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Most influencial artists and bands


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Obviously, IMO The Beatles were the biggest musical influence...and I agree that what The Who brought to music was unmistakable, if thats a word. I'm gonna add a couple here that are influential to me, of not the world:


OutKast---Yeah, I know, doesnt seem right, but what those 2 do lyrically, and the mix of jazz, rock, metal, etc. is amazing if you just sit back and listen,


Fiona Apple--- To me, she is the first real younger generation female who can just sit on a Piano and play music from the heart. She was the first IMO to do so in quite a while.


Foo Fighters--- IMO, what Dave Grohl has done Post-Nirvana has far outweighed what he did with them. His ability to cover each instrument with his group, his vocals and lyrics, and the fact that everything they do gets better and better.



OK, so not the most groundbreaking artists, but those that influence my musical background the most right now.

If I were to pick out the female artist, I would say all roads lead back to Janis Joplin. There would be no Fiona Apple without Janis.

laugh all you want, but Oasis opened a huge door for european artists back in '94-'95

And remember what the lead singer caused an uproar by saying? Oasis was going to be the next Beatles :bang

That may be one of the most ignorant quotes ever to come from the mouth of a human being... :fyou Oasis

which part?? cos if you disagree with me, you obviously haven't heard bands like blur, the verve, radiohead, travis, f***ING COLDPLAY....


thanks for one-upping MY ignorant statement

4 life, wasn't referring to your statement.


I was referring to the quote from oasis that they would be the next Beatles...

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like I said, Oasis on a smaller scale, accomplished much of what the beatles did. ushered in a new sound, new influences. Thank God too...American Music pretty much sucked between '95-'00



edit: Aboz...Liam Gallager said that in reference to John's bigger than Jesus remark. Someone asked him if Oasis were going to be bigger than Jesus, like the beatles said they'd be (I know the misquote)...and he said they'd be bigger than the beatles.

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Faith No More


Although they insipred a bunch or horrible rap-core and nu-metal bands they definately inspired some really good bands that are out now. They we're ahead of their time.

Good call Cali, FNM were way ahead of their time when it comes to Rap-Core music.


As for the Gallager brothers in Oasis, :lolhitting , those guys....wow, gonna be bigger than the Beatles, but yet you can't stop bickering with each other. :rolleyes: good luck with that, Assclowns.

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Faith No More


Although they insipred a bunch or horrible rap-core and nu-metal bands they definately inspired some really good bands that are out now. They we're ahead of their time.

Good call Cali, FNM were way ahead of their time when it comes to Rap-Core music.


As for the Gallager brothers in Oasis, :lolhitting , those guys....wow, gonna be bigger than the Beatles, but yet you can't stop bickering with each other. :rolleyes: good luck with that, Assclowns.

BTW, what has Oasis put out lately? :lolhitting

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like I said, Oasis on a smaller scale, accomplished much of what the beatles did. ushered in a new sound, new influences. Thank God too...American Music pretty much sucked between '95-'00



edit: Aboz...Liam Gallager said that in reference to John's bigger than Jesus remark. Someone asked him if Oasis were going to be bigger than Jesus, like the beatles said they'd be (I know the misquote)...and he said they'd be bigger than the beatles.

PA, that may be the biggest understatement I've seen in a while. Oasis' influence on the grand scheme of the musical scene is minute at best IMO.

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I'm tired and ready to go the f*** home...so I'm going to avoid any direct response to the Oasis issue. y'all don't know the british scene obviously. I never mentioned what Oasis did recently, cos it's irrelevant. I said they opened up the "second British invasion" (see all the bands I listed).


f*** all you f***ers....go listen to your Creed and Metallica


How did Radiohead become successful with "Creep"? Sure wasn't because of Oasis.


yeah...and then they dropped out of oblivion, like the rest of british music before Oasis...AND THEN, RH came back AFTER Oasis blew the door right open...


which brings me to...


