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Stuck in the middle again...

Queen Prawn

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I just received a phone call at work that things came to a head at home between my bf and his dad. It was so bad the cops were almost called. I really don't know what happened, but I saw something like this coming a long time ago. This whole remodeling/adding on thing has gotten completely out fo control. The contractor didn't like the original loan we got (through LaSalle) so we decided we were going to sell the house and move, screw remodeling. Somehow between screw this and getting a different house, his dad took an equity loan against the Wisconsin house he has. Well, this stupid construction started 4-5 months late and is nearing the end and so is the money. Since the loan was in his dad's name, he had control of the money (didn't like this from the start, but since my name isn't on either loan, I really have no say in it).


From what I can make out of the conversation with his mom (she called me at work about a half hr ago to tell me about this), apparently something isn't making sense with the numbers his dad is telling him (he called his dad a theif) and also there was destruction of personal property by the laborers who went to a part of the house that was off limits (close to $1000 of damage).


Also insinuated on the phone was that he and I shouldn't be together (she thinks he is stringing me along and also that he is dangerous - in 2.75 yrs, he has never laid a hand on me and when he does yell, 10 minutes later he is begging my forgiveness (fights do not happen all that often either)). What she doesn't know is that he has supposedly put money down on an engagement ring (my birthday is next Friday and he keeps dropping hints about it - I am not holding my breath, but we will see).


I think I am going to see if I can stay with my aunt or something (my mom already offered to help if needed) instead of staying with his sister for the remainder of this construction. That's the only way I can see myself not being put in the middle anymore.

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I am going to talk to him first, but I think I need to do this for my own sanity. When my bf and some member of his family fight, they b**** about it to me and expect me to do something about it. He's a grown man, he makes his own decisions and reaps the consequences.

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