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This years All Star Game Different


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Bud Selig is pushing for a new rule to come into effect starting this year. The league which wins the All Star Game would be the league that gets home field advantage in the World Series.


I've been waiting for baseball to make this move for a while and I'm glad its finally coming around. This will put some importance on the game and should help make the game at Comiskey this year, more competitive and better to watch.


One of the first good things Selig has done.

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Bud Selig is pushing for a new rule to come into effect starting this year.  The league which wins the All Star Game would be the league that gets home field advantage in the World Series.


I've been waiting for  baseball to make this move for a while and I'm glad its finally coming around.  This will put some importance on the game and should help make the game at Comiskey this year, more competitive and better to watch. 


One of the first good things Selig has done.

If Selig makes this happen the primadonna's and Selig will realize that there will HAVE to be a winner..... no matter how many innings the game ends up going.

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I think it's stupid. The All-Star game is a pointless exhibition... Giving it impact on the World Series, of all things is a stupid, stupid move.


If that was Buehrle pitching in the 11th inning for the American League, I'd sure as hell would of wanted the game to be called. No point in making a pitcher miss a start for the All-Star Game.


Why do people care so much about it?

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I just don't like the idea that it rotates each year between an AL team and an NL team. Of course, I also don't want to see any injuries occur.


I'm all for carrying a couple reserver players (Keep a couple of the minor leaguers on hand to participate if needed)


I know the Minor League All Stars are their and it would be an awesome experience for a couple of them.


Also Doublem, remember, if this is the case, the games will be managed a lot different next year. They won't be looking to get everyone in and they will keep a ton of guys in case it goes extra innings.

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Also Doublem, remember, if this is the case, the games will be managed a lot different next year.  They won't be looking to get everyone in and they will keep a ton of guys in case it goes extra innings.

But I think that's the whole point of the All-Star Game; to reward players for a solid half by letting them take part in a game with the rest of the stars. Does anyone get heartbroken when the American League loses? I sure as hell don't; I get a bigger rush watching Paul Konerko rip a double or watching Maggs blast a bomb off Jon Leiber. The All-Star Game is an exhibition, it shouldn't matter for anything more than entertainment value.

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I think home field advantage should go to the team with the best overall record. In the case of a tie then it goes to the team with the best interleague record. If still tied then use something like best average margin of victory.

A lot of teams are out of the race by the All-Star break and starting to look to dump players. The game may be in the hands of players who won't be in the World Series anyway. Why have them decide who gets home field advantage? Or, what if a guy from a lousy team that isn't going anywhere gets the hit to win the game, then 2 weeks later he is traded to a team in the other league that makes the W.S.? Now he wound up actually screwing his team without knowing it.

Plus, what if the managers of the All-Star game are on teams that are out of it? This year it is Scosia and Baker. If the Angels and cubs are buried in last place in July (the cubs should be) then where is their incentive to win the game at all cost?


I say just leave it as is. If it is tied after 9 innings then have a home run contest or something to decide it.

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I agree with Zach's proposal for deciding home-field advantage in the World Series. Both the NHL and NBA rewards the team with the league's best record with home court/ice in the championship. The alternating system we have here is a crapshoot. Go back to the 2000 WS when the Yankees had the worst record of all playoff teams yet were rewarded home-field since it was the AL's turn. Maybe the Mets win another game with one fewer game with the DH.

In case of ties, Division records should be the first tiebreaker, then interleague.

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Also Doublem, remember, if this is the case, the games will be managed a lot different next year.  They won't be looking to get everyone in and they will keep a ton of guys in case it goes extra innings.

But I think that's the whole point of the All-Star Game; to reward players for a solid half by letting them take part in a game with the rest of the stars. Does anyone get heartbroken when the American League loses? I sure as hell don't; I get a bigger rush watching Paul Konerko rip a double or watching Maggs blast a bomb off Jon Leiber. The All-Star Game is an exhibition, it shouldn't matter for anything more than entertainment value.

I don't really care who wins to be honest. You are doing a nice job convincing me that this may not be such a great idea. I like seeing the Sox players excell, but most importantly I just like watching the stars of the league make great plays.

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I thought about it, a lot.


