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Fire Rick Hahn

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It's unlikely the Sox win 3 out of 4 against Tampa, which means the upcoming Twins series will likely be the Sox' best chance for a series win before tying the worst stretch over the past 25 seasons, including the tanking era.

Seven consecutive series losses ties the longest stretch (Twenty Four Winless Series Stretch) among the periods listed below.

Latest White Sox Eight Series Winless Streak: 0-7-1 (March 30, 2023 - April 25, 2023, ongoing) - Rick Hahn Declared "Multi Championship Window" Season

  • Split 2-2 at Houston Astros (12-11)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. San Francisco Giants (9-13)
  • Lost 1-2 at Pittsburgh Pirates (16-7)
  • Lost 1-2 at Minnesota Twins (13-10)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Baltimore Orioles (15-7)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Philadelphia Phillies (11-12)
  • Swept 0-3 at Tampa Bay (20-3)
  • Down 0-2 at Toronto (14-9) pending the finale Wednesday afternoon.

Latest White Sox Nine & Ten Series Winless Streak: 0-9-1 (July 3, 2017 - August 6, 2017) - Rick Hahn Declared "Rebuilding" Season

  • Lost 1-2 at Oakland Athletics (75-87)
  • Lost 1-2 at Colorado Rockies (87-75)
  • Swept 0-3 vs. Seattle Mariners (78-84)
  • Swept 0-2 vs. Los Angeles Dodgers (104-58)
  • Swept 0-3 at Kansas City Royals (80-82)
  • Split 1-1 at Chicago Cubs (92-70)
  • Swept 0-2 vs. Chicago Cubs (92-70)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Cleveland MLB Team (102-60)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Toronto Blue Jays (76-86)
  • Swept 0-4 at Boston Red Sox (93-69)

Latest White Sox Eleven & Twelve Series Winless Streak: 0-7-5 (September 24, 1996 - April 30, 1997) - Manager Terry Bevington

  • Split 1-1 vs. Kansas City Royals (75-86)
  • Lost 1-2 at Minnesota Twins (78-84) - 1996 Season Ending Series
  • Split 1-1 at Toronto Blue Jays (76-86)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Detroit Tigers (79-83)
  • Swept 0-2 vs. Toronto Blue Jays (76-86)
  • Lost 1-2 at Detroit Tigers (79-83)
  • Swept 0-2 at Texas Rangers (77-85)
  • Split 1-1 vs. Baltimore Orioles (98-64)
  • Lost 1-3 vs. New York Yankees (96-66)
  • Split 1-1 at Baltimore Orioles (98-64)
  • Lost 1-2 at New York Yankees (96-66)
  • Split 1-1 vs. Texas Rangers (77-85)

Latest White Sox Thirteen & Fourteen Series Winless Streak: 0-10-4 (June 30, 1980 - August 20, 1980) - Manager Tony La Russa

  • Lost 1-3 vs. California Angels (65-95)
  • Split 2-2 vs. Oakland Athletics (83-79)
  • Split 1-1 vs. Baltimore Orioles (100-62)
  • Swept 0-3 vs. New York Yankees (103-59)
  • Lost 1-2 at Texas Rangers (76-85-2)
  • Lost 1-2 at Milwaukee Brewers (86-76)
  • Lost 1-3 at Kansas City Royals (97-65)
  • Split 2-2-1 vs. Texas Rangers (76-85-2)
  • Split 1-1 vs. Milwaukee Brewers (86-76)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Kansas City Royals (97-65)
  • Swept 0-3 at Baltimore Orioles (100-62)
  • Lost 1-2 at Boston Red Sox (83-77)
  • Lost 1-2 at New York Yankees (103-59) *
  • Lost 1-3 vs. Cleveland MLB Team (79-81) *

Note * - Does not include 1 Game Played hosting Boston on Friday August 15 (a 8-5 Loss). The remaining two games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday were rained out and not made up later in the season.

Latest White Sox Fifteen, Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-One, Twenty-Two, Twenty-Three & Twenty Four Series Winless Streak: 0-16-8 (May 15, 1970 - August 4, 1970) - Team played partial schedule previous two seasons in Milwaukee.

