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My Halloween night

The Beast

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I went out with some friends and we came up to a house that left a bucket of candy. We took 2 pieces each and a lady jumped out and said, "BUSTED!" and so we continued on, amazed of how fat she was. Two kids started following us, and when we came up to El Sierra elementary school, in which a fire had been lit in a dumpster. I sat down and set my candy down. One of the kids who was following us ran up and grabbed my pillow case full of candy. I chased after him for a block, and he had a car waiting. He got in and sped off. The Cops and Fire Department, who had been taking care of the fire led chase. They had gotten his name and stopped him. As they came back, I told the police officer what happened. My friends and I walked back to the house and saw them. He said,"Hey buddy, is this your candy?" I grabbed the bag and walked away. I want to press charges against the jaggoff to get money, but I am not sure if legally I can do that. Input helpful.

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One of the kids who was following us ran up and grabbed my pillow case full of candy. I chased after him for a block, and he had a car waiting. He got in and sped off. The Cops and Fire Department, who had been taking care of the fire led chase. They had gotten his name and stopped him. As they came back, I told the police officer what happened. My friends and I walked back to the house and saw them. He said,"Hey buddy, is this your candy?"  I grabbed the bag and walked away. I want to press charges against the jaggoff to get money, but I am not sure if legally I can do that. Input helpful.

How old are you? IMO, nobody over 15 should be trick or treating. Taking candy away from the kids.


Maybe just me cuz I hate Halloween.

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I know a lot of high schoolers that went trick or treating.


I preferred to go watch the Nets with some of my friends, but if the nets weren't playing we probably would have gone trick or treating. The problem is, when you are 2 months short of your 17th b-day, some people turn down your request for candy.

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I detected no trace of sarcasm in your original statement, and you cant "press charges" and get money. You'd have to take them to some type of civil court first, and claim mental anquish. also, you didnt Tp'd their house....cuz if you did... you wouldve said so in your first story..taht was a lie as well.

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I own a home and love the trick-or-treaters, but I refuse to give anyone over 16 any candy. It's for little kids, for cry's sake. I've had a lot of nasty comments hurled my way because of that, and that's fine.


My normal response is very simple to anyone who cops an attitude about it - "f*** off if you don't like it. Get a life, loser." :headbang

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You and I were teenagers once, and we probably were obnoxious, smartass, loud-mouthed, punk know-it-alls.  However, if I had some strange chance to meet the teen version of me, I'd kick the s*** out of him.

LoL. This is probably true for for 80% of us.


I wouldn't necessarily kick my ass. I'd be more outgoing. I was too shy when I was young and didn't come out of my shell till college.

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Now that I have young kids of my own, I get to go out trick-or-treating with them so it's like reliving childhood a little. Every time the kids get something good - full-sized candy bars or something like that - I say, "That's one of Daddy's favorites, you had better hide that one." I think they have been given fair warning, and tonight I plan on lightening their candy loads after they go to bed :D


The creepy Halloween event for us this year: We got to a house that had H'ween decorations up, but the porch light was off and the house was dark. Undeterred, the kids rang the bell, and after abot a minute an old guy came out. he pointed across the street and told the kids to go try over there, because he brought his candy over there. As we were leaving the guy pulls me aside and quietly tells me he's a neigbor and that the old lady who lived there JUST DIED like 10 minutes earlier. He sent a distraught sister (also an old lady) over to his house with their candy to sit with his wife while he called the paramedics. Sure enough, about a half-hour late when we were passing the house again, a couple of guys were wheeling in a gurney...

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Me and my friends would normally dress up and go to a party or something. I haven't trick or treated in years. This year I didn't even go out (other, more important things to worry about).


Murcie, I said it in the last thread, most of the stories you'll find on here are not true, or are half truths. Why would the fire department or whoever it was chase after a kid because he stole a little candy? Also, wouldn't the people be able to figure out who tp'ed their house? Just a thought.

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