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Moore sued by NIchols brother


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I hope the crazy psycho wins...


what a piece of s*** film. :fyou moore.

What a well thought out, in depth answer. :rolleyes:

kiss my ass.


he should have never won the oscar for that film. BFC mocks all real documentarians with it's obvious skewed perspectives and subjective language. Michael moore's a dick for treating Charelton Heston the way he did. Did you see "SpellBound?" That's the epitomy of a quality documentary.



note:I happen to agree with alot of what MM has to say. He's just an insensitive prick with his own agenda and fame at the center of what he does. He does exploit those he claims to help and did want to show that nichols was/is a f***ing lunatic.


thanks for pissing me off even more :lol:

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I hope the crazy psycho wins...


what a piece of s*** film. :fyou moore.

What a well thought out, in depth answer. :rolleyes:

kiss my ass.


he should have never won the oscar for that film. BFC mocks all real documentarians with it's obvious skewed perspectives and subjective language. Michael moore's a dick for treating Charelton Heston the way he did. Did you see "SpellBound?" That's the epitomy of a quality documentary.



note:I happen to agree with alot of what MM has to say. He's just an insensitive prick with his own agenda and fame at the center of what he does. He does exploit those he claims to help and did want to show that nichols was/is a f***ing lunatic.


thanks for pissing me off even more :lol:

For treating CHarlton Heston like he did? Charlton Heston deserves to be treated like crap. With all that NRA crap he stands for, I mean are you kidding supporting gun rights! What the f***!


I don't even understand how he really poorly treated him anyways.

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I hope the crazy psycho wins...


what a piece of s*** film. :fyou moore.

What a well thought out, in depth answer. :rolleyes:

kiss my ass.


he should have never won the oscar for that film. BFC mocks all real documentarians with it's obvious skewed perspectives and subjective language. Michael moore's a dick for treating Charelton Heston the way he did. Did you see "SpellBound?" That's the epitomy of a quality documentary.



note:I happen to agree with alot of what MM has to say. He's just an insensitive prick with his own agenda and fame at the center of what he does. He does exploit those he claims to help and did want to show that nichols was/is a f***ing lunatic.


thanks for pissing me off even more :lol:

For treating CHarlton Heston like he did? Charlton Heston deserves to be treated like crap. With all that NRA crap he stands for, I mean are you kidding supporting gun rights! What the f***!


I don't even understand how he really poorly treated him anyways.

did you watch the movie? The man invites moore into his house and then gets blasted out of no where. Heston has alheizmers. I mean, wtf? do you think you're gonna get some major debate on tape that will turn the tides against gun owners? For the most part Heston was a figurehead to the NRA, just a name and a voice.


Charlton Heston deserves to be treated like crap.


sure, just like pro-choice people should get harrassed on the way to the clinic. in fact lets kill him....


With all that NRA crap he stands for, I mean are you kidding supporting gun rights!


um, I don't necessarily want to own a gun, but people have that right. It's a shame the NRA isn't the foremost supported of gun awareness and training. whatever

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um, I don't necessarily want to own a gun, but people have that right. It's a shame the NRA isn't the foremost supported of gun awareness and training. whatever

I think people should have the right to own a hunting rifle but why should people have the right to own handguns. If you can come up with a good reason I'd be interested to hear it. There is a purpose for a rifle, but not for handguns, you can claim self defense but the statistics aren't there to back that up.

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I hope the crazy psycho wins...


what a piece of s*** film. :fyou moore.

What a well thought out, in depth answer. :rolleyes:

kiss my ass.


he should have never won the oscar for that film. BFC mocks all real documentarians with it's obvious skewed perspectives and subjective language. Michael moore's a dick for treating Charelton Heston the way he did. Did you see "SpellBound?" That's the epitomy of a quality documentary.



note:I happen to agree with alot of what MM has to say. He's just an insensitive prick with his own agenda and fame at the center of what he does. He does exploit those he claims to help and did want to show that nichols was/is a f***ing lunatic.


thanks for pissing me off even more :lol:

For treating CHarlton Heston like he did? Charlton Heston deserves to be treated like crap. With all that NRA crap he stands for, I mean are you kidding supporting gun rights! What the f***!


I don't even understand how he really poorly treated him anyways.

did you watch the movie? The man invites moore into his house and then gets blasted out of no where. Heston has alheizmers. I mean, wtf? do you think you're gonna get some major debate on tape that will turn the tides against gun owners? For the most part Heston was a figurehead to the NRA, just a name and a voice.




sure, just like pro-choice people should get harrassed on the way to the clinic. in fact lets kill him....




um, I don't necessarily want to own a gun, but people have that right. It's a shame the NRA isn't the foremost supported of gun awareness and training. whatever

I think I'm getting a little too mad at your comment sox4lifeinpa, just because of my stance about guns.