For me, it's easy. Radiohead and Sigur Ros.


which is even easier for me....you're wrong. sigur Ros? they influenced who? the 12 people who bought their album? If you would have said Bjork, then maybe...cos she's why anyone even listens to Sigur Ros.


good lord...I need to go home.

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No need to get testy, PA, just all of us voicing our dofferent opinions. You have your belief that Oasis provided some important purpose in the music world, and I think that even the music of The Greg Kihns Band was more important than anything that Oasis did. Thats the beauty of the message board, that we all do have opinions. NO reason to call Everyone out in one stereotypical yhelp, disclaiming that everyone here likes Creed and Metallica :puke

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Faith No More


Although they insipred a bunch or horrible rap-core and nu-metal bands they definately inspired some really good bands that are out now. They we're ahead of their time.

Good call Cali, FNM were way ahead of their time when it comes to Rap-Core music.


Well I meant they were ahead of their time as great musicians and a great band. But they weren't a rap-core band, except for Epic. They are alot better than any nu-metal or rap-core band will EVER be.

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thanks for one-upping MY ignorant statement

That's damn funny :D


One overlooked fact is who influenced who. How many rockers point to blues as influential yet I didn't see any blues artists listed.


I read somewhere (The Love You Take possibly) that John and Paul were influenced by Poco Harem. Should they be mentioned by default as an influence on THE INFLUENCE? And when we talk about the Beatles as being influencial, I really believe we mean John and Paul. I believe it was more the songwriting and downplay Ringo and George. I think they still would have been just as good with the better looking Ed Best on drums.


Personally I don't think most of these bands and artists credited would have been anything without their parents f***ing them up. :snr

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thanks for one-upping MY ignorant statement

That's damn funny :D


One overlooked fact is who influenced who. How many rockers point to blues as influential yet I didn't see any blues artists listed.


I read somewhere (The Love You Take possibly) that John and Paul were influenced by Poco Harem. Should they be mentioned by default as an influence on THE INFLUENCE? And when we talk about the Beatles as being influencial, I really believe we mean John and Paul. I believe it was more the songwriting and downplay Ringo and George. I think they still would have been just as good with the better looking Ed Best on drums.


Personally I don't think most of these bands and artists credited would have been anything without their parents f***ing them up. :snr

As far as the blues influence, I cut to the chase with Fats Waller. Duke, and Gershwin, ala CWs comment about which people trancended genres and really shook things up. Gershwin, via Porgy and Bess, brought the blues to the world. Fats Waller took the reins from Leadbally and brought his blues, and the more jagged New Orleans blues of King Oliver and such into the Swing world. Ellington is Ellington. Leadbelly and Robert Johnson probably should be in there, but really they influence a handful of people that, in turn, influenced everyone else. That's the way I see it, anyway.


Re, the Beatles... Stop dissing George. Your point about the composer aspect above the performer aspect of the group is understood however.


And I must have been spacing out when I submitted my list... BOB DYLAN, anybody?

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I think Paul's and George's trip to India(I believe) had alot to do with their transformation. So I think we should credit Punjabi MC as the earliest influence of the Beatles.


A general appology to those who posted earlier and I flipped on. I was at work and really needed to take it out on you guys. much healthier than actual people, right? so yeah :fyou me.


And Texsox, I stated either here or in the Paul is a dad again thread that even the beatles had influences (like the pixies on Nirvana). Mainstream influences are what everyone here seem to be counting...so when I say Oasis, I get jumped on. Obviously not for their music, necessarily (although they are better musicians hands down), but I was simply saying their Mega popularity in the UK and moderate but short popularity, was a catalyst for the revitalization in the UK music scene. This is why you see bands as Radiohead (yes I know about creep, but they were destined to be a one hit wonder America side, without Oasis...) Travis, Coldplay, The Verve, etc...all owe Oasis a handshake for their ability to cross over to the US. however, they'll never find mega success...(except for U2, and now Coldplay seems to get the same treatment). You can owe that to the MTV worshipping, Ashanti/Ja Rule loving, corporate motherf***ers they call 14-22 year olds. Then again, I hate the fact that I saw Coldplay in '00 and now everyone loves them. oh well, either way I'm screwed.


just wait... www.indiependency.com


mmmmmmmmmm, sweet smelling.

