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After an exhaustive search, Getz named GM/VP


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From Sox Machine site today:

"Meanwhile, at FanGraphs, Michael Baumann does a good job of informing the general baseball audience about Reinsdorf being the root of all the White Sox’s problems, and how much of a(n AL Central) force they could be without him.

There’s no structural reason the White Sox can’t be successful. They have history and branding half the league would kill for. They play in the third-largest media market in the U.S., and though they share it with a richer and more popular neighbor, if Houston and Philadelphia and Toronto can spend enough to put out a winning team, so can the White Sox. Most important, they play in the easiest division in baseball, where the last-place club in the AL East would have a decent shot at winning the division.

They’re also lucky enough to have an owner, Jerry Reinsdorf, who cares whether the team wins. Not every team can say the same. Unfortunately, Reinsdorf seems to care how the White Sox win.

That last concept always needs to be appended to any allegations that Reinsdorf wants to win, and assumptions that losing makes Reinsdorf miserable. It’s another form of the famous-to-me Cigar Aficionado quote about Reinsdorf’s m.o. from 1995: “Throughout the fall and winter, he was still driven by the dream: to create a World Series winner in a business climate that made sense to him.”


Edited by Lip Man 1
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The more I hear about Getz or any combination of internal guys as the single voice shows me that person in that role won’t actually be the decision-maker. Anyone from the outside we would want isn’t going to come in here and be handcuffed. They will want their successes to be with their own decisions, their own lieutenants, and their own manager. They’ll also want to know there is a checkbook to bring in FAs. 

if it’s Getz, then there appears to be no serious commitment to change and Williams/Hahn were sacrificed to make it look like change will happen.

I don’t care who JR wants to keep on the payroll in whatever ambassador or advisor role as long as those people know they aren’t calling the shots and that they are not taking away from resources to scout/develop/coach talent.

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19 minutes ago, tjp1684 said:

The more I hear about Getz or any combination of internal guys as the single voice shows me that person in that role won’t actually be the decision-maker. Anyone from the outside we would want isn’t going to come in here and be handcuffed. They will want their successes to be with their own decisions, their own lieutenants, and their own manager. They’ll also want to know there is a checkbook to bring in FAs. 

if it’s Getz, then there appears to be no serious commitment to change and Williams/Hahn were sacrificed to make it look like change will happen.

I don’t care who JR wants to keep on the payroll in whatever ambassador or advisor role as long as those people know they aren’t calling the shots and that they are not taking away from resources to scout/develop/coach talent.

The "anyone from outside" stuff is all nonsense. The White Sox would be extremely enticing should that job ever become available.

Edited by Vacheron
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5 minutes ago, Vacheron said:

The "anyone from outside" stuff is all nonsense. The White Sox would be extremely enticing should that job ever become available.

Not for someone experienced, since this has a strong possibility of being a short term opportunity based on Jerry’s age, one of the oldest owners in sports (with Virginia).

Still would be attractive to someone at the assistant GM level who had reasonable assurances they could make most baseball decisions without interference. If they had to go through Jerry like the previous group for seemingly any trade / free agent decision of consequence, then it’s not an attractive position, and they are only going to get guys like Dayton Moore types or internal guys without other options.

Joe Espada saw the mess here, had the patience to turn down the managerial job and wait for a better situation. Similarly positioned GM candidates (widely known and coveted) would also likely not be interested if they didn’t feel they had the authority to run the organization in an optimal way (be stuck with Pedro and other coaches or FO staff, not have autonomy to revamp analytics, scouting, development, coaching staffs or sign free agents independently within a reasonable budget, etc.).

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3 minutes ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

The White Sox have told reporters that Tony La Russa isn't a consultant for the team. Harold is saying that Dayton Moore probably isn't coming and I've heard similar. Maybe they hire Chris Getz anyway. Or maybe Bob Nightengale has bad information somehow. 

Have you heard any other names that could be in the running?

