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ok you guys are going to have to .........

Guest hotsoxchick1

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Guest hotsoxchick1

just suffer along with me here for a little while..... i quit smoking recently and am having a hard time with it.......but its something i have to do so .... if i come off in a b****y kind of way just keep in the back of your mind that this is not the normal hsc you all have come to know and love.. its her evil trying to get healthy twin which has taken over............ill send you all my "im sorry" 's now................because i am very sorry for all the b****ing and fighting im about to do................thanks for your patients everyone............... :D

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just suffer along with me here for a little while..... i quit smoking recently and am having a hard time with it.......but its something i have to do so .... if i  come off in a b****y kind of way just keep in the back of your mind that this is not the normal hsc you all have come to know and love.. its her evil trying to get healthy twin which has taken over............ill send you all my "im sorry" 's now................because i am very sorry for all the b****ing and fighting im about to do................thanks for your patients everyone............... :D

You acting b****y?.........................



*Gonna quit while Im ahead*

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Guest hotsoxchick1

believe me jas i plan on it..... its the only thing that keeps me sane.. the hard thing about it is its usually when i did most of my smoking too.........hopefully it will pass soon and the cravings will go away........i need a new bad habbit though..... any ideas?????? lol

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believe me jas i plan on it..... its the only thing that keeps me sane.. the hard thing about it is its usually when i did most of my smoking too.........hopefully it will pass soon and the cravings will go away........i need a new bad habbit though..... any ideas?????? lol

One or two...




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believe me jas i plan on it..... its the only thing that keeps me sane.. the hard thing about it is its usually when i did most of my smoking too.........hopefully it will pass soon and the cravings will go away........i need a new bad habbit though..... any ideas?????? lol

Are you quitting cold turkey?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

bj i could use a few bad habbits... lol.......ive given up all my other ones.......jas im quitin cold turkey... been a week now..... and it didnt bother me untill today......dont know why....probably cause this is the first day i havent been hacking up my lungs i guess......

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bj i could use a few bad habbits... lol.......ive given up all my other ones.......jas im quitin cold turkey... been a week now..... and it didnt bother me untill today......dont know why....probably cause this is the first day i havent been hacking up my lungs i guess......

I've got a few left but I'm trying to give em up. It's hard to let go of the really fun ones.

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HSC....you should consider qutting like my dad did.


At the state fair one year, a guy that I'll never know until around the day my dad dies made him a bet....he said I'll give you $1000 if you don't smoke for 3 years...my dad didn't smoke for 3 years, and he never really wanted to go back.


I'm not sure how many people out there want to give up $1000, but good luck to you anyways! :D

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bj i could use a few bad habbits... lol.......ive given up all my other ones.......jas im quitin cold turkey... been a week now..... and it didnt bother me untill today......dont know why....probably cause this is the first day i havent been hacking up my lungs i guess......

You better enjoy that feeling, cause those lungs are only going to get better :headbang

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Guest hotsoxchick1

had i known that smoking would make me this sick when i quit, i would have never started in the first place... omg every bone in my body hurts from coughing so much..........thanks guys for your support it means alot ......

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Try chewing aluminum foil. That ought to do it.

I decided to try and quit eating olives a few years ago and chewing aluminum foil helped take away the olive cravings. I haven't had an olive since then.

Or just hit your head on cement when you get the urge to smoke. That technique helped me quit talking to myself.

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Try chewing aluminum foil. That ought to do it.

I decided to try and quit eating olives a few years ago and chewing aluminum foil helped take away the olive cravings. I haven't had an olive since then.

Or just hit your head on cement when you get the urge to smoke. That technique helped me quit talking to myself.

Why'd you quit eating olives? I really like green olives a whole hell of a lot. They are damn tasty....I don't think I'll ever give them up....not even after chewing on aluminum foil. That will make me want to eat them more.

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Try chewing aluminum foil. That ought to do it.

I decided to try and quit eating olives a few years ago and chewing aluminum foil helped take away the olive cravings. I haven't had an olive since then.

Or just hit your head on cement when you get the urge to smoke. That technique helped me quit talking to myself.

LMFAO! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Guest hotsoxchick1

omfg lmao zach... yeah thanks ill try that if i cant do it this way......of course when you see me next time i think ill be able to get every sattelite station in the free country ..............nice idea......... :lol:

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if i  come off in a b****y kind of way just keep in the back of your mind that this is not the normal hsc you all have come to know and love..

who say that one that you are normal, 2 that you are not b****y and 3 that you were loved. :lol: :headbang

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Try chewing aluminum foil. That ought to do it.

I decided to try and quit eating olives a few years ago and chewing aluminum foil helped take away the olive cravings. I haven't had an olive since then.

Or just hit your head on cement when you get the urge to smoke. That technique helped me quit talking to myself.

Why'd you quit eating olives? I really like green olives a whole hell of a lot. They are damn tasty....I don't think I'll ever give them up....not even after chewing on aluminum foil. That will make me want to eat them more.

I read an article that excessive olive eating over a long period of time could impair ones ability to remember where they parked their car or how to tie their shoes. So I decided to quit. I tried going "cold turkey", chewing "olive" falvored gum, and wearing the "olive patch" on my testicles, but none worked. I even went so far as to visit a "Ranch Dressing" clinic once a day to kick the habit. The Ranch dressing helped me stay off olives for about a month, but then I fell off the wagon and was right back on olives. The aluminum foil finally saved me from the evil temptress that is the olive. With her gentle green texture and enticing flavorful pit, she has driven many poor souls to an early grave. It starts off innocently when someone offers you a few at a holiday party. Soon you start "experimenting" with them on pizza or by putting them in a taco salad. Before you know it, you are hooked and you spend every waking moment craving olives. You steal from your family to afford the imported olives that provide a better "pit high". Pretty soon olives are not enough and you try other condiments like sardines and anchovies. I once knew a guy so strung out on olives and anchovies that he thought he was being followed by men named Floyd that wanted to steal his pancreas. He still won't leave his house and has been shunned by society.

Beware the olive my friend. She may seem sweet, but too soon she will rob you of your youth and leave you in the gutter like a rotting lump of liver sausage pate.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

lmfao..... thanks zach thats just what i needed today.........its bad enough im hacking up lungs and rainbow luggies but tonite i had the pleasure of going from chills to nite sweats to feeling like i just wanted to die to feeling like im on speed this morning.........this totaly sucks......but i keep being told it will be worth it in the long run.....ill probably drop dead in about 6 months from now for putting my body through this culture shock.....lol............thanks for the funny things you put on here.....it really makes my day......... :D


and as for you ldf.. come on now i know ya love me and think im a b**** and im probably the most normal thing in your life.......lmao...... :D

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and as for you ldf.. come on now i know ya love me and think im a b**** and im probably the most normal thing in your life.......lmao...... :D

yup everything i love in a women, someone hacking up some unknown green stuff with night sweats. yup, i ideal women. :headbang :lol:

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