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2 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

But I think it's a fallacy that the Sox starting pitching has short outings. All teams deal with that problem and the Sox did try to remedy it by throwing money at relievers while neglecting the position player depth and player development. Relievers are notoriously inconsistent and old relievers are prone to injury although almost all pitchers are also.

Reinsdorf failings are based on how he chooses not to spend money on the development of youth . It's been reflected in how the Sox have operated over the years in the International FA market usually going for older players and ignoring young or Dominican players or trading away money meant for IFA's.

Hahn also has traded away youth like Semien , Tatis etc while also not trying to get more youth. And they are always out there. Plenty of young players are blocked or are given up on by their 1st organizations and get traded. Look around at all the good players who started off with other organizations who gave up on them or threw them into trades.


There are teams out there signing classes of 30-50 Latin American players IN ONE YEAR.

White Sox have never been even close.   Dominican and Pacific Rim disaster areas.  Brazil/Colombia/Venezuela/Panama virtually abandoned.


Seemed (now even moreso) like their goal was actually to COLLAPSE as many minor league, short-season/summer/Arizona teams as possible to lower their operating budgets...which goes along with their forecast upcoming PURGE in operations at the end of the season.

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49 minutes ago, caulfield12 said:

There are teams out there signing classes of 30-50 Latin American players IN ONE YEAR.

White Sox have never been even close.   Dominican and Pacific Rim disaster areas.  Brazil/Colombia/Venezuela/Panama virtually abandoned.


Seemed (now even moreso) like their goal was actually to COLLAPSE as many minor league, short-season/summer/Arizona teams as possible to lower their operating budgets...which goes along with their forecast upcoming PURGE in operations at the end of the season.

They still sign Venezuelans but it's the lack of impact Dominican players over the years that has killed them when there are so many good Dominican players in this sport. I don't consider the Pacific rim players to be a big problem. Those older players would normally be up the Sox alley but they are usually more expensive signings and you never really know how their talents are going to translate. But the influx lately of Ohtani , Suzuki and Yoshida were pretty good players. However Yoshida cost the Red Sox a $105.4 M investment. Sox would never pay that for a Japanese player. Suzuki was right around $100M also with the posting fee included.

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12 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

No doubt. I always bash the owner 1st because the whole direction the franchise takes is based on how he thinks the money is spent best. The problem with that is , he's a baseball fan imposing his lack of knowledge about the sport into his ownership of the team and has learned very little during his tenure.

I tend to give the players a lot more rope.

I totally agree Reinsdorf is the biggest blame here. It absolutely starts at the top. I didn't mentioned JR, because sometimes out of frustration, I get tired of calling the POS loser out. I have been as vocal about this loser owner in here as anyone. However at some point, I just come to grips that it's not going to change until Jerry passes on and the team is sold. 

Having said that, even if your owner is totally incompetent, which he clearly is...that is no excuse for Rick Hahn. Hahn was given a fairly aggressive payroll over the last several years. The fact is, even if we got the greatest owner in the world to come in, he is not going to hold the GM's hand in helping him do the scouting, drafting and development of players, or the free agent acquisitions, roster design, trades and farm system structure. 

It is 100 percent NOT Jerry Reinsdorf's fault for the following:

1. Terrible free agent signings by Hahn.

2. A horrible history for making bad trades and getting fleeced, especially at the trade deadline.

3. A horrendous history of scouting, drafting and developing players. One of the worst farm systems in baseball for several years now. Hahn is just so clueless in how to set up a farm system to get young prospects ready to be productive at the major league level.

4. Hahn creating a roster from the original 2016 rebuild that has turned out to be constantly injured and/or underperforming to their potential.

What clearly IS Jerry's FAULT; is not terminating the employment of Kenny Williams, Rick Hahn and all the other losers in this dysfunctional organization. A long time ago Jerry should have gone to the outside and found some executive from a winning organization who has experience and knowledge...of "Best Practices" that was part of a successful FO for a consistent winning baseball team.


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