  • Split 2-2 vs. Kansas City Royals (65-97)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. California Angels (86-76)
  • Swept 0-4 vs, Oakland Athletics (89-73)
  • Lost 1-2 at Kansas City Royals (65-97)
  • Lost 1-2 at Boston Red Sox (87-75)
  • Lost 1-2 at Washington Senators II (70-92)
  • Lost 1-2 at New York Yankees (93-69-1)*
  • Split 1-1 vs. Boston Red Sox (87-75)*
  • Lost 1-3 vs. Washington Senators II (70-92)
  • Split 1-1 vs. New York Yankees (93-69-1)
  • Lost 1-3 at Oakland Athletics (89-73)
  • Lost 1-3 at California Angels (86-76)
  • Split 2-2 vs. Minnesota Twins (98-64)
  • Swept 0-3 vs. Oakland Athletics (89-73)
  • Lost 1-2 at Minnesota Twins (98-64)
  • Lost 2-3 at Milwaukee Brewers (65-97-1)
  • Lost 1-3 at Kansas City Royals (65-97)
  • Swept 0-3 vs. Detroit Tigers (79-83)
  • Lost 1-2 vs. Baltimore Orioles (108-54)
  • Lost 1-2 at Cleveland MLB Team (76-86)
  • Split 2-2 at Detroit Tigers (79-83)
  • Split 1-1 at Baltimore Orioles (108-54)
  • Split 2-2 vs. Cleveland MLB Team (76-86)
  • Split 1-1 vs. Kansas City Royals (65-97)

Note*: The White Sox also lost a single June 8th makeup game at Milwaukee 5-2. This game is not reflected above.

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On 4/23/2023 at 1:40 PM, The Beast said:

This is a great post. Thank you for sharing. I would be glad to have a clean slate when this team is sold, assuming Michael Reinsdorf will sell the team.

Thank you. I finally got around to watching the Hawk interview with AJ before the season. There was a thread here about the comment made about being fired/forced out. Many of us perhaps suspected that may have been the case. What I found more interesting were two comments regarding Brooks Boyer. If it were just Hawk, than one could also accept them with a grain of salt because he was dismissed, but it has been consistent with public reports primarily from Farmeo and Jason, and also consistent with personal conversations I've had with one prominent White Sox employee in the past.



Hawk Segment starts 52 Minutes in.


  • 57:50 Opposed to the pitching clock due to the nature of the game, allowing pitchers getting into a rhythm.
  • 1:01 - The importance of batter positioning in the box (or pitchers locations) and the importance of instilling a "sense of control" of the plate.
  • 1:05 - He did not want the GM Job, but Jerry talked him into it.
  • 1:06 - Jerry's word used to be his bond and the organization was a great place to work for. Brooks Boyer has influenced Jerry to the point neither of these attributes remain in the organization.
  • 1:08 - I got fired. 
  • 1:10 - Cleveland has a great manager. Sox have all these changes, Hawk never heard of Pedro). Went into the clubhouse issues he said he discussed with Jerry, the Latin players listening to music and the White players working their social media accounts, can't tell whether a team won or lost after the game in the clubhouse.
  • 1:12:50 - Manfred is trying to change the game, and doesn't know what the game entails, these changes are ridiculous.
  • 1:14 - Cleveland will win the Division, they asked about a wild card and he said he hopes, and that he still follows and roots for the team. Said 2022 was by far the worst White Sox year in all of Hawk's years around the club. There was no comradery, even Abreu said it in Houston, they weren't a team or family.
  • 1:14:50 - Said his criteria for a good manager is whether teams are playing hard for the team, not wins and losses. Are players busting their ass and into each game. If you have a team that busts their ass all the time, you have a good manager.

I really enjoyed the interview. I wasn't a huge fan of his style of broadcasting (did love his love of the team and baseball).

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1 minute ago, Dick Allen said:

Rick can't really believe he's a good GM can he?

That’s what I keep saying too. He’s a smart person. Intellectually, he has to know that he’s not fit for this position. I truly believe he will be fired this weekend.

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4 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

Rick can't really believe he's a good GM can he?

this is what I'm saying guys he's basically a hostage who sold his soul for the position and can't get out and just has to sit and watch how bad he is at it. Like that simpsons episode where Homer goes to the pilot bar and gets forced to fly the air craft, except after he crashes it the owner of the air craft company says he's doing great and to keep flying


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