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I'm all for giving him a chance.  He hasn't screwed up yet.  He gets criticized here for being a KC grad.  Big deal. And, he gets criticized for heading a farm system that is in the bottom 5.  He inherited that mess, and he didn't make it worse.  He didn't make draft choices the last 5 years, did he?  Getz would not have been my choice either, but he now has the gig, so let's just see how he does.  If he fucks up, I'll be the first one to get after him.  I know I was anti Hahn long before it was fashionable here.  Nothing is going to happen until World Series is over.  Then his opportunity surfaces.

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My biggest problem with Getz is that he was director of player development, and this team seriously lacks in that department.

That being said, he is the man in charge and I wish him the best of luck because I want the White Sox to succeed.

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3 minutes ago, Highland said:

I'm all for giving someone a chance, but I don't have big expectations. I just hope he does more this off season than Hahn did with the last.

He's going to have to do more with more holes to fill. We've only got 1 real SP going into next year (assuming Clevinger is gone).

Edited by Bob Sacamano
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1 hour ago, oldsox said:

I'm all for giving him a chance.  He hasn't screwed up yet.  He gets criticized here for being a KC grad.  Big deal. And, he gets criticized for heading a farm system that is in the bottom 5.  He inherited that mess, and he didn't make it worse.  He didn't make draft choices the last 5 years, did he?  Getz would not have been my choice either, but he now has the gig, so let's just see how he does.  If he fucks up, I'll be the first one to get after him.  I know I was anti Hahn long before it was fashionable here.  Nothing is going to happen until World Series is over.  Then his opportunity surfaces.

Outside of Hahn's trades for prospects + signing Robert, the farm system has remained ranked towards the bottom of the league during Getz's entire tenure with the team.

Sure, he can't be blamed for it in 2017.

However, in 2023, you need to start showing results to put on your resume. Unless you work for Jerry Reinsdorf.

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1 hour ago, oldsox said:

I'm all for giving him a chance.  He hasn't screwed up yet.  He gets criticized here for being a KC grad.  Big deal. And, he gets criticized for heading a farm system that is in the bottom 5.  He inherited that mess, and he didn't make it worse.  He didn't make draft choices the last 5 years, did he?  Getz would not have been my choice either, but he now has the gig, so let's just see how he does.  If he fucks up, I'll be the first one to get after him.  I know I was anti Hahn long before it was fashionable here.  Nothing is going to happen until World Series is over.  Then his opportunity surfaces.

Well said!

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1 hour ago, oldsox said:

And, he gets criticized for heading a farm system that is in the bottom 5.  He inherited that mess, and he didn't make it worse.  He didn't make draft choices the last 5 years, did he? 

No, he didn't make the draft choices, but he was responsible for taking the draft choices and developing them. Like it or not, the Sox have done a piss-poor job of developing non-blue-chip prospects. That was literally his job, and the product has been horrible.

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Chris Getz was hired in 2016. He was then handed a bunch of top 50 prospects and top 10 draft picks. By 2020 we were already tapped out of a pipeline and needing to trade major league pieces to supplement a playoff roster. By 2023 we had 100 losses.

I don't know how we say he didn't make it worse. He happened to take over in a time where technology in player development exploded. People say he "modernized it" without thinking whether it is still behind all other 29 teams.

He was pretty bad at his job actually.


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It was pretty much known to everyone with any inside info that if Rick or KW were to somehow be bad enough to be let go, Getz was the replacement. If they weren’t let go, I don’t think there is another team that would have seriously considered him for their GM job. Now all that doesn’t mean he will be bad, and he is all we have, so we have to hope he is better than what the consensus thinks. We were told the main reason he got the job was time. JR didn’t want to waste any bringing in someone else, Flimsy at best. Gets has already said on numerous occasions, he had to do a “deep dive”. And has seemingly walked back thoughts this team could actually contend next year, realizing the fan base isn’t THAT dumb. I am not optimistic, but hope this guy surprises me. I just think JR will still have too much influence, and it will be more of the same.

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17 minutes ago, bmags said:

Chris Getz was hired in 2016. He was then handed a bunch of top 50 prospects and top 10 draft picks. By 2020 we were already tapped out of a pipeline and needing to trade major league pieces to supplement a playoff roster. By 2023 we had 100 losses.

I don't know how we say he didn't make it worse. He happened to take over in a time where technology in player development exploded. People say he "modernized it" without thinking whether it is still behind all other 29 teams.

He was pretty bad at his job actually.


