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Buehrle says no to Sox


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We might get Type A compensation for him.


But, anyways, I'd offer him 3 years 12 million, and backload it big-time. Eg: 2,4,6 per year, respectively. The most I'd offer would be 3 years 15 million.

Whether he is signed or not is not important. We know he's gone first shot he gets.

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We might get Type A compensation for him.


But, anyways, I'd offer him 3 years 12 million, and backload it big-time. Eg: 2,4,6 per year, respectively. The most I'd offer would be 3 years 15 million.

Whether he is signed or not is not important. We know he's gone first shot he gets.

this is the time for kw to pull some of his magic and TRY to get us something in return for him.

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We might get Type A compensation for him.


But, anyways, I'd offer him 3 years 12 million, and backload it big-time. Eg: 2,4,6 per year, respectively. The most I'd offer would be 3 years 15 million.

Whether he is signed or not is not important. We know he's gone first shot he gets.

this is the time for kw to pull some of his magic and TRY to get us something in return for him.

KW has magic? I guess if just about everything you touch turning to s*** (Wells, Ritchie, K-layton, etc.) is magic then KW is f***ing David Copperfield :D

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Idn't he under contract to 2006, anyways (I heard that floating around the WSI boards), so why would he accept a deal that cuts his contract a year?  I don't think this is a blatant rejection of the Sox, I think Buehrle doesn't want to cut a year off his contract (which makes sense).

I dont think Mark rejected it because he's worried about a year off his contract. KW slapped him in the face last year so now mark just said f*** you right back and will wait to kick his ass in arbitration.


From what i've heard, Mark was looking for at least 4 years.


Looks like Mark's time with the Sox will be similar to Jack McDowell's. Year by year, arbitration as much as possible. :angry:

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Idn't he under contract to 2006, anyways (I heard that floating around the WSI boards), so why would he accept a deal that cuts his contract a year?  I don't think this is a blatant rejection of the Sox, I think Buehrle doesn't want to cut a year off his contract (which makes sense).

I dont think Mark rejected it because he's worried about a year off his contract. KW slapped him in the face last year so now mark just said f*** you right back and will wait to kick his ass in arbitration.


From what i've heard, Mark was looking for at least 4 years.


Looks like Mark's time with the Sox will be similar to Jack McDowell's. Year by year, arbitration as much as possible. :angry:

Next year the Sox will offer him another 3 yr deal, and this time i think he'll take it. I think Buerhle will be a Sox a long time.

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I like Mark B.

Too bad we can't show him the love with the kind of money the Yanks would and will throw at him.

He's a future Cardinal, though, like you say.

Too bad but I can't blame him. How would you like to play for Reinsdork and KW??


p.s. I also agree with the poster about injuries. You'd think Mark would take a good deal now. He could wreck his arm at any time. His hatred of KW must override his fear of injury

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I like Mark B.

Too bad we can't show him the love with the kind of money the Yanks would and will throw at him.

He's a future Cardinal, though, like you say.

Too bad but I can't blame him. How would you like to play for Reinsdork and KW??


p.s. I also agree with the poster about injuries. You'd think Mark would take a good deal now. He could wreck his arm at any time. His hatred of KW must override his fear of injury

I don't think its his hatred of KW. It wasn't KW that was doing all that, that was JR's works, or at least thats my opinion.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lmao killa .. you havent noticed kw's magic before...you missed the show when he pulled a clayton out of his ass......... what about my favorite trick....the dissappearing wells, fogg, lowe trick... the one where he shoves them in a box says the magic words and out pops ritchie..........or how about the lifeless beans he traded for dave wells??? which also turned into a lifeless bean by the way...............oh man did i pick the wrong time to quit smoking......

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We might get Type A compensation for him.


But, anyways, I'd offer him 3 years 12 million, and backload it big-time. Eg: 2,4,6 per year, respectively. The most I'd offer would be 3 years 15 million.

Whether he is signed or not is not important. We know he's gone first shot he gets.

this is the time for kw to pull some of his magic and TRY to get us something in return for him.

KW has magic? I guess if just about everything you touch turning to s*** (Wells, Ritchie, K-layton, etc.) is magic then KW is f***ing David Copperfield :D

oh that is a classic. :lol:


but that was for those who thinks that kw is better than what he really is. in other words, being ironic.

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I dont think Mark rejected it because he's worried about a year off his contract. KW slapped him in the face last year so now mark just said f*** you right back and will wait to kick his ass in arbitration.


From what i've heard, Mark was looking for at least 4 years.


Looks like Mark's time with the Sox will be similar to Jack McDowell's. Year by year, arbitration as much as possible.  :angry:

Sadly,it looks like you are correct.Why can't the Reinsdorf regime figure this one out?? Say it with me,all you frustrated Sox fans:


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lmao killa .. you havent noticed kw's magic before...you missed the show when he pulled a clayton out of his ass......... what about my favorite trick....the dissappearing wells, fogg, lowe trick... the one where he shoves them in a box says the magic words and out pops ritchie..........or how about the lifeless beans he traded for dave wells??? which also turned into a lifeless bean by the way...............oh man did i pick the wrong time to quit smoking......

Alcoholism looks attractive right now. :D :D


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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah it does but then i would have to start smoking again.. and thats what i dont want to do.... cant have a good drink without a good smoke ...........f*** it sucks giving up bad habbits.............. :ph34r:

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I'll say it you are correct sir.

Baseball also is close to sucking on the whole with the disparity of money out there.

At least we are patently mediocre. Look at the Royals. A once proud

franchise year to year is just getting worse and worse.

Every year the team loses what little talent is has.

It's sad when you think about it.

I mean Det, and Kansas City truly suck.

And Minnesota is tenuous at best. They can't afford to keep any of their great players.

THough they should have enough this year to beat us again unless we put

together an 85-win season somehow

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yeah it does but then i would have to start smoking again.. and thats what i dont want to do.... cant have a good drink without a good smoke ...........f*** it sucks giving up bad habbits.............. :ph34r:

You quit smoking????????? You were like a chiminy like me. :P


Congrats! how'd ya do it?

She's stronger than you..... that's how :headbang

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Guest hotsoxchick1

rps i used the patches thingy.. and its working.... the only thing that sucks right now is im hacking up all that s*** thats been laying around in my lungs all these years and its making me sick.....you should see the colors in my spit....its like a dark freakin rainbow.....lol......if i had known that quiting would make me this sick i would have never started in the first place....hey btw i also joined a health club.....and i have cut down my caffine intake as well.... sucks to be me right now.. but this is the year i get healthy....im tired of being sick and sick of being tired all the time...... i need a change....thanks for the vote of confidence killa... :D and thanks for the support rps...... :D

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