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NFL admits to mistake

Cy Young Porzio

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i am sure you all heard how the nfl admits their mistake on the last play that is was a pass interference and the man caled for illegal down field checked in as an elligable reciever before the play. However, i do believe another guy would've gotten the penalty anyways. But with the PI called they said penalties wouldve offset and the giants would have gotten another chance. Tagliabue even said they are gonna review everything and he was all mad about it, and make sure this doesnt happen again.

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i know it doesnt matter cuz what happened happened, but this s*** shouldnt happen. All mariuchi had to say was "bummer" and giants said it didnt matter unless they replayed it or something which will not and should not happen. But it really pisses me off that a team gets screwed out of the playoffs on some bs, and the niners dont get a win that they completely deserve although their comback was amazing.

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If it were the Niners who had that happen to them, I'd feel a bit more, but the Giants blew a 24 point lead and screwed the snap up anyway...They didn't deserve to win.


Does it suck they got screwed...your damn right it does...I was hoping for Mooch to get canned and that Mooch getting fired would somehow convince Bears management to can Jauron and hire Mooch.


Still, I can't feel sorry for a team that blew a 24 point lead. Just like I couldn't feel sorry this season when the Bears squandered all those double digit leads this year. When teams blow leads like that, its bad coaching with a mix of bad play, but its still horrible coaching.

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