He also played a big role in the Pedro Grifol hire, and his refusal to fire him despite what’s plain to see, is an indication he will allow his mistakes, something all GMs make, to linger and hurt the team moving forward.

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19 minutes ago, Dick Allen said:

He also played a big role in the Pedro Grifol hire, and his refusal to fire him despite what’s plain to see, is an indication he will allow his mistakes, something all GMs make, to linger and hurt the team moving forward.

I, too, would like to give Getz a chance. But not removing Grifol is a giant red flag right out the gate. If he pleasantly surprises me in the off season, great. But Grifol remaining is killing any optimism for me. 

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Nick Hostetler didn't have many deep drafts, in retrospect. The 2019 draft was one that looked like they had a plan, held off money to sign toolsy HS kids taken in the later rounds. I remember that draft being lauded by the pundits. Thompson and Dalquist, two HS pitchers, taken 2 and 3, haven't really developed. Neither has owned a level. Logan Glass, Chase Krogman, and Bryce Bush (2018) were all seen as nice, late round finds. None have developed. DJ Gladney (#16) and Chase Solesky (#21) seem to be the only bright spots, only for exceeding the low expectations of their slot. Both are rule 5 eligible this off-season. 

I hoped Getz would do a good well in his previous job. The 2022 draft class looks very successful, but that seems like an outlier, so far. Perhaps it took this long for his modifications to minor league development to bear fruit. 

It could be all of his good ideas were put on the back burner. They certainly churned through pitching coordinators and all. Maybe Vizquel and Helms were foisted upon him, and company man that he is, took the pie for those decisions. 

My only hope is that KW was the problem, the egotistical bro-dude who sacked Rick Hahn's 'genius', and now with a relatively fresh set of eyes (or at least not fogged over with resignation), and no multiple layers of hindrance from above, Getz could at least get out of the backfield. 

That's all I have, at this point. It's not like I can fire him. 

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5 hours ago, JoeC said:

No, he didn't make the draft choices, but he was responsible for taking the draft choices and developing them. Like it or not, the Sox have done a piss-poor job of developing non-blue-chip prospects. That was literally his job, and the product has been horrible.

They've also done a poor job of developing blue-chips, if we're being honest.

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Getz doesn't deserve and will not get the benefit of the doubt from me. As already outlined above, he inherited numerous top prospects and high draft picks and under his watch it has sunk into the abyss.

There is nothing to suggest otherwise. He had a chance to make an impression by firing Grifol and instead he got a vote of confidence. You just cant retain that man after losing 100 games in a season where you were expecting contention, it can't happen.

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As far as I can tell, the biggest knock against Getz is that jerry reinsdorf hired him and that there would potentially be better candidates available if we waited a  couple months. 

I have absolutely no clue how to evaluate how a “rookie” will perform at this job, but the last time a reinsdorf team hired a no name rookie for a managerial role that more respected franchises passed over, it resulted in the best (non-cubs) team a Chicago club has produced since 2005. I’m talking Tom Thibs with the Bulls and my general philosophy regarding sports is to try and find diamonds in the rough rather than retreading the same average, not spectacular people. 

I know nothing about Chris Getz but he’s got the job now and I have no reason to think he’ll either completely s%*# the bed or be the best executive in sports. Kim Ng seems competent and like a nice role model, but what cause for belief is there that she would be better than Chris Getz at the job? Do you know either one of them? Experience? An expanded wild card appearance? If you play that game, on paper, Rick Hahn has a pretty impressive resume. He built a pretty impressive minor league roster and had a few postseason appearances ?

I reckon there’s a lot of senior citizens on this board, but “this person did this job for this org for X years” is not a job qualification anymore. It should never have been. You can talk to young people without “experience” and realize they might perform better at a specific job than the old timer with “experience.” The flip side of course is what happens in most workplaces in the real world, and it’s discrimination against older people  in favor of some recent college grad who costs nothing and never says no to the boss. is that Chris Getz and jerry reinsdorf’s relationship? Perhaps but I don’t see the precedent for that with the Sox or bulls. 

I’m a big fan of what Ng’s relative success might mean for inclusivity and creating a cultural endeavor that isn’t just for good ol boys, that it was a long time coming  and thus helps the longevity of the sport; but can anyone really measure or otherwise prove, with all else equal, that she’s a better executive than Chris Getz? I have no way of knowing and I don’t think other fans do either beyond the reasonable MO of to distrust every decision Reinsdorf makes.  

The criticism of Getz lies on the belief that reinsdorf and his lackeys will undoubtedly hire the wrong person. Which is fair enough, I’m just not compelled by it.