I just don't think anyone has the right to have a gun, or a hunting rifle for that matter.



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I think people should have the right to own a hunting rifle but why should people have the right to own handguns.  If you can come up with a good reason I'd be interested to hear it.  There is a purpose for a rifle, but not for handguns, you can claim self defense but the statistics aren't there to back that up.

so body guards of famous people shouldn't have handguns? and if they're allowed to, why can't normal citizens? I'm not saying there's a great reason for them, I'm just saying there's no way on God's green earth you can constitutionally take them away from people.



If you can come up with a good reason I'd be interested to hear it.


because it's protected by the constitution??



if you want to talk automatic weapons, I'm with you...but hand guns? sorry

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so body guards of famous people shouldn't have handguns? and if they're allowed to, why can't normal citizens? I'm not saying there's a great reason for them, I'm just saying there's no way on God's green earth you can constitutionally take them away from people.





because it's protected by the constitution??



if you want to talk automatic weapons, I'm with you...but hand guns? sorry

Amendment 2

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


I don't read this statement as people will always be guaranteed the right to bear arms. I read this as an outdated statement that conservatives use to justify listening to the NRA. If the NRA didn't donate the money it did to congressmen there would proably be laws against hand guns already. At the very least there should be more registration and they should have the gun barrel "finger printing" that the gun supporters are fighting. Also, how can you justify people having handguns. Forgot to include: I don't mean by law, I just mean in general, how can you justify people having hand guns.

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I hope the crazy psycho wins...


what a piece of s*** film. :fyou moore.

What a well thought out, in depth answer. :rolleyes:

kiss my ass.


he should have never won the oscar for that film. BFC mocks all real documentarians with it's obvious skewed perspectives and subjective language. Michael moore's a dick for treating Charelton Heston the way he did. Did you see "SpellBound?" That's the epitomy of a quality documentary.



note:I happen to agree with alot of what MM has to say. He's just an insensitive prick with his own agenda and fame at the center of what he does. He does exploit those he claims to help and did want to show that nichols was/is a f***ing lunatic.


thanks for pissing me off even more :lol:

For treating CHarlton Heston like he did? Charlton Heston deserves to be treated like crap. With all that NRA crap he stands for, I mean are you kidding supporting gun rights! What the f***!


I don't even understand how he really poorly treated him anyways.

did you watch the movie? The man invites moore into his house and then gets blasted out of no where. Heston has alheizmers. I mean, wtf? do you think you're gonna get some major debate on tape that will turn the tides against gun owners? For the most part Heston was a figurehead to the NRA, just a name and a voice.




sure, just like pro-choice people should get harrassed on the way to the clinic. in fact lets kill him....




um, I don't necessarily want to own a gun, but people have that right. It's a shame the NRA isn't the foremost supported of gun awareness and training. whatever

I think I'm getting a little too mad at your comment sox4lifeinpa, just because of my stance about guns.


I just don't think anyone has the right to have a gun, or a hunting rifle for that matter.



I'm sorry kip, but this is the cold hard truth. I know in Canada this issue is completely foreign, but these are rights protected by the bill of rights. It's not going to change now or anytime soon.


I'm not a fan of guns, but I'm not a fan of alot of things...


for instance:


In the U.S. for 1998, there were 30,708 deaths from firearms, distributed as follows by mode of death: Suicide 17,424; Homicide 12,102; Accident 866; Undetermined 316.


Last year in this country(1997), there were two alcohol-related traffic deaths per hour, 45 per day and 315 per week.
by the way, that's roughly 17,000 deaths a year. (as many as homicide and accident gun deaths combined)


point is, there's a whole lot to be pissed off about. Social responsibility is at an all time low because of the post modern "do what's good for yourself" attitude.

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so body guards of famous people shouldn't have handguns? and if they're allowed to, why can't normal citizens? I'm not saying there's a great reason for them, I'm just saying there's no way on God's green earth you can constitutionally take them away from people.





because it's protected by the constitution??



if you want to talk automatic weapons, I'm with you...but hand guns? sorry

Amendment 2

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.


