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Is it wrong to want the Sox to embarrass themselves?


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On 4/14/2024 at 3:00 PM, Chicago White Sox said:

I continue to watch and cheer them on, but part of me does want us to lose 120+ games and force Jerry to realize he has destroyed this franchise with his incompetence as owner.

Lol, nothing will cause Jerry to realize he’s incompetent.  

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12 minutes ago, Lip Man 1 said:

I'm telling you they have a shot to break the 62 Mets record of 120 losses.

Eh I think the pitching will be too strong and eventually they’ll put a few more than 2 runs on the board. They’ll still lose 105. 

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11 hours ago, PaleAleSox said:

Eh I think the pitching will be too strong and eventually they’ll put a few more than 2 runs on the board. They’ll still lose 105. 


Sox are 24th out of 30 in ERA.

The pitching is better than expected, but let's not act like it's going to be a saving grace.

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23 hours ago, CaliSoxFanViaSWside said:

Haha good one. I was born and raised in Chicago on the SW side I was raised Catholic and went to a Catholic Seminary HS.

I just can't forget that spirituality is still a part of every day life.

Im a huge Sox fan .I played a lot of sports. Follow the Bears, Bulls, Hawks. Love baseball more than the other sports but still thanks to the internet and I tune into the CHGO shows that cover the Sox. I like Vinnie Duber and instead of bringing talk of darkening my soul into the conversation perhaps I can liken how I feel to a sports journalist.

Duber is a Sox fan and a journalist who has media credentials. He has to cover the team and try to remain objective. He can't be overly critical of the Sox, especially Reinsdorf, if he wants to keep getting into games for free as a member of the media. As far as I can tell there isn't a single member of the media wishing for the downfall of the franchise because that is an emotional response not an objective one. White Sox fans have been through this in the past. We are not the 1st generation of fans to see the Sox suck. We are also not the only fans to follow a franchise that cannot compete due to ownership claiming they can't afford it.

Wishing for the White Sox or Reinsdorf to be embarrassed or publicly humiliated accomplishes nothing unless you want to have the Chicago White Sox become a memory like the Chicago Cardinals in football.

Like a media member I chhose to remain objective and keep my emotions out of it.

If anyone here thinks they know me from my past 20 years posting here it's that I try really hard not to view things as a fan even though I am one. Just because Vaughn was a very high draft pick I was not hurt when he became less than was expected from him. But wow in the beginning when the fans were putting all their hopes of glory into Vaughn being an elite bat you could not look at him objectively and voice your opinion  without scathing responses from Sox fans on here .Most of the responses are based on the perceived notion that I know nothing because the majority opinion was  he's the greatest thing ever.

When you're a fan of a terrible sports team for 50 years you just realize you can't let your fandom ruin your day or even ruin your mood while you're watching the game especially if you're the kind of fan yelling at the TV and having temper tantrums because you have money on the game especially if that behavior is around your children .What are you teaching them exactly by behaving in that way ?

There are a lot of casual fans especially women who rarely post on fan forums like this. As far as I know we have one and she sometimes expresses her doubts about Colson Montgomery and gets a fair amount of grief for it. Forums like these are not for the faint of heart or for the casual fans or who don't put their heart and SOUL into all things White Sox. If you take your emotions out of the equation it becomes much easier .

I'm very critical of Reinsdorf every chance I get. From the beginning of the rebuild  I always felt it had very little chance of resulting in a championship or multiple championships or even an extended period of high level of competitiveness. Anyone who has followed how Reinsdorf has operated  as Chairman of the Board should have tempered their expectations of "sustained success". Now it's like a lightbulb has suddenly been turned on for some fans but still I remind them that it's not Getz or Grifol or Hahn or player development that has led to the current state of affairs , it's Reinsdorf, just as it was Charles Comiskey or Bill Veeck or other owners who either couldn't afford or claimed not to have the resources to field a competitive team .  But they are still butt hurt about it. You promised me sustained success you lied to me.I hate you.

This year is the 30th anniversary of the 1994 White Sox a team that could've won the World Series. Who was the biggest obstacle in baseball for that not happening ? Jerry Reinsdorf whose anti-labor stances led directly to the strike that cancelled the 1994 World Series.