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12 minutes ago, nrockway said:

As far as I can tell, the biggest knock against Getz is that jerry reinsdorf hired him and that there would potentially be better candidates available if we waited a  couple months. 

I have absolutely no clue how to evaluate how a “rookie” will perform at this job, but the last time a reinsdorf team hired a no name rookie for a managerial role that more respected franchises passed over, it resulted in the best (non-cubs) team a Chicago club has produced since 2005. I’m talking Tom Thibs with the Bulls and my general philosophy regarding sports is to try and find diamonds in the rough rather than retreading the same average, not spectacular people. 

I know nothing about Chris Getz but he’s got the job now and I have no reason to think he’ll either completely s%*# the bed or be the best executive in sports. Kim Ng seems competent and like a nice role model, but what cause for belief is there that she would be better than Chris Getz at the job? Do you know either one of them? Experience? An expanded wild card appearance? If you play that game, on paper, Rick Hahn has a pretty impressive resume. He built a pretty impressive minor league roster and had a few postseason appearances ?

I reckon there’s a lot of senior citizens on this board, but “this person did this job for this org for X years” is not a job qualification anymore. It should never have been. You can talk to young people without “experience” and realize they might perform better at a specific job than the old timer with “experience.” The flip side of course is what happens in most workplaces in the real world, and it’s discrimination against older people  in favor of some recent college grad who costs nothing and never says no to the boss. is that Chris Getz and jerry reinsdorf’s relationship? Perhaps but I don’t see the precedent for that with the Sox or bulls. 

I’m a big fan of what Ng’s relative success might mean for inclusivity and creating a cultural endeavor that isn’t just for good ol boys, that it was a long time coming  and thus helps the longevity of the sport; but can anyone really measure or otherwise prove, with all else equal, that she’s a better executive than Chris Getz? I have no way of knowing and I don’t think other fans do either beyond the reasonable MO of to distrust every decision Reinsdorf makes.  

The criticism of Getz lies on the belief that reinsdorf and his lackeys will undoubtedly hire the wrong person. Which is fair enough, I’m just not compelled by it.

Chris Getz has been bad at his job in the White Sox organization. This is proven by the lack of development in our minor league system. Typically you don't see people who are bad at their current job get a promotion.

In fact, JR basically admitted he punted this hire by saying that BS line about someone from outside the organization would take a year to learn whats going on here so that's why he stayed in house.

Edited by T R U
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24 minutes ago, Bob Sacamano said:

Blue-chippers? How about even quality major leaguers lol

I mean, these guys were all blue-chips:

Moncada, Robert, Eloy, Kopech, Cease

Gio was a blue-chip whose shine was wearing off. He needed to go outside the org to Katz to get help.

Then ReyLo had some buzz. Vaughn has plenty of hype as polished hitter.

Then non-blue chips who just fucking languished in the org, but had various levels of industry hype: Rutherford, Clarkin, Basabe

Alec Hansen's rise and fall may as well have been developmental malpractice. Getting nothing out of Adolfo was embarrassing.

And then we have success stories in Jake Burger and Gavin Sheets, who Getz didn't bring along to the alternate site in 2020. Burger was eventually added in mid-August, but only after putting in his own work in a collegiate league. Sheets had to learn how to play the outfield (as well as he can) on his own.

@Eminor3rd put it best that players enter the Sox org with certain strengths and weaknesses and they don't ever change or develop. And if Chris Getz doesn't share any blame cause the nErDs were overriding him, then he's a prick who has just been sitting there and collecting checks for 7 years.


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1 hour ago, T R U said:

Chris Getz has been bad at his job in the White Sox organization. This is proven by the lack of development in our minor league system. Typically you don't see people who are bad at their current job get a promotion.

In fact, JR basically admitted he punted this hire by saying that BS line about someone from outside the organization would take a year to learn whats going on here so that's why he stayed in house.

I don't think that's proven and I'm also not sure how one is even able to prove that. Minor league system rankings are not a function of that. I'm certainly not saying he's the right hire, I just don't buy the logic to explain why. Maybe he's a wunderkind. Maybe not. Is Kim Ng or Chaim Bloom that person? Prove it. I'm surprised that Getz would get a role like this, but as I mentioned, the last time Reinsdorf hired a no name in a leadership role, it resulted in the best basketball team we've seen since Jordan; no surprise that team flopped when he was pushed out.

This shouldn't be taken as a Reinsdorf defense or even as cautious optimism, but at least give the guy a chance to do the job.

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