I don't read this statement as people will always be guaranteed the right to bear arms. I read this as an outdated statement that conservatives use to justify listening to the NRA. If the NRA didn't donate the money it did to congressmen there would proably be laws against hand guns already. At the very least there should be more registration and they should have the gun barrel "finger printing" that the gun supporters are fighting. Also, how can you justify people having handguns. Forgot to include: I don't mean by law, I just mean in general, how can you justify people having hand guns.

while I don't necessarily believe we'll ever need a militia to protect us against aggressors, but have you seen the way our country is run? I don't blame people for not trusting the US government....


don't even get me started on Ruby ridge or the Branch Davidians.




I'm not interested in people's justification of owning a handgun. Where we'll find common ground is talking about gun safety and education. gun locks, smart guns, etc....technology and common sense can hopefully protect us in the end.

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I'm sorry kip, but this is the cold hard truth. I know in Canada this issue is completely foreign, but these are rights protected by the bill of rights. It's not going to change now or anytime soon.


I'm not a fan of guns, but I'm not a fan of alot of things...


for instance:




by the way, that's roughly 17,000 deaths a year. (as many as homicide and accident gun deaths combined)


point is, there's a whole lot to be pissed off about. Social responsibility is at an all time low because of the post modern "do what's good for yourself" attitude.

I'm sorry but your reasoning is flawed here. Just because alcohol causes as many deaths a year as homicide and gun-accidents we should not change the laws on guns. :huh:


My mother always told me "two wrongs don't make a right."

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I'm sorry kip, but this is the cold hard truth. I know in Canada this issue is completely foreign, but these are rights protected by the bill of rights. It's not going to change now or anytime soon.


I'm not a fan of guns, but I'm not a fan of alot of things...


for instance:




by the way, that's roughly 17,000 deaths a year. (as many as homicide and accident gun deaths combined)


point is, there's a whole lot to be pissed off about. Social responsibility is at an all time low because of the post modern "do what's good for yourself" attitude.

I'm sorry but your reasoning is flawed here. Just because alcohol causes as many deaths a year as homicide and gun-accidents we should not change the laws on guns. :huh:


My mother always told me "two wrongs don't make a right."

if by changing gun laws you mean, outlawing hand guns, then yes, I don't think there's a chance in hell you should change what's already on the books.


otherwise, I do think background checks, mandatory gun proficiency tests, safety education, gun locks should be enforced heavily...



My reasoning isnt flawed if you understand my point, that there's alot to get upset about in our fine country. Obviously the topic on hand is/was guns, but I'm simply bring perspective that the numbers show there are a myriad of problems in America...guns just seem to get much more attention.


I was certainly not saying that gun deaths are ok because look at how many alcohol/car deaths there are.


The broader issue should be that we must accept that living in this country allows us freedoms to chose between owning a gun and not owning a gun or drinking beer or not drinking beer. It is only when your freedom infringes on someone elses freedom. you can't get in your car after 6 beers, crash it, kill someone and get off scott free. You can't own a gun and shoot it in a public park. and you can't yell fire in a packed auditorium.

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I think the point of Moore's movie was that our country is such an anomaly to every other major industrialized nation in regards to gun deaths.


Sorry I was a little harsh on you earlier pa. I just like it when people articulate their arguments a little bit more...and you did.


Handguns protecting people, the statistics are not there to show that. [i'm in a computer lab right now killing time until a meeting] but I shall post some later when I get back to my place. [Probably be later tonight since I have to study with a friend for a quiz as well]


What makes America such an anomaly when it comes to gun violence? Personally, I think it has to do a lot with media coverage of violence getting people scared and angry. [in BFC, it has that guy who who wrote "Culture of Fear" and crime went down, media coverage of crime went up 600%]


But I don't think that much gun control legislation will get anywhere because the NRA is such a powerful lobby and people just have the kneejerk reaction of "They're taking my gun"...no matter if it's a 30 round fully automatic assault rifle that has no purpose outside of killing human beings.

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I think the point of Moore's movie was that our country is such an anomaly to every other major industrialized nation in regards to gun deaths.


Sorry I was a little harsh on you earlier pa.  I just like it when people articulate their arguments a little bit more...and you did.


Handguns protecting people, the statistics are not there to show that. [i'm in a computer lab right now killing time until a meeting] but I shall post some later when I get back to my place. [Probably be later tonight since I have to study with a friend for a quiz as well]


What makes America such an anomaly when it comes to gun violence?  Personally, I think it has to do a lot with media coverage of violence getting people scared and angry. [in BFC, it has that guy who who wrote "Culture of Fear" and crime went down, media coverage of crime went up 600%]


But I don't think that much gun control legislation will get anywhere because the NRA is such a powerful lobby and people just have the kneejerk reaction of "They're taking my gun"...no matter if it's a 30 round fully automatic assault rifle that has no purpose outside of killing human beings.