Now baseball has made a ridiculous anti tanking rule to limit having bad teams get high draft choices . Why not just have a draft lottery like basketball and hockey ? Bad teams still should have a shot at the best draft picks. Drafting and developing well is the only way poor teams can actually compete. The Orioles are where they are now because of it. Houston's had a nice run. Arizona has made it work for them. Tampa Bay has also although it hasn't resulted in any Championships. Arizona came close last year after drafting well. Reinsdorf certainly has more resources than TB but his problem is he has no interest in building an infrastructure of excellence through drafting and development. He never has.

I'm semi sure Reinsdorf runs the Sox in a way he thinks is best to keep them in Chicago and prevent them from leaving the city like his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers did . But maybe it's just about lining the pockets of himself and his heirs and the investors .You'd think somewhere in his 45 years as an owner he would have realized his approach was not conducive to sustained success but they won in 2005 so maybe he became convinced his way was best. The Brooklyn Dodgers were also a 2nd rate team in a time when NY had the Yankees and the NY Giants and 2 of those team moved to California. Perhaps it's inevitable that the Chicago White Sox become a memory .

I totally respect where you’re coming from. My way of keeping cool is by laughing at the team. To me, it’s the next best thing to cheering for a competitive team.


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Even if the White Sox lose 120 games, if Jerry nets some sort of profit for him and his investors, he will consider it a successful season. He could care less about White Sox fans or winning. This franchise desperately needs new ownership. Once the Cubs got Ricketts, I knew they were going to be 10x better for it. We need someone as committed as Ricketts. Not an absentee landlord who refuses to sell the franchise because it's his hobby. If this is his hobby, he is pretty horrible at it. 

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6 hours ago, Milkman delivers said:

I totally respect where you’re coming from. My way of keeping cool is by laughing at the team. To me, it’s the next best thing to cheering for a competitive team.


I'm semi sure Reinsdorf runs the Sox in a way he thinks is best to keep them in Chicago and prevent them from leaving the city like his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers did.  

I liked your analysis, except I disagree with the statement I bolded above.   I think JR wants to run the Sox out of town just like his beloved Brooklyn Dodgers left him angry.  He wants to take it out on all of us because we don't show up for games when the product on the field is so inept.  Sox fans don't flock to the game the way Cub fans do and JR resents that and always will.  His dislike for all things Cub is evident in things he has said over the years. The year after the Sox won the World Series in 2006 attendance came 40,000 short of 3 mil.  Sox fans want to see results and if the team would have performed better in the years that followed, we would have supported them in droves.  Sox fans don't show up to pretend they're in a bar like Wrigley, they show up when a winner is on the field.   If we had a winning organization similar to the smaller market St Louis Cardinals we would come close to 3 mil in attendance every year.  But remember JR gets a sweet deal on his stadium rent if attendance doesn't reach a certain amount so it's in his best interest to field a team that comes close to winning but doesn't draw too many fans.  I know it makes no sense but that's JR for ya.  

Remember his other quote when he said “Sports is a business of failure. Only one team is going to win every year. But the fact that you finished second or third or fourth, it doesn’t mean you had a bad year. I think the important thing for fans is, while they want you to win championships, they want to know that when you get to the last month of the season, you still have a shot. You’re still playing meaningful games. If you can do that consistently, you’ll make your fans happy.” 

On top of his recent visit to Nashville JR also held us up threatening to move to Tampa Bay so the history is there.Now if my childhood team left for LA like his beloved Brooklyn dodgers I would be upset and never want that to happen to anyone else.  Not JR, he's tried once with Tampa and now he's going to do it again if he doesn't get the state to build a new stadium for him.

Even after they built the current park, JR had it remodeled and then he  thought the seats looked too much like Cub blue so he had the state or us to pay for the color change to the current green, was that really necessary.  

JR could give a sh** about fans or a winning team, all he cares about is having the state pay for his stadium so he can string the fans along with 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place talent just so he can keep attendance down and have the state kick in more money.

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5 minutes ago, southsider2k5 said:


Let's just remember this quote


"It became clear to me that he [Getz] would be one of the major candidates, alongside these other candidates. And then when I started thinking about the speed I owe the fans, I realized that if you bring in somebody from the outside, it's gonna take him a year, he's gonna have to evaluate everybody in the organization. So you'll lose a year."


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 4/14/2024 at 9:28 PM, Milkman delivers said:

More reasons to hate cheap piece of s%*# owners of franchises that never really try to win.


Scan that s%*#.

A fact I’m sure our owner is well aware of.

I can hate both. Which I do. 2 separate issues 

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