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Is the Board OK now?


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I'm getting ready to head off to classes, but s*** hit the fan yesterday to say the least. The server crashed in the afternoon and then went back up. The problem was when the server went back up our site wasn't and it was cause parts of our database got hit and removed.


I was working for quite a long time last night trying to get things solved and finally gave up for the night. A few times I thought I had it only to find a new error come up.


It may of been a friend of mine that helped get this back up. What I do know is, I'm gonna start making a daily update of all the databases so when stuff like this happens I can just dump the stuff from a day old and worse case scenario the board is up immediately.


Also in case this ever happens again, I'm gonna have a backup board set up that I can immediately redirect to here for the temporary time being.


I do not want this to happen again. Also, if anyone here is excellent at coding and understands this stuff really good, I'd love your help cause as you can see I'm far from an expert :) . If so shoot me an email at [email protected]


Once again, so so sorry.

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Phew, I was afraid I was gonna have to give out a bunch of refunds :)


On the bright side, this month on the server is free, lol. And we are getting moved to an almost brand new server with all new tools cause whatever it was was being affected because of the mighty POWER of Soxtalk :)

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