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2 hours ago, Lip Man 1 said:

From Sox Machine site today:

"Meanwhile, at FanGraphs, Michael Baumann does a good job of informing the general baseball audience about Reinsdorf being the root of all the White Sox’s problems, and how much of a(n AL Central) force they could be without him.

There’s no structural reason the White Sox can’t be successful. They have history and branding half the league would kill for. They play in the third-largest media market in the U.S., and though they share it with a richer and more popular neighbor, if Houston and Philadelphia and Toronto can spend enough to put out a winning team, so can the White Sox. Most important, they play in the easiest division in baseball, where the last-place club in the AL East would have a decent shot at winning the division.

They’re also lucky enough to have an owner, Jerry Reinsdorf, who cares whether the team wins. Not every team can say the same. Unfortunately, Reinsdorf seems to care how the White Sox win.

That last concept always needs to be appended to any allegations that Reinsdorf wants to win, and assumptions that losing makes Reinsdorf miserable. It’s another form of the famous-to-me Cigar Aficionado quote about Reinsdorf’s m.o. from 1995: “Throughout the fall and winter, he was still driven by the dream: to create a World Series winner in a business climate that made sense to him.”


Being in the AL Central is really a curse for us. Jerry (rightly) believes we can compete for division championships and playoffs every year by doing things exactly the way he has for 40+ years.  


If we were in the AL East, we'd be in last place every year and be eliminated from the playoffs by Labor Day. That would be enough for Jerry to "consider" changing his approach. Now, he can keep trying to win "his way" with sycophants throughout the organization and pocketing tens of millions from international and gambling deals before we ever break Spring Training camp.  

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1 hour ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

The White Sox have told reporters that Tony La Russa isn't a consultant for the team. Harold is saying that Dayton Moore probably isn't coming and I've heard similar. Maybe they hire Chris Getz anyway. Or maybe Bob Nightengale has bad information somehow. 

Nightengale irritates the s%*# out of me. Especially his 670 the score interviews. I get that he needs to keep his sources, but he CONSTANTLY praises everything White Sox (or White Sox related). He just gave an interview on Mully and Haugh where he sung praises about Jerry, Hahn, KW, TLR, Getz and Moore. Barely any negative words about them. 

He thinks KW and Hahn will easily land jobs in the MLB in the future if they want. Really? I'm sure they have friends in high places, but these bozos will EASILY get front office jobs again? Come on. 

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37 minutes ago, PitchatRisktoZisk said:

Being in the AL Central is really a curse for us. Jerry (rightly) believes we can compete for division championships and playoffs every year by doing things exactly the way he has for 40+ years.  

If we were in the AL East, we'd be in last place every year and be eliminated from the playoffs by Labor Day. That would be enough for Jerry to "consider" changing his approach. Now, he can keep trying to win "his way" with sycophants throughout the organization and pocketing tens of millions from international and gambling deals before we ever break Spring Training camp.  

The one way this time is potentially different is Jerry has had inbred sycophants in place for over 3 decades. He is 87 and may not want or soon may not be able to interfere in the day to day as he had in the past.

If he brings in someone he knows and trusts, like a Kim Ng or someone else we might not be aware of, they will have a better chance at bringing in meaningful operational change that an internal candidate who sat there nodding to KW and RH like Getz cannot.

If Getz is the guy, then I am not going to waste any time following the day to day until Jerry is dead or a vegetable no longer running the team, because there won't be any significant operational change. If they bring in an external candidate not named Tony La Russa (or one of his cronies like Dave Stewart), then there is credible chance of a change in they way the White Sox conduct their business,

I don't believe everything can or will change, but enough substantial changes that don't upset Jerry, primarily having competent people draft, develop and analysts, would go a long way. It won't guarantee instant or perhaps even near term success (see Bulls), but at least fans will have legitimate hope the Sox could perform a legitimate rebuild and in 3-4 years see what they thought/hoped they would see to start this decade.

