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7/12 GT Gm 1 @NoonCT: Sox play 2 today, if you care


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Just now, bmags said:

I think he's a for real future starter. Just needs to keep improving command and strength. Stuff is there.

Martin got hurt by poor defense from Eloy, and not getting the memo of not letting Ramirez beat you.  I would have walked Ramirezto get to Reyes, who is a righty and hitting .220.

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Just now, HahnsKiddieTable said:

Hahn nearly succeeded in signing both Wheeler and Machado, yet here we are. 

He nearly succeeded with Wheeler. I don't think they were anywhere close with Machado. Didn't they have a 250 million offer masquerading as a 300 million offer?

I thought Machado then just waited around until a real offer came about and the rest is history.

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3 minutes ago, bmags said:

At least the guy went after guys like Cabrera when they became available (and nearly succeeded)

The guy went out and a scouted Abreu, came back and convinced the cheap ass owner to write a massive check for a late 20s players who too many was a high risk based on age and quality of competition. 

Enough said. 


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3 minutes ago, fathom said:

Would have helped that inning if Yoan wasn’t allergic to walking

Indeed.  Would also help if Gavin could just elevate the ball in those spots.  A fly ball would have been fine. 

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Just now, kitekrazy said:

So did many other teams.

What’s your point? Both struck out on their guy. I’m sure there were other teams in on Cabrera. Hahn plays a major part in this but both are steering this ship behind the scenes. Yes KW goes and fills his holes but he does it with the typical “KW” always gets his man type of guy that is 2-3 years beyond their time

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23 minutes ago, reiks12 said:

Anyone else hoping the Sox keep playing like this? Like really tank, im hoping for 15 losses in a row. 

No way will I hope for the White Sox to lose, can't do it. Even with a long losing streak there is no guarantee that any firings will be forthcoming.  I get it that fans are fed up with this team and they have every right to be but don't count me in as wanting the team to continue to lose.

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23 minutes ago, wegner said:

My current guess is that the team comes alive somewhat in Game 2 and they win again tomorrow, so we can think ok just sweep the Twins and that is a great end of the first half.  Of course even if they win the next 2, they probably lose 3 out of 4 to the Twinkies.

Coming back to win the final two games of this series would be a welcome result and then let the chips fall where they may with the Twins.

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