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Update: 3 (2) fans injured by bullet in Guaranteed Rate field (split from game thread, police investigation underway)

Chicago White Sox

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Seriously, this statement from the Sox is more embarrassing than a Grifol presser.  Imagine thinking that somehow, someway a person was shooting into the park from the outside and struct a fan in the leg (plus grazing another) and you just assumed said shooter wouldn’t keep firing?  Like I’m now legit fucking pissed.  This is gross misconduct and the Sox are lying through their teeth if this is story and they kept on playing.  What a fucking s%*# show.

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  On 8/26/2023 at 9:20 AM, Chicago White Sox said:

Seriously, this statement from the Sox is more embarrassing than a Grifol presser.  Imagine thinking that somehow, someway a person was shooting into the park from the outside and struct a fan in the leg (plus grazing another) and you just assumed said shooter wouldn’t keep firing?  Like I’m now legit fucking pissed.  This is gross misconduct and the Sox are lying through their teeth if this is story and they kept on playing.  What a fucking s%*# show.


Consider the source. Both the team and city cancelled any updates to have consistent alibis / excuses, and make this go away with minimal information released as possible. I can see the Sox and the City / CPD both saying they cannot comment further as this is an ongoing investigation and that being the end of it. 

Also, there is a zero point zero percentage chance the shooting was from outside the ballpark, worse than the magic bullet "theory" . The ABC report stated they escorted the persons involved outside of the ballpark. If this is accurate, why weren't they detained so that they could be arrested and processed at 009 / Deering?

Relevant section 52 seconds - 1:25:



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  On 8/26/2023 at 3:53 AM, Chicago White Sox said:

Lol…either do I, unfortunately I was there tonight and didn’t have a choice but to watch in disgust.  I left around 8:00ish, which I was believe sometime in the 6th inning.

Where did you see the time of the shooting?


Which would match when the shooter left. You may need an alibi.

PR through the years. Blame it on

Outside agitators

The opposition

Secret government agencies



Rival gangs


Lack of God


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BTW, sending 20,000 fans towards the exits isn't something to do without careful consideration. You don't want people panicking. 

MLB requires every team to have an evacuation plan in place. I'm not certain of the time line between when they confirmed it was a bullet that did the damage and how much of the game remained. That could be a big factor in their decision. 

On the surface continuing to play seems like a mistake. Once more details emerge their plan to have fans exit at the normal end may look less wrong. 

Disco to Hip Hop. 


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This doesn’t make any sense at all.  The popping noise they heard, was that the bullet hitting the ladys leg?  That bullet was found largely undamaged after being fired from a mile away and pinging around the stands after hitting them?

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  On 8/26/2023 at 4:08 AM, Milkman delivers said:

Again, not all gunshots look the same depending on a lot of variables including the caliber and location of gunshot. I’m guessing this one was probably smaller caliber. Could easily be that this person more or less grazed themselves (and possibly through and through). Maybe on the foot or hand. That could be covered up or even appear to a person they walk by to be a more minor injury like a cut from glass or a fist fight. The other injured people could be from a shard of the ricochet bullet or concrete.

Look, I’m gonna tell you something you probably don’t want to hear. But that likely wasn’t even close to the only gun in that stadium.


Hmmm…seems like everyone else was right that it was unlikely a gun went off a few feet from them, people were injured, and no one noticed.

I know when people spill their beers around me.

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  On 8/26/2023 at 12:29 PM, Kyyle23 said:

This doesn’t make any sense at all.  The popping noise they heard, was that the bullet hitting the ladys leg?  That bullet was found largely undamaged after being fired from a mile away and pinging around the stands after hitting them?


If this was a fictional movie, you would say it’s a ploy to say the area is dangerous and the team needs to move.

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  On 8/26/2023 at 11:05 AM, Dick Allen said:

Makes you wonder about the metal detectors they make you walk through. This is going to be a huge PR blow to a team that can't afford one. I think JR and the team are also going to get sued big time.



Absolutely.  I used to travel in from Indiana for games and there was a day (2018) I forgot to take my mini (2.5”?) Weatherman Swiss knife keychain off my keys before I got on the train into town.  I pulled it off and handed it to the guy working the detectors and asked if I could pick it up somewhere on the way out of the game.  He took the keychain, put it in the basket, and said “no, we don’t offer that kind of service here,” and took the keychain away.  I never saw it again.  (Honestly—my fault for forgetting, but that policy is straight up theft if they don’t return the items.)
I can’t imagine a detector failure large enough for someone to get a gun into the game.  There’s some major PR work to be done on this one.  

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  • bmags changed the title to Update: 3 fans injured when outside bullet lands in Guaranteed Rate field (split from game thread, police investigation underway)

It also doesn’t make sense that the shot came from outside the park because of where she was at.  My first thought was she was in the upper deck seats behind the plate but in the left field bleachers?  Is someone curving bullets?

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  On 8/26/2023 at 1:23 PM, Kyyle23 said:

It also doesn’t make sense that the shot came from outside the park because of where she was at.  My first thought was she was in the upper deck seats behind the plate but in the left field bleachers?  Is someone curving bullets?


Very hard to believe a bullet fired a mile away could somehow achieve the necessary trajectory to both land in the LF bleachers and strike three people.

Regardless, these assholes were going to keep rocking and rolling with this overpriced, shitty product until the CPD declared the park a crime scene.


“Right before they started to put up the scaffolding for the concert, Sox Park was declared a crime scene, and that’s why the concert was canceled,” a source within the team’s organization said.



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