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List of Question to ask KW.


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how bout making a list of questions that can be asked by whoever is there. lets keep it real, not like my favorites of when are you going to quit? :headbang




mine is how can you really justify the ray durham trade, when we have to pay 90% of his salary, getting jon adkins and his salary. (we could have let him walk at the end of the season)

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At a Soxfest forum, the "big wigs" usually duck the questions and never really give you a straight answer.

then don't put aside with the lack of answers. something like that happen in the first clubhouse discussion with smith of the blackhawks.

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KW:  How Aaron Rowand's rehab going?  Why did you give cash on every trade you made last year if we have such a payroll crisis?  Do you have a ranking of our minor league prospects that can be published?  How close did we come to getting Vasquez, and what would he have cost?

nice one. :headbang

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Guest wsc425

Do you kiss Jerry Reinsdorf's butt? Why can't you get a #2? Why are u cheap? Do you drink, or are u just drunk when you are making trades? Do you smell? Why the hell do u like to make minor trades? Do your worst. :fyou :nono

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At one of the forums that I was at, anyone could go the microphone, it was open mic Q&A.. Fully half if not more of the questions were of the "how did you like Jose imitating Sammy" and "be sure to beat the Cubs" as if those 6 games were the mlst important in our schedule "we can lose them all but just make sure we sweep the Cubs." Most of the rest of the questions were irrelevant (Todd, do you think you will like Chicago?). Open mic forum and no one asked a tough question of KW.


I applaude the preparation of your questions. Mine will be why did we insult Buehrle over $15,000. But you guys have got to make sure you get to the mics, in line fast, before the yahoos get there. Make those plans, to get there early and sit in the right spots.


I would also strongly advise that no one ask the question - however blunt - with any attitude at all. No confrontations. No outrage or anger. In the calmest 'I love the Sox and I was just wondering about this' sweet and nonthreatening style you can get a lot further asking the toughest questions then if you go to the mic and say, KW, what's wrong with you, why'd you do this... Use the sugar coating on the rapier questions.

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At one of the forums that I was at, anyone could go the microphone, it was open mic Q&A..  Fully half if not more of the questions were of the "how did you like Jose imitating Sammy" and "be sure to beat the Cubs" as if those 6 games were the mlst important in our schedule "we can lose them all but just make sure we sweep the Cubs."  Most of the rest of the questions were irrelevant (Todd, do you think you will like Chicago?).  Open mic forum and no one asked a tough question of KW.


I applaude the preparation of your questions.  Mine will be why did we insult Buehrle over $15,000.  But you guys have got to make sure you get to the mics, in line fast, before the yahoos get there.  Make those plans, to get there early and sit in the right spots.


I would also strongly advise that no one ask the question - however blunt - with any attitude at all.  No confrontations.  No outrage or anger.  In the calmest 'I love the Sox and I was just wondering about this' sweet and nonthreatening style you can get a lot further asking the toughest questions then if you go to the mic and say, KW, what's wrong with you, why'd you do this...  Use the sugar coating on the rapier questions.

excellant advice. i love the mark b question, with an addition of but this tact, you (kw) may have insulted him that he will not sign witht he sox.


lets ask him some tough questions folks.

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Well this isn't a question but if anyone that is there will try and offer him two quarters so he can finally have his dollar to spend they will be my new personal hero.

Presentation name of the game,


You say, hey look you jerk, i'm tired of saying you only have 50¢ and not $1.00 so here's 4 bits and flip it at him.


That's a loser, it is rude, and would be dismissed.


We are Chicagoans, we are Sox fans, we are creative.


The person who has the best sense of humor, the one who comes across well, have him say, hey, we saw in the paper your quotes about the 50¢ and so to help you you, cause we love you, you know, and we love our Sox, we took up a little collection for you." And you walk up with several rolls of quarters each wrapped in gift paper with a bow. Everyone laughs, KW has to accept the funny gag gift given in good humor - but the point is made and he will het the point. Sugar it all, sugar the rapier that you are planning to use.


How I ask my Buerhle question, I'm planning on wearing my clerical collar (yes, I am an ordained minister, can't you f***ing tell) and I'm gonna be what I am, a small town rural area pastor who loves te Sox and thank you Kenny for all that you ahve done, but I was just wondering, when the contract for $15,000 less was put in place for Buerhle, is there any way that it might have been as an insult that will make current or later negotiations difficult? I will ask in my best small voice and attitude.


If we attack him, he gets defensive and can dismiss us. Might even leave if it hets all hostile and confronational and people in attack mode. If we sweeten him up and play it right, we can ask all that we want to ask and he will have to answer and/or at least get a real sense of what we fans feel, because he'll see the sugar coating for what it is, he'll figure out what is really happening. He will know of our anger and our discontent.

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how bout making a list of questions that can be asked by whoever is there. lets keep it real, not like my favorites of when are you going to quit? :headbang




mine is how can you really justify the ray durham trade, when we have to pay 90% of his salary, getting jon adkins and his salary. (we could have let him walk at the end of the season)

Me: Hello Mr Williams, Im Joe Roman from soxtalk.com and if you dont mind I have a couple of questions to ask you.


