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13 minutes ago, Lip Man 1 said:

Morman wasn't a free agent, the Sox actually got a pick for Lemon and were able to select an unprotected free agent. Not a draft pick if I remember right.

There is conflicting information on the interwebs regarding this. Baseball Reference and Wiki states Russ Morman was the Supplemental Draft Pick the White Sox received for for losing Steve Kemp.


This site states Russ Morman was a supplemental pick for losing Billy Almon.


This is what your own notes state about the situation.


So, if what you state is true, which player(s) did the Sox select for losing Steve Kemp?

And why was it open to any team vs. the team they lost Steve Kemp to?

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9 minutes ago, South Side Hit Men said:


So, if what you state is true, which player(s) did the Sox select for losing Steve Kemp?

And why was it open to any team vs. the team they lost Steve Kemp to?

And I have the answer, which was convoluted. The White Sox initially selected Rudy May, but due to his no-trade clause the White Sox instead selected Steve Mura.



The Yankees had to protect some of their players because, under the compensation rules, any player whose permission is needed to be traded must be on the protected list. (Rudy) May has a no-trade provision in his contract, but the Yankee source said the club worked out an agreement with him whereby he would consent to move to another team in the compensation draft. Kemp-May Case Recalled

Last year, the Yankees did not protect the veteran left-hander, and the White Sox chose him as compensation for Steve Kemp, whom the Yankees had signed. However, it was later determined that May should have been protected because of the no- trade provision in his contract, so the White Sox instead selected Steve Mura, another pitcher.

So it appears Russ Morman was the compensatory pick for losing Billy Almon.

@Lip Man 1

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14 hours ago, South Side Hit Men said:

And I have the answer, which was convoluted. The White Sox initially selected Rudy May, but due to his no-trade clause the White Sox instead selected Steve Mura.


So it appears Russ Morman was the compensatory pick for losing Billy Almon.

@Lip Man 1

Actually, May was the selection but because he had a multi-year deal in place he should not even have been allowed to be left unprotected. The selection was voided.

The Sox then hinted about the possibility of taking Fergie Jenkins whom the Cubs left unprotected.

After the Sox/Cubs six player deal, with the "promise" (nudge, nudge, wink, wink...say no more) that the Sox wouldn't take Jenkins, they selected Mura.

I posted this earlier in the thread.

Also to answer your question, the rules in place at the time had any unprotected player put into a free agent compensation pool. A team making a pick could choose from any player in the pool regardless of what team they came from. 


Edited by Lip Man 1
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