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Two year olds in the House


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‘The Republicans are consumed by those four jobs and ignore the 3 million jobs that we’ve lost over the course of the last three years under this administration’s economic policies.’




This cocksucker is scum. What party politicking motherf***ing B.S. I seriously hope someone gets a gun and takes out every last politician in Washington.


I'm sure part of Bush's economic policies included flying two planes into the world trade center and causing economic turmoil for the rest of the decade. yeah, that sounds like a great plan. :fyou no wonder no one wants you to run for president.

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Rick Santorum is just about as big, if not a bigger douchebag than Tom 'Pansycrat' Daschle. Daschle is a f***ing moron. But on the point that Bush is trying a 'jobless recovery' is pretty funny.


And a bunch of the corporations that got tax cuts followed that up by laying off workers. Yeah, that tasty tax cut. :finger

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