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would you guys pay to subscribe to a website that had live webcasts of independent bands all over the US?


do you guys actively search out new up and coming bands? either by the web or by going out to shows? would the ability to check out concerts online increase your willingness to pay for a subscription?


If you were in a band, would you seek out a venue that had their shows webcast? or had the ability to expose your exhisting website to thousands of visitors??



sorry for all the questions...

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Geeze...is someone coming up with a business idea. :D In all seriousness, at the right price I'd be interested. If its good music and you could make cd's and stuff and listen to cool stuff, I'd say it be pretty kick butt.


As far as me, I like finding up and coming bands cause you can see their shows cheap and listen to their music cheap too.


If I were in a band, I'd try to find my own venues and cut out the middleman.

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Don't worry pa, when 2k3 and I steal your idea, we'll just delete the post so you have no evidence of telling us it was copyrighted  ;)  :lol:

I know it....it's ok. I'm printing this out right now and getting it notarized :bang :bang



I have some really great ideas that I hope I can show y'all in a couple months.

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I'd definitely sign up for the free trial subscription. :)


Seriously, I am one of the few people who have taken paid premium onling music content seriously. I don't mean just the "privelige" of paying a per song download fee when I would just as soon have the damn CD in my hand anyway. In the past I have paid $75 a year to subscribe to get Todd Rundgren's Interociter premium content (also includes comps for any commercial CD's that come out during that period). I didn't renew this past year, but I tried to do my part to help financially in testing the waters of next-generation streaming audio enertainment.


based on personal experience as both developer and recipient of streaming media content, I would pass on any streaming content sites that used RealMedia as the native media format, but might consider trying a service built around QuickTime.

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I'd definitely sign up for the free trial subscription. :)


Seriously, I am one of the few people who have taken paid premium onling music content seriously.  I don't mean just the "privelige" of paying a per song download fee when I would just as soon have the damn CD in my hand anyway.  In the past I have paid $75 a year to subscribe to get Todd Rundgren's Interociter premium content (also includes comps for any commercial CD's that come out during that period).  I didn't renew this past year, but I tried to do my part to help financially in testing the waters of next-generation streaming audio enertainment.


based on personal experience as both developer and recipient of streaming media content, I would pass on any streaming content sites that used RealMedia as the native media format, but might consider trying a service built around QuickTime.

Realmedia is the genital herpes of the computer world.



Flaxx, thanks for those thoughts though. Potentially this is limitless. Can't wait to show you what I've been working on. Anyone who's interested in filling out a questionaire, PM me... Thanks

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