I understand those points. I just see it as on whole, there's probably no need for hand guns, but you can't take them away because you can't prove their imminent destructive force.


I knew you were just trying to get more out of me. I didnt take it personally. I enjoy your perspectives there, Apu.

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I think the point of Moore's movie was that our country is such an anomaly to every other major industrialized nation in regards to gun deaths.


Sorry I was a little harsh on you earlier pa.  I just like it when people articulate their arguments a little bit more...and you did.


Handguns protecting people, the statistics are not there to show that. [i'm in a computer lab right now killing time until a meeting] but I shall post some later when I get back to my place. [Probably be later tonight since I have to study with a friend for a quiz as well]


What makes America such an anomaly when it comes to gun violence?  Personally, I think it has to do a lot with media coverage of violence getting people scared and angry. [in BFC, it has that guy who who wrote "Culture of Fear" and crime went down, media coverage of crime went up 600%]


But I don't think that much gun control legislation will get anywhere because the NRA is such a powerful lobby and people just have the kneejerk reaction of "They're taking my gun"...no matter if it's a 30 round fully automatic assault rifle that has no purpose outside of killing human beings.

While you're doing your research be sure to look at crime statistics (not just murder but rape, assault, robbery) from the UK and the way that those numbers SKYROCKETED after their weapons ban went into effect. The reason for this? No matter what the law books say lawbreakers will have guns. They effectively took self defense (HANDGUNS) away from law-abiding Joe but left the guns in f***-the-law Bob's hands and now Bob can do whatever the f*** he wants without ever having to worry about Joe concealing a weapon under his shirt or behind his gas station counter.


Do you realize that with our gun culture, the highest % of weapon yieldingzs/trained individuals per capita in the entire world (by far), there is no chance of a successful land campaign against this country by an enemy? Are you comfortable with the idea that our government, which more and more of us are feeling abused by daily, has a phenomonal amount of weaponry that could NEVER be contained if Washington suddenly turns evil? Since you were able to quote the 2nd amendment, or atleast knew where to find it on the internet (not being a dick, there are a ton of ignorant people out there), you are well aware of the fact that Washington has already stepped light years beyond their original bounds that were laid out in the constitution. Revolution and secession are the only tools/threats that can truly keep Washington in line. The minute we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to revolt. Call it extreme, and I don't expect to see it in my lifetime, but our forefathers lived through revolution and knew that that threat must ALWAYS exist.

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I think the point of Moore's movie was that our country is such an anomaly to every other major industrialized nation in regards to gun deaths.


Sorry I was a little harsh on you earlier pa.  I just like it when people articulate their arguments a little bit more...and you did.


Handguns protecting people, the statistics are not there to show that. [i'm in a computer lab right now killing time until a meeting] but I shall post some later when I get back to my place. [Probably be later tonight since I have to study with a friend for a quiz as well]


What makes America such an anomaly when it comes to gun violence?  Personally, I think it has to do a lot with media coverage of violence getting people scared and angry. [in BFC, it has that guy who who wrote "Culture of Fear" and crime went down, media coverage of crime went up 600%]


But I don't think that much gun control legislation will get anywhere because the NRA is such a powerful lobby and people just have the kneejerk reaction of "They're taking my gun"...no matter if it's a 30 round fully automatic assault rifle that has no purpose outside of killing human beings.

While you're doing your research be sure to look at crime statistics (not just murder but rape, assault, robbery) from the UK and the way that those numbers SKYROCKETED after their weapons ban went into effect. The reason for this? No matter what the law books say lawbreakers will have guns. They effectively took self defense (HANDGUNS) away from law-abiding Joe but left the guns in f***-the-law Bob's hands and now Bob can do whatever the f*** he wants without ever having to worry about Joe concealing a weapon under his shirt or behind his gas station counter.


Do you realize that with our gun culture, the highest % of weapon yieldingzs/trained individuals per capita in the entire world (by far), there is no chance of a successful land campaign against this country by an enemy? Are you comfortable with the idea that our government, which more and more of us are feeling abused by daily, has a phenomonal amount of weaponry that could NEVER be contained if Washington suddenly turns evil? Since you were able to quote the 2nd amendment, or atleast knew where to find it on the internet (not being a dick, there are a ton of ignorant people out there), you are well aware of the fact that Washington has already stepped light years beyond their original bounds that were laid out in the constitution. Revolution and secession are the only tools/threats that can truly keep Washington in line. The minute we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to revolt. Call it extreme, and I don't expect to see it in my lifetime, but our forefathers lived through revolution and knew that that threat must ALWAYS exist.

:notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


thank you for stepping up mmmbeer. it's unlikely a situation would arise like that, but 9-11-01 wasn't something we thought would happen either. times are a-changing....

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While you're doing your research be sure to look at crime statistics (not just murder but rape, assault, robbery) from the UK and the way that those numbers SKYROCKETED after their weapons ban went into effect.  The reason for this?  No matter what the law books say lawbreakers will have guns.  They effectively took self defense (HANDGUNS) away from law-abiding Joe but left the guns in f***-the-law Bob's hands and now Bob can do whatever the f*** he wants without ever having to worry about Joe concealing a weapon under his shirt or behind his gas station counter. 


Do you realize that with our gun culture, the highest % of weapon yieldingzs/trained individuals per capita in the entire world (by far), there is no chance of a successful land campaign against this country by an enemy?  Are you comfortable with the idea that our government, which more and more of us are feeling abused by daily, has a phenomonal amount of weaponry that could NEVER be contained if Washington suddenly turns evil?  Since you were able to quote the 2nd amendment, or atleast knew where to find it on the internet (not being a dick, there are a ton of ignorant people out there), you are well aware of the fact that Washington has already stepped light years beyond their original bounds that were laid out in the constitution. Revolution and secession are the only tools/threats  that can truly keep Washington in line.  The minute we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to revolt.  Call it extreme, and I don't expect to see it in my lifetime, but our forefathers lived through revolution and knew that that threat must ALWAYS exist.

Ok, I see your argument. And yes I did have the second amendment memorized as I have had this debate numerous times and I'm hoping this will be my last comment on this particular thread. The argument that if we lose the ability to revolt if we don't have guns is pretty ludicrous in this day in age. I'm sure that a group of people with hand guns and rifles is really going to strike fear into the governments hearts when they have tanks and much more high powered weapons. And if we are ever invaded it won't be our gun culture that saves us it will be the army and their weaponry. Yes, it helps if citizens are also active but like I said hand held weaponry such as hand guns and rifles aren't going to stop a tank. As far as the UK is concerned I was actually unaware of this. This is an issue and I did some research on the subject. Yes, their crime rate has climbed but it is still lower than ours is. Also, the rise in crime has coincided with a rise in drug offenses. Just food for thought.

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Do you realize that with our gun culture, the highest % of weapon yieldingzs/trained individuals per capita in the entire world (by far), there is no chance of a successful land campaign against this country by an The minute we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to revolt.

Let me apologize up front for my apparent ignorance on the issue. Please point me to the source of our "right to revolt." I just reread the 2nd Ammendment a bunch of times and I can't find it there. I read a couple state constitutions (even Tennessee's), and could not trace the source of our right to revolt. If the right to bear arms was repealed then certainly the ABILITY to successfully astage a revolt may also be taken away. But right and ability are two diffferent matters. I see the constitutional protection for the wherewithall of revolution but not for the right to undertake one.

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Do you realize that with our gun culture, the highest % of weapon yieldingzs/trained individuals per capita in the entire world (by far), there is no chance of a successful land campaign against this country by an The minute we lose our right to bear arms we lose our right to revolt.

Let me apologize up front for my apparent ignorance on the issue. Please point me to the source of our "right to revolt." I just reread the 2nd Ammendment a bunch of times and I can't find it there. I read a couple state constitutions (even Tennessee's), and could not trace the source of our right to revolt. If the right to bear arms was repealed then certainly the ABILITY to successfully astage a revolt may also be taken away. But right and ability are two diffferent matters. I see the constitutional protection for the wherewithall of revolution but not for the right to undertake one.

actually, Texas can "revolt" from the union and not face legal or military repercussions...


just FYI.


I think the point is that our nation was built on the principle that at any point if the governing powers overstep their boundaries and forced it's peoples to act in certain ways, those people maintain the right to carry arms and forcibly protect their interests. You can't really look at those documents without taking a step back and analyzing their context, and then seeing how the founding fathers, all of whom were much more intelligent then us scrubs, intended those provisions, in this case Amendment 2, to protect the PEOPLE.


how many millions of gun owners are there in America? how many standing men are their in our army? It's hard to conceive an American gov't that would actively enforce "martial law" on it's people, when it's so obvious there's tens of millions who are ok with the activity.....but tthen again ake a look at the patriot act fellas. yikes.

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