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A Final Announcment


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I promise, this will be the final annoucnement in regards to what many have labeled, "Black Saturday" or the "Civil War".


After reading many emails and having a lot of discussions with the rest of the staff, we've though about it and realized a mistake was made, namely in my part.


Many mistakes were made that led up to that incident but the single largest mistake was made when we punished a mod, who had never done anything wrong.


The easy way out was to simply ban all the people involved in the situation. That was the easy way, not the proper way. In hindsight Vince shouldn't of been banned. These were ludicrous accusations that belong elsewhere. And its been shown that many of the individiuals involved were basically just starting crap which they have done on many other boards.


So I'm sorry for what went down that week. The site has made great steps forward the last week and that will continue with the addition of Vince, if he even accepts coming back.


Thanks everyone for continually supporting this site and if anyone ever wants to see things added to the site, dont' hesitate to post them or to email me, Mark, or Alex.

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Asshole :fyou




last weekend my grandson and I watched 2 fast 2 furious together and it was rather amazing that we both knew all the rappers on the sound track and in the film - "oh, that's Ludacris!" - and have seen together almost all of them in concert -

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I said it before and I'll say it again. I'm glad you're here and I'm pleased to see such a quick resolution and mending of last week's situation. Please keep your posts coming and let's put that in the past. Glad you're back!



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Yes, excellent decision to invite CW back, excellent decision on CW's part to comeback!


Welcome Back CW, I was worried I would be the only Michigan fan left :lol:


This is indeed the greatest day in the history of Soxtalk.


Welcome back :notworthy

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"Civil War"? WTF?   


Explain and quick.

a few bloody skirmishes led up to a major war.


BMR, Clu, Roman are kaput.


A few others decided to leave voluntarily.


See whitesoxfan56789's sig for the full list.

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"Civil War"? WTF?   


Explain and quick.

a few bloody skirmishes led up to a major war.


BMR, Clu, Roman are kaput.


A few others decided to leave voluntarily.


See whitesoxfan56789's sig for the full list.

that list is getting shorter and shorter everday, soon i hope to have no list at all except for BMR and CLU

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I promise, this will be the final annoucnement in regards to what many have labeled, "Black Saturday" or the "Civil War".


After reading many emails and having a lot of discussions with the rest of the staff, we've though about it and realized a mistake was made, namely in my part. 


Many mistakes were made that led up to that incident but the single largest mistake was made when we punished a mod, who had never done anything wrong. 


The easy way out was to simply ban all the people involved in the situation.  That was the easy way, not the proper way.  In hindsight Vince shouldn't of been banned.  These were ludicrous accusations that belong elsewhere.  And its been shown that many of the individiuals involved were basically just starting crap which they have done on many other boards. 


So I'm sorry for what went down that week.  The site has made great steps forward the last week and that will continue with the addition of Vince, if he even accepts coming back. 


Thanks everyone for continually supporting this site and if anyone ever wants to see things added to the site, dont' hesitate to post them or to email me, Mark, or Alex.

I'm so glad I stayed out of that whole mess.

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