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JFK on history channel


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Did anyone else happen to watch any of the 3 hour specials on the JFK assassination last night on the history channel?

CNN had a special a couple nights ago too.


If anyone is really interested in this phenomenon, I REALLY recommend a film called "Interview with the Assassin"


It's about this guy who claimed to be the second gunman. it was awesome.

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We had just went over all of the JFK conspiracies/cover-ups in my American Legal Systems class about a month ago, my teacher showed us part of the special today. He said the special was the last section of something they started in the '70s. We had discussed in detail alot of the things talked about, but even he said it had some new stuff he had never heard of before.

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There is a book "Murder In Dealey Plaza".


It's a collection of essays done by researchers that have devoted their lives to the JFK investigation. A lot of the analysis the authors do of the Zapruder film is really amazing.


You can go down to Dealey Plaza where Kennedy was assassinated and you can go to the 6th floor of the Schoolbook Depository. It's a museum called 'The Assassination Museum'. They have the window set up to look exactly like it did on that day. It's really accurate cuz Oswald's not in it. It's called 'The Sniper's Nest', glassed in and it's got boxes sitting there. You can't get to the windows because they don't want thousands of American tourists saying 'No f***ing way! I can't even see the road! s***, they're lying to us! f***! There's no f***ing way; not unless Oswald was hanging by his toes, upside down from the ledge. Either that or pigeons grabbed him, flew him over the motorcade but surely somebody would have saw that.'

--Bill Hicks

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Have any of you heard of the theory about how there was a triangle of fire. And supposedly one of the theories is there was someone in a manhole. There was a tape of a guy that went down there and you can see how perfect the shot would have been from there.

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I just can't believe how much they've put together and figured out what happened.


It's crazy about those three French Assassins...


Those pictures were AWESOME with the off-duty soldier with the movie camera, next to the shooter.


Lord, don't get me started on the Deaf/Mute guy. He put it over the edge. My buddy and I were watching last night and I swear to God it felt like all was being revealed to me and some CIA/FBI guys were gonna bust down my door and take me cos "I knew too much".


but one question...what was with that commercial break music? it was like American Idol or something...wwwwwwwwwwwweird.

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