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Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act


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A forthcoming copyright bill backed by key U.S. senators would place file swappers in prison for up to three years if they have a copy of even one prerelease movie in their shared folders.


Yeah, we don't need prison cells for violent offenders. We gotta lock away the people that don't want to pay artificially inflated prices for s***ty products and throw away the key!


Peter Jaszi, a professor at American University who teaches copyright law, said he is "deeply troubled" by the wording of the draft legislation, because it does not say any actual copyright infringement must take place--only that the file be available in a shared folder, Web site or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site. "It says we don't care if anybody got any of these copies," Jaszi said. "We're going to conclude that at least 10 people did. It relieves the copyright owner of having to prove that any violation of their rights actually happened."

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Ok, I have little-to-no sympathy for the monopolitic Big Music. But that's SO besides the point.



Really now, let's not pretend we are all entitled to something just because it's

ill-protected, or better yet, are helping in liberation of ______ from ______ as though downloading is the act of civil disobedience.....Those kids (no longer includes me happy to report) are STEALING, majority of the time with a glee and a smirk, knowing there is no reprecussions.


It's profoundly sad to see people my age act like they are 10yo kids who should never be held accountable for such little, cute mischief as piracy and/or illegal distribution with intent to profit.....Makes me laugh, and laugh and laugh hearing all the wide-eyed, self-righteous excuses, most of which I myself was making just a short whole ago.


And, no, I don't think personal use offenders should do hard time for it. A huge monetary penalty and a permanent record will suffice.


Those who make a living selling them and or make the enabling software, on the other hand, deserve to have their ass taxed.....by Bubba's bigger bipolar cousin.

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Drinking orange juice while typing......Fem' Five attachment photo....mixture of hilary and nauseating disgust....keyboard and shoed ruined....you reimbursting the costs.



Come on now, the shoes can be cleaned, and I salvaged a keyboard after spilling hot chocolate on it before. The Enter key always stuck a little bit after that...


Here's something to make you feel better:

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A forthcoming copyright bill backed by key U.S. senators would place file swappers in prison for up to three years if they have a copy of even one prerelease movie in their shared folders.


Yeah, we don't need prison cells for violent offenders.  We gotta lock away the people that don't want to pay artificially inflated prices for s***ty products and throw away the key!


Peter Jaszi, a professor at American University who teaches copyright law, said he is "deeply troubled" by the wording of the draft legislation, because it does not say any actual copyright infringement must take place--only that the file be available in a shared folder, Web site or FTP (File Transfer Protocol) site. "It says we don't care if anybody got any of these copies," Jaszi said. "We're going to conclude that at least 10 people did. It relieves the copyright owner of having to prove that any violation of their rights actually happened."

I'm forced to agree with you on this one. I think file sharing is wrong and a violation of copyright laws but this it totally draconian and off the wall. It won't happen though so there's no sense in worrying about it.

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Yeah, we don't need prison cells for violent offenders. We gotta lock away the people that don't want to pay artificially inflated prices for s***ty products and throw away the key?


How about people who don't want to pay "artificially inflated prices" PERIOD, preferring theft instead? Should they go to jail, ever?


Maybe some day you'll get it through your insipid poseur-revolutionary head that (insufferable and unbecoming b****ing on part of Metallica and Co. aside) INTELLECTUAL and ARTISTIC property is, how should I put it.....NOT YOURS TO TAKE.




I love what happens to morals and ethics when the law is not around.

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How about people who don't want to pay "artificial inflated prices" PERIOD, preferring theft instead?  Should they go to jail, ever? 


Maybe some day you'll get it throught your insipid poseur-revolutionary head that (insufferable and unbecoming b****ing on part of Metallica and Co. aside) INTELLECTUAL and ARTISTIC property is, how should I put it.....NOT YOURS TO TAKE.




I love what happens to morals and ethics when the law is not around.

The RIAA has already been nailed for price fixing...found criminally guilty for that.

If more money went to the actual ARTIST then I'd be willing to pay those prices, but the fact is that the artist sees almost no money from that high price. It's essentially a racket for the producers to make money hand over fist while screwing the artist.


And PS, Brando. I download a song or two of a band I like and then go out and buy that CD. As for prison time, as long as we as an American society don't put guys like Ken Lay in prison for bilking billions of dollars out of Enron then a kid downloading music does not need to go to jail for some mp3s.

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