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Sox leadership" stories...

Lip Man 1

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Whatever a Scoop Jackson is, that article is awful.

You know where leadership starts? At the top. Jerry's slumlord provisions didn't include kitchen areas, players had to eat 7/11 or McDonalds.  Was also far away from the stadium with no transportation.

His leadership is the anthesis of the Dodgers, which is why they are thought to be the premier organization in MLB, and the White Sox are considered to be among the worst two or three organizations in MLB, perhaps in North American sports.

The Dodgers Way



The White Sox Way




 In the meantime, they spent the first half of the season at an extended stay hotel that players complained had dirty rooms and lacked food preparation supplies, which led to reliance on fast food. “I’ve never seen more athletes eating McDonald’s,” one player said.

The White Sox have been strict about requiring a marriage certificate as proof in order for a player to secure their own bedroom, which to the players, underscores the exacting nature of the team’s approach to the housing policy and led to some players eloping midseason. “You shouldn’t have to rush these huge plans in your life just to be with someone that you want to be with,” one player said.

“A lot of guys have struggled with their wives and significant others living with them,” said one player. “You constantly have someone up your ass, 24/7,” said another. “Most of the teams that are not doing that at all levels are at least doing it at Double-A and above. The White Sox are at the bottom of the league when it comes to that issue."


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I'm with South Side Hitmen. Leadership starts at the top. This team didn't just start being bad, it's been bad for the last 15 years. Yet, JR kept the same people in place and the losing just continued. Decisive action needs to be taken, but I don't see it happening. Looks like we're in for another rebuild. Good luck with those season ticket sales.

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It starts with hiring good leaders and getting the hell out of their way. JR doesn't need to show any leadership. He needs to ok a budget and smoke a cigar in his suite. Let the baseball people lead their staffs. 

Pedro needs to lead. It doesn't matter what anyone else in the organization is doing. He's the manager, they are his players. They are his coaches. Go be a leader. He doesn't need JR to be a leader first. If JR never met another player the team would be better. 

Kenny needs to lead the front office. He doesn't get to hide behind JR. Same with Hahn. If they can't lead their areas they need to be fired. It's on them. No blaming JR that these men can't lead. 


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