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Pacemaker comments from someone who has one.

The key thing is to know which type.  On a simplistic level, there's a basic pacemaker which helps people like me with a-fib to stay in regular heart rhythm.  There's also the pacemaker/defibrillator  which can shock you back into rhythm.  Obviously, this version is used for more severe underlying conditions.

The procedure itself is very simple and is usually done under light general anesthesia.  A circular disk goes under the skin just below the shoulder and wires run from the disk to heart wall.  Overnight your heart is monitored and if everything is okay, you go home the next morning.  I was told to take it very easy for 4-5 days, then easy for a couple of weeks, then live my life  - just nothing to strenuous for a while.

Many people commented about Tony's low energy level.  That likely will get a better if the underlying condition isn't too bad. 

We don't know enough to really speculate on the course of his recovery.


Edited by gogosox1959
correct spelling
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It is better health wise for LaRussa to not return. Baseball wise it is also good that he doesn't return. The team still shows its flaws, but is winning, and it doesn't need the LaRussa distraction. It also gives the Sox FO an out not to bring him back in 2023. The hiring shouldn't have happened, and now the situation is correcting itself.

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Listening to Whitesox Talk Podcast this morning and Garfein is saying his pacemaker was put in during spring training and something happened on August 30th that concerned doctors that required an adjustment to it. 

This in itself is a concern. The ownership allowed this guy to manage all season after an operation like that….wtf no wonder he is mr mumbles this season and seems so out of it. The dude should not be allowed back in the dugout simply whatsoever 

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A pacemaker can take you from listless to normal like magic.  Ask someone who had one done.  But some of this stuff sounds like it's also a perfect excuse for what needs to be done, and Tony's in on it.  Either way, we're in a big, big hole on the loss side and Cleveland has its momentum back.

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22 minutes ago, HahnsKiddieTable said:

Listening to Whitesox Talk Podcast this morning and Garfein is saying his pacemaker was put in during spring training and something happened on August 30th that concerned doctors that required an adjustment to it. 

This in itself is a concern. The ownership allowed this guy to manage all season after an operation like that….wtf no wonder he is mr mumbles this season and seems so out of it. The dude should not be allowed back in the dugout simply whatsoever 

It was fair for those of use who wondered when health issues might emerge.  Seems kind of sketch that the FO knowingly let him continue while also hiding that his health might be an issue.  Not that I am remotely surprised.  

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