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8/25- Sox at Orioles, 6:05


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  On 8/25/2022 at 11:58 PM, Capn12 said:

I can't fathom how there is legitimately any other team in the MLB that is somehow WORSE with RISP. How is it possible?


I feel like the sox probably have a better average, but their singles don't score anyone because they're so slow on top of having the worst 3b coach in ML history.

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We are 124 games in to the season. This team is exactly who they are. Nothing is changing at this point. We can all keep bemoaning the same shit over and over but it isn't changing. 

The 2022 White Sox are like the movie Groundhogs Day, Same thing, every game. If your going to continue to watch them and keep expecting things to change you will go mad.


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Here's my Soxmath question:

1) The position the White Sox are tied for right now

2) SUBTRACT the position the White Sox would be in with a competent manager

3) ADD the number of the incompetent manager the Sox currently have

4) SUBTRACT the number of the Sox last World Series MVP

5) DIVIDE by the number of people who aren't tired of the current manager

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