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Online/Offline Status in Posts


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I've been looking for something like this for a while. Took about a half hour. I was trying to have it bold for online and underlined for offline but the html for each translated (somehow) into the hex values for those colors. Those colors are kind of sticking on me, since they are such opposites you can tell what someone by just looking at the color. :lol: :headbang

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I am online and posting but it still says offline by my name, you sure that is working right?

I think thats because you are an anonymous poster. Somewhere in your control options you have it selected to be anonymous so when your on, only admins can see your on.


As far as PM's go, one helpful feature I noticed is that you can go into your controls and select it where a popup opens whenever you get a new PM. Thats what I use and its really easy to get your new messages cause it opens right up to it.


But that online idea steff and 2k3 came up with sounds cool.

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I'd have to come up with that one on my own. If you see smoking rising on the front page, you'll know I messed it up. That would have to come later because I'd actually have to write something for it....

seriously though heads, you guys rock in the admin department. Thanks for setting up this place....cos it :headbang :headbang :headbang



and who knows, if you're into this site management, maybe I'll give you a call when my sites are up and running.

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