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Question about relationship

The Beast

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but you rarely know her. The girl is decent looking but I don't know her that well at all. I want to ask her out, but the question is, how do I get to no her; before the relation ship or as it progresses? Also, would my plan of giving her a rose when asking her out BEGOOD or what?

Any thing helpful on this matter...I just hope shes not one of those girls who's dad calls her "princess" because I was always told to run from girls who's dad calls them "princess" :lol:

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but you rarely know her. The girl  is decent looking but I don't know her that well at all. I want to ask her out, but the question is, how do I get to no her; before the relation ship or as it progresses? Also, would my plan of giving her a rose when asking her out BEGOOD or what?

Any thing helpful on this matter...I just hope shes not one of those girls who's dad calls her "princess" because I was always told to run from girls who's dad calls them "princess" :lol:

How about you give me a name and I'll see what I can do? :rolleyes:

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Beastly...Getting to know her better is just to do the simple things like hanging out...Go to the mall,chill at each others houses, and talk on the phone/ IM each other...I'm pretty sure I wouldn't give her a rose just to ask her out...Just get to know each other and see how things go from there...Try to make her laugh, and just be yourself...The worst that can happen is the word no or somethin like that. Good Luck :cheers

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I asked her out and before she said yes she said she can't date til shes 16...shes 14...and I don't know if her thing of dating means one on one at the movies or in a group...but I like this girl, a lot....but of course nothing goes my way :(  :unsure:

I would think that is an excuse, kind of like saying 'it's not you, it's me.' I think she didn't want to hurt your feelings. I wonder who said that she liked you, is the person reliable? Also, ya should have just asked ta hang out sometime, not go straight ahead and ask her out. Ya said ya didn't know her much, well that hurts ya chances.

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I would think that is an excuse, kind of like saying 'it's not you, it's me.' I think she didn't want to hurt your feelings. I wonder who said that she liked you, is the person reliable? Also, ya should have just asked ta hang out sometime, not go straight ahead and ask her out. Ya said ya didn't know her much, well that hurts ya chances.

We wrote notes and she said I was cute and she liked me...I'm asking her tomarrow in person if that was all true...

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We wrote notes and she said I was cute and she liked me...I'm asking her tomarrow in person if that was all true...

I have told ya before, and I will tell ya again; try being friends with the girl first. Ya said ya didn't know her well, and then ya ask her out. Maybe hang out with a group of your friends and a group of her friends, talk to her online and on the phone, get to know her. That is the way to go.

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I have told ya before, and I will tell ya again; try being friends with the girl first. Ya said ya didn't know her well, and then ya ask her out. Maybe hang out with a group of your friends and a group of her friends, talk to her online and on the phone, get to know her. That is the way to go.



Ross just ask her if she wants to hang out. Take her to a movie or something, but got as friends and get to know eachother more. When you make things a date you put a lot of pressure on you and the girl, especially at your age. Considering the two of you don't know each other that much and I'm assuming it be the first "date" either of you had been on, that your better off easing into things.


It be a lot more comfortable for both of you if the two of you were friends and got comfortable with each other first.

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but you rarely know her. The girl  is decent looking but I don't know her that well at all. I want to ask her out, but the question is, how do I get to no her; before the relation ship or as it progresses? Also, would my plan of giving her a rose when asking her out BEGOOD or what?

Any thing helpful on this matter...I just hope shes not one of those girls who's dad calls her "princess" because I was always told to run from girls who's dad calls them "princess" :lol:

I'd roll on her all Big Pimpin Style and step like this:

"YO YO Honey, 'sup? Check out mah RIPPIN' Schwinn! Yeah, that's a JOSE VALENTIN baseball card makin' ALL! THAT! RACKET!! So yo PRINCESS, whatchoo say you hop up on deez handlebarrrrz and we flow on over to the MAC and grab you ANYTHANG you want off dat Dolla MenYoo?"


I think that would flesh out whether she likes you or not... :D

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All of these ideas are exactly what I did.  I didn't know the girl very well, we became friends.  Then I asked her out.  Everything was good.


Going out with her was a big mistake but lets not get into that.  Just become friends first.

to quote a favorite band of mine....


"I left you waiting, at the least could we be friends?

Should have never started, ain’t that the way it always ends?"



thems the breaks.

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I'd roll on her all Big Pimpin Style and step like this:

"YO YO Honey, 'sup? Check out mah RIPPIN' Schwinn! Yeah, that's a JOSE VALENTIN baseball card makin' ALL! THAT! RACKET!! So yo PRINCESS, whatchoo say you hop up on deez handlebarrrrz and we flow on over to the MAC and grab you ANYTHANG you want off dat Dolla MenYoo?"


I think that would flesh out whether she likes you or not... :D

I've used that before, it works big time.

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