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SERIOUS question about my bro's TV

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THE Color is messed up its like normal color in the middle and glowy at the ends? I tried changin the diffferent modes like sports mode movie mode but its still glowy and the ends its fine in the middle but messed up at the ends.


DOES anyone know why this is happenin?

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either its just really old or there's a magnetic field present. I really f***ed up a friends computer monitor by putting a magnet too close to it. Other things that can be the culprit: VCR, in college i had a cheap vcr too close to my tv it started to f*** with the color on the right side; Reciever, same as the VCR; Speakers, speakers have big magnets in them; Anything that puts out an electric field. Monitors have a permanent magnetic charge to them any change to that charge can mess with the picture quality.


The fix, if what I highlighted is, in fact, wrong with your tv, is pretty simple. All you need to do is go to a radioshack and ask for a demagnetizer. Set you back about 30 bones but well worth it. Even if it works you can take it back and tell them that it didn't.

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either its just really old or there's a magnetic field present.  I really f***ed up a friends computer monitor by putting a magnet too close to it.  Other things that can be the culprit: VCR, in college i had a cheap vcr too close to my tv it started to f*** with the color on the right side;  Reciever, same as the VCR; Speakers, speakers have big magnets in them; Anything that puts out an electric field.  Monitors have a permanent magnetic charge to them any change to that charge can mess with the picture quality. 


The fix, if what I highlighted is, in fact, wrong with your tv, is pretty simple.  All you need to do is go to a radioshack  and ask for a demagnetizer.  Set you back about 30 bones but well worth it.  Even if it works you can take it back and tell them that it didn't.

I was going to say the same thing. If you have some sort of stereo speaker near it or touching it, then thats likely the cause. Just move it away a bit and you should be fixed.


If its not that, then there is something wrong with the picture tube and the tv is a goner. Most likely its a magnetic field of some sort, and it causes the outer portion of the screen to get blurry or give off a weird color.

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It may not be a magnetic field issue if the effect is visible around the entire edge of the screen instead on just in one spot (I could be wrong though, easy to check). It sounds more like the CRT is dying, especially if it's an older tv. CRTs anodize over time and it occurs from the outside inward. It used to be a lot worse in older tv's, and in fact that is why old tvs had the plastic bezel that covered an inch or so areound the edge of the screen. The picture would shrink over time due to anodization, but the consumer would not notice it until the shrinkage actually migrated into the viewable part of the screen past the bezel.


The bigger problem woth newer CRT tv's seems to be that one or another of the RGB guns craps out way too early (shoddy consumer equipment). The blue gun on my tv (only 2 *%&$! years old!) is dying and when the tv heats up it goes out and everything takes on an annoying green cast.

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It may not be a magnetic field issue if the effect is visible around the entire edge of the screen instead on just in one spot (I could be wrong though, easy to check).  It sounds more like the CRT is dying, especially if it's an older tv.  CRTs anodize over time and it occurs from the outside inward.  It used to be a lot worse in older tv's, and in fact that is why old tvs had the plastic bezel that covered an inch or so areound the edge of the screen.  The picture would shrink over time due to anodization, but the consumer would not notice it until the shrinkage actually migrated into the viewable part of the screen past the bezel.


The bigger problem woth newer CRT tv's seems to be that one or another of the RGB guns craps out way too early (shoddy consumer equipment).  The blue gun on my tv (only 2 *%&$! years old!) is dying and when the tv heats up it goes out and everything takes on an annoying green cast.

We must have the same TV. I had a green one too. It got relegated to the garage.

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