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only been to 2 ben shows... He's Bigger the Jerry Lewis in France.. I don't know why he's so big there...


Been to 5 jack shows.. and I missed two last summer here, I was out of town.


Last show I went to they played together. Jack was his usual self, chill, poetic, great atmosphere. Then Ben came on and flat out blew the roof off. I didn;t remeber him rocking so much the first time i saw him.. Whenever he comes back I'm there :headbang :headbang


The night before the show I was at some random concert I had been given tix to- i don't even remeber the artist - we were at the House of Blues. I happened to be with two GORGEOUS women, who sweettalked our way into the VIP room... There we are there's only 12 people max in there, and 2 of them are Ben Harper and Laura Dern. The only thing I said to him was he had to play "burn one down" the next night, which he of course did, To close the show :headbang


Also check out The Casual Fiasco -- they're really good; raw, young, unsigned; but good.

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