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Chasing Records — 121 losses, modern MLB record

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Has anyone from the Chicago media got a quote from Getz or anyone else in the organization yet on the likely possibility that this Sox team is the worse in the history of baseball?  Has this trajectory even been acknowldeged at all by official Sox media? 

Also, they are truly missing a unique marketing opportunity here. They should be promoting the march to infamy in different fun ways to get people out to the ballpark. Instead it is just more Elvis nights and bobbleheads.. 

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Don't care what the team does in regard to any record. 2024 is a nightmare on its own accord and an indication of more losing yet to come. Rebuild my ass. This organization doesn't care about putting a winning team on the field. Have stopped watching games because I don't want to hear and see the death march led by Schriffen and Stone Poney. 

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On 8/30/2024 at 8:28 AM, Rowand44 said:

Love it.  You know they’re going to go on a “hot streak” and only get to 119 though just cause.

Dream on, this team is not capable of anything resembling a hot streak. They will be lucky if they make it to 35 wins. I wouldn’t be surprised if the don’t win another game this year. There are AAA teams from other organizations that are better than the Sox.

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