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Walkstrini optioned; Sean Burke called up


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21 minutes ago, Quin said:

Outside of staying that this move seems obvious and it'll be fun to see Burke make his debut.


I think they are just intentionally trying to hide part of our embarrassing lineup from sight.

Edited by WhiteSox2023
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1 minute ago, Texsox said:

We're really just cheering for the uniform at this point. Who cares who is wearing it? 

Anyone who hopes this wretched team will improve.  Not looking likely anytime soon.

Hopefully, Getz can find around 7 or so more starting position players by the time the young pitching is ready in 2-3 years.

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53 minutes ago, WhiteSox2023 said:

Anyone who hopes this wretched team will improve.  Not looking likely anytime soon.

Hopefully, Getz can find around 7 or so more starting position players by the time the young pitching is ready in 2-3 years.

Improve? Sure. I see them winning at least 40 next year. 

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58 minutes ago, Texsox said:

We're really just cheering for the uniform at this point. Who cares who is wearing it? 

I'm cheering for the kids more than the uniform. They're fighting for their professional lives and their dream. It makes me sick to watch people gloat when they fail. 

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19 minutes ago, Texsox said:

Statistical regression. You can't be the absolute worst team in the history of the game and repeat. Even the Sox can't pull that off. 

Normally, I would agree but Getz is so bad that he managed to do the unimaginable.  Almost every move he makes turns bad.  We still have to wait to see what he does next offseason.  Keep in mind that Crochet and/or Robert may not be on the team next season.  They are going to be very bad and the sky’s the limit.

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29 minutes ago, Texsox said:

Statistical regression. You can't be the absolute worst team in the history of the game and repeat. Even the Sox can't pull that off. 

Is that what we are reduced to hoping for 'statistical regression'?

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20 minutes ago, Milkman delivers said:

Eh, damn. I’m officially old and can’t insert a gif.

Since the board update, you can just copy + paste a url as long as the url is just the image.



Without embedding, here's the raw url (the forum gives me the option to display it as this instead): https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODBoaDV2MnF4dzNoOTU3NTl4aTBpbGcwMHFudndrMWtwdzFpZndndiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/jpbgnQgnKxcvQ6nzAQ/giphy.webp

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2 hours ago, Quin said:

Since the board update, you can just copy + paste a url as long as the url is just the image.



Without embedding, here's the raw url (the forum gives me the option to display it as this instead): https://media3.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExODBoaDV2MnF4dzNoOTU3NTl4aTBpbGcwMHFudndrMWtwdzFpZndndiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/jpbgnQgnKxcvQ6nzAQ/giphy.webp


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2 hours ago, southsider2k5 said:

I didn't think it was possible to "try" and still be this bad, but here we are.

I was genuinely worried starting the year that they'd do a dead cat bounce, win 67 games, and that would earn Pedro and Getz contract extensions. 


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