Edited by South Side Hit Men
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4 hours ago, South Side Hit Men said:

Not for someone experienced, since this has a strong possibility of being a short term opportunity based on Jerry’s age, one of the oldest owners in sports (with Virginia).

Still would be attractive to someone at the assistant GM level who had reasonable assurances they could make most baseball decisions without interference. If they had to go through Jerry like the previous group for seemingly any trade / free agent decision of consequence, then it’s not an attractive position, and they are only going to get guys like Dayton Moore types or internal guys without other options.

Joe Espada saw the mess here, had the patience to turn down the managerial job and wait for a better situation. Similarly positioned GM candidates (widely known and coveted) would also likely not be interested if they didn’t feel they had the authority to run the organization in an optimal way (be stuck with Pedro and other coaches or FO staff, not have autonomy to revamp analytics, scouting, development, coaching staffs or sign free agents independently within a reasonable budget, etc.).

Heck...we don't even know if they would be empowered to pick their own pitching coach or at least push Daryl Boston out.

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2 hours ago, caulfield12 said:

Heck...we don't even know if they would be empowered to pick their own pitching coach or at least push Daryl Boston out.

That's the what the next hire will tell us.

It's not that Chris Getz will be that much worse than XXX, though there is a good chance he would/will be. It's that Reindorf will continue grabbing the next guy in his organization, the same as he did after firing Himes and then Schueler, and there will be little to no change in their organization philosophy and management structure, swapping this unqualified Michigan grad for that unqualified Michigan grad, and Reinsdorf asking Chris Getz why he uses so many post it notes, or if he has stomach problems because he uses one roll of toilet paper more a month than Hahn.

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6 hours ago, Y2Jimmy0 said:

The White Sox have told reporters that Tony La Russa isn't a consultant for the team. Harold is saying that Dayton Moore probably isn't coming and I've heard similar. Maybe they hire Chris Getz anyway. Or maybe Bob Nightengale has bad information somehow. 

This is good news but I thought in spring training it was alluded that Tony still been given a token role in the front office and I assumed this was just that continued.


I kinda wonder 2 scenarios - Jerry talking to bob and mentioning that he came from Moore, and Jerry still being impressed by Moore and just throwing it out there. The other being that Getz pitched the idea when confronted with lack of experience.

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55 minutes ago, South Side Hit Men said:


  • EVP Kenny Williams
  • SVP Rick Hahn

Christmas List:

  • Chairman Jerry Reinsdorf
  • SVP Brooks Boyer
  • Asst GM Chris Getz
  • Asst GM Jeremy Haber
  • Coach Daryl Boston
  • Player Mike Clevinger

A new owner a CEO/President can properly assess next steps, personnel retention beyond these people.

I don't think you will have to worry about Clevinger. I have a hard time believing he will OK his side of the mutual option. I'm with you , I hold my nose when he pitches, but to be fair, and realize it really doesn't matter, this team would have lost several more games if they didn't sign him.

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18 hours ago, ron883 said:

Nightengale irritates the s%*# out of me. Especially his 670 the score interviews. I get that he needs to keep his sources, but he CONSTANTLY praises everything White Sox (or White Sox related). He just gave an interview on Mully and Haugh where he sung praises about Jerry, Hahn, KW, TLR, Getz and Moore. Barely any negative words about them. 

He thinks KW and Hahn will easily land jobs in the MLB in the future if they want. Really? I'm sure they have friends in high places, but these bozos will EASILY get front office jobs again? Come on. 

Honestly, I can see Hahn landing a job as a contract negotiator if he's willing to take it. He had that one skill.

I can't see KW taking anything but a GM role.

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The narrative sure has changed via what the board insiders are hearing. Can I start to be optimistic yet? Are they actually going to interview and maybe even hire an external candidate that somehow doesn't have the White Sox stench on them?

Edited by DirtySox
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