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On ESPN insider, here is what they said.


Are the Bulls still talking to the Knicks after GM Scott Layden demanded Jamal Crawford in return for Othella Harrington?

The New York Daily News says that a Harrington for Donyell Marshall trade could be in the works.


The Chicago Sun Times, however, says that the Bulls may be talking to the Lakers about a Marshall for Devean George swap.


In a more shocking development, the Sun Times claims that Crawford is on the trade block because of his extension contract demands.


Trading Crawford would be abseloutley rediculous. We should never trade him. He is awesome. Trading Marshall for Othella or Devan would both be retarded. If we do any of the stuff they mention, Jon Paxson shoud be shot.

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Paxson has not impressed me so far. He did pick Hinrich after all. Though he did sign Gill and Pip, I like both of those moves. Crawford will prove that he deserves a contract extension. But just let me get this straight...the Bulls want Othella Harrington? The Knicks are demanding Crawford for him and Paxson didn't tell Leyden to go to hell? WTF?

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Can the Bulls afford to give him what he wants? Considering they'll have to give Chandler and Curry the max deal to keep them.

Chandler doesn't deserve the max and he won't. In the end if I were the GM Chandler would go eventually, but I'm not the GM so it looks like we are stuck with Chandler.

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