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I read somewhere (The Love You Take possibly) that John and Paul were influenced by Poco Harem. Should they be mentioned by default as an influence on THE INFLUENCE?

I forgot to comment in this. Yeah, it was noted in The Love You Take, and also in Ray Coleman's (prick!) Lennon biography, that John was the one most turned on by Procul Harum's Whiter Shade of Pale. I think too much has been made of it as "an influence," particularly when people say it influenced Sgt. Pepper. The album came out in late May 1967, and Pepper was out mid-June, so there wasn't much chance of influence there. It was at a Pepper wrap/pre-release party that John went on about "some dope song" he heard and couldn't get out of his head - that song being Whiter Shade...


There was alater influence, including the somnambulistic organ passages on Mystery Tour and, even more so, the organ part in an alternate version of Imagine that didn't make the album. Again, though, the influence only gets cited because John though pretty much everything at the time was crap (not Yoko's 'art' apparently), but he singled out this one song as being pretty good.

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Sgt Pepper had directed influences from the Pet Sounds album by the Beach Boys, and in particular the music that Van Dyke Parks and Brian Wilson were putting together. To be honest, the Beach Boys 66 - 70 was by far the best music out there at the time and still influencing folks today. Don't believe me? Check out the 12 minute version of Heroes and Villains - or Sail on Sailor...


Also, James Brown is quite possibly the world's greatest band leader... and the creator of the Funk sound of George Clinton and the Parliament Funkadelic...

Live at the Apollo Vol 2. features Cold Sweat - the first modern funk song ever... and the awesome 18 minute version of Its a Mans Mans Mans World. James Brown once actually stopped a race riot in Boston by performing. Ain't noone more influential than that.

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Well I gotta say Bob Dylan and for Rap NWA.


If you don't say Dylan then look back at Woody Guthrie cause without folk music you wouldn't have Dylan who created Folk Rock and let to a whole crapload of different groups. Basically all of the protest music was because of Dylan :headbang

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I doubt these two bands are very influential, but they've struck me as two lesser known bands that I think are really great. The Connells and The Smoking Popes. The Connells had a little bit more success, being staples for any college radio station worth anything. One Simple Word is their best album, IMO. Smoking Popes just plain rock and the fact that they never achieved greater success is a crime.

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I'm tired and ready to go the f*** home...so I'm going to avoid any direct response to the Oasis issue. y'all don't know the british scene obviously. I never mentioned what Oasis did recently, cos it's irrelevant. I said they opened up the "second British invasion" (see all the bands I listed).


f*** all you f***ers....go listen to your Creed and Metallica


How did Radiohead become successful with "Creep"? Sure wasn't because of Oasis.


yeah...and then they dropped out of oblivion, like the rest of british music before Oasis...AND THEN, RH came back AFTER Oasis blew the door right open...


which brings me to...




which is even easier for me....you're wrong. sigur Ros? they influenced who? the 12 people who bought their album? If you would have said Bjork, then maybe...cos she's why anyone even listens to Sigur Ros.


good lord...I need to go home.

Oh give me a break, you're full of s*** and you know it. The Bends was immensely popular, and with Pablo Honey Radiohead created a considerable fan base. Was OK Computer huge because of Oasis? No, and neither was The Bends.


Sigur Ros hasn't influenced anyone? Radiohead has made it pretty clear that part of Kid A was based off of Agaetis Byrjun, the group's 2nd album after Von. Also, I love it how you're completely ignorant and assume the following: Sigur Ros is unpopular and everyone likes Sigur Ros because of Bjork. I don't listen to Bjork at all, and I really doubt I will.