KW: Sure, I have all the time in the world even though there are several decent FAs out there that should I get my immediate attention but Ill instead give it to you.


Me: Why thank you. Shall we start?


KW: Yes.


Me: When and how do you plan to get the vital SP this team needs to go the distance?


KW: When Brad Pitt comes out looking like a human bowling ball with a toupe.


Me: Uhuh. How about the CF we could desperately use?


KW: The very day Saddam Hussein shows up on Bushs door step and announces his intention to run for US democratic party leader.


Me: Like never?


KW (turns attention to 10 year old playgirl magazine): You betcha.


Me: Do you ever think of giving yourself a swirlie?


KW throws the magazine across the room and lights up like a Christmas tree.


KW: Self inducted swirlies?! Thats sounds great! Could you excuse me for a minute?


Me: Umm...


Before I even finish KW is off in a flash down the hall and into the bathrooms. I sit down and start to read. Ten minutes later Kenny boy comes back soaked with a 100 megawatt grin on his face.


KW: I should do that more often! That was great!


Me: Might I suggest you focus a little more on your job than on a childhood prank?


KW (totally zoned out in excitement): Whatd you say your name was again?


Me: Oh nevermind...




That is in my imagination how an interview with that imbecile would go...

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Well this isn't a question but if anyone that is there will try and offer him two quarters so he can finally have his dollar to spend they will be my new personal hero.

Presentation name of the game,


You say, hey look you jerk, i'm tired of saying you only have 50¢ and not $1.00 so here's 4 bits and flip it at him.


That's a loser, it is rude, and would be dismissed.


We are Chicagoans, we are Sox fans, we are creative.


The person who has the best sense of humor, the one who comes across well, have him say, hey, we saw in the paper your quotes about the 50¢ and so to help you you, cause we love you, you know, and we love our Sox, we took up a little collection for you." And you walk up with several rolls of quarters each wrapped in gift paper with a bow. Everyone laughs, KW has to accept the funny gag gift given in good humor - but the point is made and he will het the point. Sugar it all, sugar the rapier that you are planning to use.


How I ask my Buerhle question, I'm planning on wearing my clerical collar (yes, I am an ordained minister, can't you f***ing tell) and I'm gonna be what I am, a small town rural area pastor who loves te Sox and thank you Kenny for all that you ahve done, but I was just wondering, when the contract for $15,000 less was put in place for Buerhle, is there any way that it might have been as an insult that will make current or later negotiations difficult? I will ask in my best small voice and attitude.


If we attack him, he gets defensive and can dismiss us. Might even leave if it hets all hostile and confronational and people in attack mode. If we sweeten him up and play it right, we can ask all that we want to ask and he will have to answer and/or at least get a real sense of what we fans feel, because he'll see the sugar coating for what it is, he'll figure out what is really happening. He will know of our anger and our discontent.

I totally agree, if it is sugar coated it works even better.

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CW----Your officially nominated by me to ask ask all the questions...I love these ideas you have.


Oh ya, as far as some other questions, I want you to ask him what the payroll is going to be set at, and if he says some lowball total or he doesn't know. Ask him where the extra money that will be coming in this season is going to go.


I love the quarter idea.

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CW----Your officially nominated by me to ask ask all the questions...I love these ideas you have.


Oh ya, as far as some other questions, I want you to ask him what the payroll is going to be set at, and if he says some lowball total or he doesn't know.  Ask him where the extra money that will be coming in this season is going to go. 


I love the quarter idea.

ask you this,, "do you not see by investing in some real decent or above decent players, will in fact bring fans to the park. by trying to make the playoff by investing money will establish the team for futures to come. making and acquiring a player or 2 without giving up too much will show the fans that you are serious about brining in a product to our city that the fans will come out and see."


btw, i live in another state or i would be there to ask my questions.

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Guest hotsoxchick1
Well this isn't a question but if anyone that is there will try and offer him two quarters so he can finally have his dollar to spend they will be my new personal hero.

ill do one better ill offer him a 5 spot and then take out a hat and start passing it around.... tell everyone to throw in what they can so we can afford a good #2 pitcher this year..... let him say something about the fans not showing then....as for a question i would ask... mr. williams why are you such a dumbass and why do you think everyone hates your guts and wants you horsewhipped and run out of town..............ya think he will answer it???

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Well this isn't a question but if anyone that is there will try and offer him two quarters so he can finally have his dollar to spend they will be my new personal hero.

ill do one better ill offer him a 5 spot and then take out a hat and start passing it around.... tell everyone to throw in what they can so we can afford a good #2 pitcher this year..... let him say something about the fans not showing then....as for a question i would ask... mr. williams why are you such a dumbass and why do you think everyone hates your guts and wants you horsewhipped and run out of town..............ya think he will answer it???

Somehow I had a feeling you would step up to the plate on this. I wish I could be there myself but it's a far trip from Winnipeg and I don't think he would want my canadian quarters anyway.

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