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Artists' Rights and Theft Prevention Act


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preach on Apu...I'm totally with you.


last night I spent 2 hour downloading music from pitchfork's new best music. anything I really love, I'm gonna buy..such as "2 conversations" by The Appleseed Cast. Anything I don't, I delete.


I've purchased in excess of 200 cds in my short 23 years. At 15 bucks a pop, that's roughly 3 grand. if the prices are fixed at 5 bucks above what they should be...I am owed $1000. So, the balance of that I've spent in downloading music, or 100 burnt cds.


I feel good about justifying things.






I once killed a man....I mean:)

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The RIAA has already been nailed for price fixing...found criminally guilty for that.

If more money went to the actual ARTIST then I'd be willing to pay those prices, but the fact is that the artist sees almost no money from that high price. It's essentially a racket for the producers to make money hand over fist while screwing the artist.



You don't have to sell me on RIAA. It's a separate issue. As is "acting on behalf of defenseless artists" for that matter.


9 out of 10 "kids" download because it's FREE and FAST; they coulnd't care less about economic or social justice and other lofty, worthy causes.


And PS, Brando. I download a song or two of a band I like and then go out and buy that CD.


I guess I was wrong about you afterall. Please forgive me and allow me to kiss your honorable feet.


As for prison time, as long as we as an American society don't put guys like Ken Lay in prison for bilking billions of dollars out of Enron then a kid downloading music does not need to go to jail for some mp3s.


I didn't know I stuttered when I said that some pre-teen who inadvertedly presses "DOWNLOAD" and gets himself a 5-year old MP3 probably doesn't deserve to rot in jail for the rest of his life.


However illegal site and P2P software programmers, distributors, big-time collectors and repeat offenders? f*** em and f*** em hard.


And Apu, bringing Ken Lays into this is akin to bringing up Hitler when embroiled in comparative political discussion- a loser's tactic..........Yes, a child knows that Republicans are probably not as bad as Nazis, nor are incorrigible copyright offenders as deserving of punishment as, say, Enron-esque corporate criminals.


Bur so what? Let's leave thiefs alone until all murderers are caught, is that it? Why can't we prosecute both, albeit on a different scale, with varying harshness?

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I've downloaded and most of what i've downloaded I got on tape or bought the CD. Why is the dam governmet going after kids who download insted of going after the dam Drug Lords and s***. It Sucks. When CD prices go down maybe the file sharing will stop.


Another thing I find stupid. If it's soooo Ilegal then they sould have tought of this lonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time ago when tapes and LP's were out. You could borrow the tape or LP from a Buddy and Tape it and what have you paid?? Nothing, Nda, Zilch. Maybe a buck for a blank tape. And if it's sooo Ilegal why are CD burners out on the Market?? Why are all these Programs like Kazza and Stuf around. I think the Government sould be after those people first. And Maybe they sould even get after the artist for making s*** music and making people pay 20 bucks for a CD when it sucks

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I've downloaded and most of what i've downloaded I got on tape or bought the CD. Why is the dam governmet going after kids who download insted of going after the dam Drug Lords and s***. It Sucks. When CD prices go down maybe the file sharing will stop.


Another thing I find stupid. If it's soooo Ilegal then they sould have tought of this lonnnnnnnnnnngggggggg time ago when tapes and LP's were out. You could borrow the tape or LP from a Buddy and Tape it and what have you paid?? Nothing, Nda, Zilch. Maybe a buck for a blank tape. And if it's sooo Ilegal why are CD burners out on the Market?? Why are all these Programs like Kazza and Stuf around. I think the Government sould be after those people first. And Maybe they sould even get after the artist for making s*** music and making people pay 20 bucks for a CD when it sucks

We need to stop playing songs on the radio. Kids can record the song off the radio and make free mix tapes robbing the artists of money.

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