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I'm tired and ready to go the f*** home...so I'm going to avoid any direct response to the Oasis issue. y'all don't know the british scene obviously. I never mentioned what Oasis did recently, cos it's irrelevant. I said they opened up the "second British invasion" (see all the bands I listed).


f*** all you f***ers....go listen to your Creed and Metallica


How did Radiohead become successful with "Creep"? Sure wasn't because of Oasis.


yeah...and then they dropped out of oblivion, like the rest of british music before Oasis...AND THEN, RH came back AFTER Oasis blew the door right open...


which brings me to...




which is even easier for me....you're wrong. sigur Ros? they influenced who? the 12 people who bought their album? If you would have said Bjork, then maybe...cos she's why anyone even listens to Sigur Ros.


good lord...I need to go home.

Oh give me a break, you're full of s*** and you know it. The Bends was immensely popular, and with Pablo Honey Radiohead created a considerable fan base. Was OK Computer huge because of Oasis? No, and neither was The Bends.


Sigur Ros hasn't influenced anyone? Radiohead has made it pretty clear that part of Kid A was based off of Agaetis Byrjun, the group's 2nd album after Von. Also, I love it how you're completely ignorant and assume the following: Sigur Ros is unpopular and everyone likes Sigur Ros because of Bjork. I don't listen to Bjork at all, and I really doubt I will.


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I'm tired and ready to go the f*** home...so I'm going to avoid any direct response to the Oasis issue. y'all don't know the british scene obviously. I never mentioned what Oasis did recently, cos it's irrelevant. I said they opened up the "second British invasion" (see all the bands I listed).


f*** all you f***ers....go listen to your Creed and Metallica


How did Radiohead become successful with "Creep"? Sure wasn't because of Oasis.


yeah...and then they dropped out of oblivion, like the rest of british music before Oasis...AND THEN, RH came back AFTER Oasis blew the door right open...


which brings me to...




which is even easier for me....you're wrong. sigur Ros? they influenced who? the 12 people who bought their album? If you would have said Bjork, then maybe...cos she's why anyone even listens to Sigur Ros.


good lord...I need to go home.

Oh give me a break, you're full of s*** and you know it. The Bends was immensely popular, and with Pablo Honey Radiohead created a considerable fan base. Was OK Computer huge because of Oasis? No, and neither was The Bends.


Sigur Ros hasn't influenced anyone? Radiohead has made it pretty clear that part of Kid A was based off of Agaetis Byrjun, the group's 2nd album after Von. Also, I love it how you're completely ignorant and assume the following: Sigur Ros is unpopular and everyone likes Sigur Ros because of Bjork. I don't listen to Bjork at all, and I really doubt I will.

how did you hear of Sigur Ros? Cos thom yorke talked about them and everyone started listening to them...I did, we all did. I have all their albums. Bjork opened up icelandic scene.


Also, I love it how you're completely ignorant and assume the following: Sigur Ros is unpopular and everyone likes Sigur Ros because of Bjork. I don't listen to Bjork at all, and I really doubt I will.


I love this simply because YOUR completely subjective opinion of bjork's music blinds you of the facts. I was being facetious about their 12 fans, but you have to recognize, whether you like her music or not, Bjork is the reason sigur ros is popular. Likewise, the bends went Gold in 95. The same year Oasis' Def Maybe became the fastest selling debut album (damn spice girls ruined that) of british band. I don't know the numbers, but What's the Story sold multi millions. I never said Oasis is the most influential...look at my first post...REM/Radiohead are the most influential bands of the 90s...musically. Like the beatles, Oasis changed the music SCENE. for the many reasons I've already stated.


I've been listening to this stuff for a decade, saw radiohead, saw oasis, saw the beta band, saw etc...etc...I know my s*** about the Brit Pop. sorry you're gettin' pissed.

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