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That depends on what the overall salary picture this year turns out to be. Do you think teams are about to go back on a spending spree after a couple of years of declining player salaries? Or do you think a trend to more fiscal responsibility is here to stay?


Look at basketball...the prices of teams are plummeting.


Folks have more things they can do with their free time and unless you are lucky enough to be the Yankees and have your own cable network that guarantees them hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue yearly, you have to think about the trend in team values, as well as net revenues.


I really thought the $12 mill per was fair and as it was structured, would allow the Sox to fill in some holes so they could make a strong run in 2004, 2005 and 2006. Isn't that what any TEAM player would want?


The bottom line? Colon and Sox fans will know how the offer stacked up after other teams played their cards.



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I think that Bartolo and his agent are going to find out that teasm are reluctant to get in a bidding war now. I think the Sox offer may well be the tops he is going to see unless the Yankees and Braves only go for one more player and that might be Colon.

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In case people think I am anti-Colon or anti-player...


I hope our offer is the best he gets. Then I hope his agent calls the Sox and asks to sign the contract. Nothing would make me happier. I think they offered him a fair contract and I would love to see him pitch lights out for the Sox in 2004. I hoped he really meant what he said about liking it here and wanting to come back and win.


I hope he isn't just another guy looking for the last available dime and his words are meaningless.


I can hope, right?



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In all honesty I think that unless King George gets involved here, the 3 yr/36 mill is gonna be the best offer Colon sees this offseason. Whether or not K-Dub leaves the offer on the table for Colon to come back to, that remains to be seen.

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In all honesty I think that unless King George gets involved here, the 3 yr/36 mill is gonna be the best offer Colon sees this offseason. Whether or not K-Dub leaves the offer on the table for Colon to come back to, that remains to be seen.

I agree. The reported rumor was that the Yankees were willing to offer a contract of 60 million for 5 years.


Colon says he wants to return to Chicago, if he truely does than he will be wearing a White Sox uniform next year.



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