I have decided that in my own opinion I like the current rotation of World Series starting in AL and NL parks. Fairest way.


I also love zach's idea of ending a tied 9 inning game with something special, a home run contest, even though swinging for the fences in the home run contest can throw off a batter's swing (witness Kornerko after last year's home run contest.)


Do it Olympic Hockey style: 5 players, each team, get five at bats. Nothing was more exciting than the overtime 5 shots on goals by each team for the gold.

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Don't even mention f***ing hockey shootouts, they are the worst way to decide a 80minute hockey game, a team sport, being decided like that is horrible. :fyou Shootouts. An all star game sure whatever, but not any game that means anything at all. I like the concept that hockey had where the stanley cup winner used to play the all stars game, and because they were a team did better tahn you'd think, but I don't mind something being on the line for the game. At a couple hundred buck a ticket to see the try wouldn't kill them.

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This really isn't such a bad idea. I'm sure it needs some fine tuning, but it is certainly doable. First benefit, is that the game will actually have some meaning. It will put pressure on the managers to grab the home field advantage for their league. Then, you might not have situations like when Joe Torre put seven Yankees on the team. I also feel like they should eliminate the "one player from every team" rule and let each league bring the best players. I'd hate to depend on any Tiger or D-Ray with the game on the line. But then, this really shouldn't matter to any of us .... BECAUSE THE SOX MANAGEMENT THINKS THE WORLD SERIES IS FOR OTHER TEAMS!

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I also feel like they should eliminate the "one player from every team" rule and let each league bring the best players. I'd hate to depend on any Tiger or D-Ray with the game on the line.

The 1 player from every team rule is one that I cannot envision ever being scrapped simply because every team has a stake in it. And that is one reason why I don't like awarding home field advantage to the league that wins the All Star Game.


Another reason is the DH. Is the DH used in all All Star games or only those played in AL parks? If the latter, than the AL would be at a disadvantage every other year in the All Star Game. And home field is too important in the World Series to be at a disadvantage that often.


The awarding of home field to the team with the best record does not excote me much. It works in the NHL and NBA, but that is one leage with conferances. In MLB we have two separate leagues, each with their long history of over 100 years each, and the rotation of the World Series between leagues is one of the things that results from the leagues separate existences. Changing the way that home field advantage is decided will cause further the dissolution of any difference between the leagues. And I am a proud AL fan and don't want things blurred with the NL.

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I also feel like they should eliminate the "one player from every team" rule and let each league bring the best players.   I'd hate to depend on any Tiger or D-Ray with the game on the line.

The 1 player from every team rule is one that I cannot envision ever being scrapped simply because every team has a stake in it. And that is one reason why I don't like awarding home field advantage to the league that wins the All Star Game.


Another reason is the DH. Is the DH used in all All Star games or only those played in AL parks? If the latter, than the AL would be at a disadvantage every other year in the All Star Game. And home field is too important in the World Series to be at a disadvantage that often.


The awarding of home field to the team with the best record does not excote me much. It works in the NHL and NBA, but that is one leage with conferances. In MLB we have two separate leagues, each with their long history of over 100 years each, and the rotation of the World Series between leagues is one of the things that results from the leagues separate existences. Changing the way that home field advantage is decided will cause further the dissolution of any difference between the leagues. And I am a proud AL fan and don't want things blurred with the NL.

I never thought about the problems that could occur with this idea when it comes to the DH advantage. The NL would have a big advantage every second year in the NL parks and in the AL parks they get to plug any superstar they want into the DH slot Whick could work as an advantage to them since they would have a stronger line up than usual for the NL.

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In AL parks, they use the DH....and in an All-Star game, both teams are going to have a big, powerful DH, making the matchups very even. But in NL parks, the NL uses pitchers in the #9 spot and the AL would also have to use a pitcher in that spot. AL pitchers hardly ever hit in the lineup, except for 9 games a year or so.


Regardless, with the style they have now, there are a lot of double switches from both teams in the All-Star game when it is in an NL park....there would be just as many if we switched it up a little. I rarely ever see a pitcher bat in the All-Star game, if I ever do. I don't think that would be as big a problem as we think.

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