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This Day In Sox History...May 29

Lip Man 1

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May 29, 1922 - Continuing to rebuild in the wake of the “Black Sox” scandal, owner Charles Comiskey spent $100,000 dollars and purchased the contract of third baseman Willie Kamm from San Francisco of the Pacific Coast League. Comiskey also threw in three players.

Kamm would lead the A.L. in fielding percentage for six straight seasons. In his eight full years with the Sox, he had 80 or more RBI’s four times in a season and in 1925, he not “Babe” Ruth led the league with 90 walks.


May 29, 1982 - LaMarr Hoyt was beaten by the Indians 5-2 at Cleveland. Hoyt had won his first nine decisions of the season and coupled with five straight wins to end 1981, meant he had won 14 consecutive decisions. It was longest win streak over multiple seasons in franchise history at that time. Hoyt hadn’t lost a game since August 15, 1981 at (where else?) Baltimore. Cleveland got to Hoyt for four early runs and never looked back.




Edited by Lip Man 1
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