What would be the point? To give thanks for life? Why? Is life that great? How do you know?--what can you compare it to?


My take is: if I could somehow eradicate all organized religions from the planet, I'd do so in a heartbeat. Nothing has been responsible for more crimes against innocent people throughout history than religion. IMO, ALL organized religions were created and modified by clever people over the years who got off on power trips and being considered as a higher being than other humans. IMO, the whole faith thing is a load of crap drawn up by these aforementioned folks to A)explain away the myriad of questions they could not possibly accurately answer, and B)to ensure their subjects didn't go off looking for the answers themselves.


I consider myself an agnostic, because I believe that if there were a god or higher power that created everything, then it's something surely too complex for a human's mind by comparison to even remotely comprehend. Good=heaven, Bad=hell? That's the best the Supreme Being could come up with? Give me a break. And why did all direct contact between god and people happen over 2000 years ago? Interesting that ever since the Industrial Revolution, there have been no great floods, no talking bushes, no provable miracles, nothing. Perhaps if Geraldo Rivera, or thesmokinggun.com existed back then, then at least all bible-based religions would have been exposed as scams years ago. Again, these are just my opinions, no disrespect to anyone who disagrees.

it's my quote, so I suppose I'll respond to it.


Certainly my statement won't be true for anyone outside the bible believing world, but if you follow Christ's teachings at all, worshipping God is what is required and held most dearly to Him. I'm not saying there aren't a number of other principles that shouldn't be valued, espcially loving your neighboor and treating others around you better than yourself.


all I'm saying is there are over 100 entries of "worshipping God" in the bible, and there are 5 entries for "being good"


I'm just saying...

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all I'm saying is there are over 100 entries of "worshipping God" in the bible, and there are 5 entries for "being good"

So, by that thought, I can be the biggest jagoff (cheap, mean, nasty etc.), but as but as long as I go to Church and say 'Yay God" I am okay. :huh:


Not trying to be a smartass, that is something that I never understood that the Catholic church seems to push - go to church, give us money and we'll pretend the rest never happened.

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