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Guest hotsoxchick1

lol.. well i think if anything we can dump lee make room for joey b and use valentin as dh if that has to happen... but i highly doubt that frank is going anywhere unless someone wants to take up his contract.....we have enough lee's on the field...and younger ones at that... let him get older elsewhere....

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

lol.. well i think if anything we can dump lee make room for joey b  and use valentin as dh if that has to happen... but i highly doubt that frank is going anywhere unless someone wants to take up his contract.....we have enough lee's on the field...and younger ones at that... let him get older elsewhere....


what scares me is that he will start off as he did before. he is trade bait for as far as i am concerns. we can use him to get some prospects.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

if we package him and foulke up we probably could get a decient catcher for olivo to play with up here.. then we can dump johnson and paul both.....oh so many possibilities... why cant i be in charge........:D

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

if we package him and foulke up we probably could get a decient catcher for olivo to play with up here.. then we can dump johnson and paul both.....oh so many possibilities... why cant i be in charge........:D


i like brad armus as a teacher of some sort in the fa's list. like this we will give him only a 3 yr deal. it will be hard to trade both to the same team. i don't see a team that may need both. can you?

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well i meant to package up lee and foulke.. but we could always toss in johnson or paul to elsewhere or rearrange the package to be lee, johnson... or paul, foulke.. any combo will work....i dont see too many teams needing two catchers but you never know....lol.....i just want those 4 outta here....

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

well i meant to package up lee and foulke.. but we could always toss in johnson or paul to elsewhere or rearrange the package to be lee, johnson... or paul, foulke.. any combo will work....i dont see too many teams needing two catchers but you never know....lol.....i just want those 4 outta here....


jeeze you don't want much uh. :D


i took a look to see who needs a of'er and sfo, tor, oak are some of the big names out there. in ref to their farm systems and need. oak is the best choice but kw will go against billy beane and we know how that ended.


tor is a good choice.


ref to rp who needs a rp. i couldn't see it.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well i guess we can count out tor too.... we tried that one already didnt we.. and i believe that sirotka still hasnt pitched since he left here....im sure there will be someone in the off season who will be in need of something we have to offer in the way of lee, foulke, johnson, and paul.....

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

well i guess we can count out tor too.... we tried that one already didnt we.. and i believe that sirotka still hasnt pitched since he left here....im sure there will be someone in the off season who will be in need of something we have to offer in the way of lee, foulke, johnson, and paul.....


ahhh but i think that tor will trade. we make a sweet deal, we can get shannon steward. tor wants to get out from under steward contract, why i don't know. they have good number of cat in their system that can start now.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont know jas.. im not all that hot on ponson.....i think we can find better.... give me a few days to shop around ok....ill get us a deal of the century....

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Originally posted by Chisoxfn

How about Lee, Foulke, and Johnson or Paul to Baltimore for Sidney Ponson.  That gives us one good pitcher thats young and is a real workhorse as well as frees up salary so we can still sign another pitcher.


get over ponson, he is garbage.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

i dont want anymore fielders.. i think we should go for a decient pitcher or vet catcher....thats really all we need to shape up what we already have.....

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

i dont want anymore fielders.. i think we should go for a decient pitcher or vet catcher....thats really all we need to shape up what we already have.....


sfo has a great collection pitchers. that is ready to make a dent really soon.


tor has a great collection of very young pit who can pitch in some 4 yrs from now.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

well all we really need is one good one to help out mark....at this rate his arm is going to fall off.....and make sure the one we get is very consistant... none of this garland, ginter, glover stuff.....lol

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Originally posted by hotsoxchick1

well all we really need is one good one to help out mark....at this rate his arm is going to fall off.....and make sure the one we get is very consistant... none of this garland, ginter, glover stuff.....lol


fa is the way to look at for a quick answer.

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Guest hotsoxchick1

yeah im sure it is but i dont want to go that route and pick up more salary... not unless we dump those 4 first..... we need to save some cash for signing maggs et el long term.....

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