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Padres and A's deal

The Critic

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Hernandez is a Good Catcher and Always has killed us. Good Riddance to him. Long can help them too. Pads are trying to become competive. Long, Nady and Giles in the Outfield kinda tells me they ain't interested in maggs no more

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Hernandez is a Good Catcher and Always has killed us. Good Riddance to him. Long can help them too. Pads are trying to become competive. Long, Nady and Giles in the Outfield kinda tells me they ain't interested in maggs no more

They also have Phil Nevin to play the outfield because Klesko plays first and Burroughs 3B, so I can't see them making a trade for Ordonez.

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Hernandez and Long for Kotsay.

I think the Pads get the better of this deal.

Very short blurb, not many details.

Its being reported all over the San Diego news stations and GM Kevin Towers is coming on the radio in about an hour so its a done deal.


Great deal for the Padres, mainly cause Hernandez is a stud and they already had a logjam in the outfield. The salaries work out the same this season and to me Hernandez is more valuable then Kotsay and getting Long is just a throw in and Long is a solid player.

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A. They couldn't be too competent because Beane WANTED Johnson in that trade because of his ability to draw walks.


B) Don't think Oakland has any great catching prospects in AAA. Had that left-handed hitting dude who whiffed in the ninth inning of the Game Five playoff loss to Boston.


C) Kotsay is solid, but he's no all-star. Average pop. About a .270-280 career hitter. average outfielder. He's better than Terence Long (who also whiffed in the ninth of that game), but Kotsay ain't gonna replace the pop they lose with Tejada.

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Who the hell wants Kotsay?


Yas, you wanna field this one? :D



A. They couldn't be too competent because Beane WANTED Johnson in that trade because of his ability to draw walks.


How many starts did he get with Oakland? See that's the difference: we start him for 3-4 years before realizing he mucho sucka...whereas A's quickly see him for the bum he is and cut him loose. Duh.


Had that left-handed hitting dude who whiffed in the ninth inning of the Game Five playoff loss to Boston


Melhuse laid an egg, didn't he? If it was me, I would have deposited that ball 450 feet to dead straightaway cf, lol


C) Kotsay is solid, but he's no all-star. Average pop. About a .270-280 career hitter. average outfielder. He's better than Terence Long (who also whiffed in the ninth of that game), but Kotsay ain't gonna replace the pop they lose with Tejada.


Let's face it, sooner or later Oakland's small market-dness was going to catch up with them.

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Yas, you wanna field this one? :D

Sure I will, but its Jas ;)


I think most of us know I'm a huge fan of Kotsay. Of course when it comes to an all star catcher or Kotsay I go with the catcher. I do think Kotsay would of been a good fit for the Sox. He plays good defense and is a very productive offensive player when healthy. The problem is health is a serious issue with him as he's had some back issues that will likely be long term.


The A's are fools, but Kotsay will put up pretty darn good numbers when healthy. But he wasn't worth what they gave up. Beane got jobbed.

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Sure I will, but its Jas 


Potay-to, potah-to.


Besides, 'Yason' is actually how that famous argonaut's name is pronounced in my language. Respect.



The A's are fools, but Kotsay will put up pretty darn good numbers when healthy. But he wasn't worth what they gave up. Beane got jobbed


You clearly haven't read Moneyball because if you have, you'd know that 'Billy Beane getting jobbed' is contradiction in terms. Otherwise, what kind of a genius extrordinaire would he be?

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Potay-to, potah-to.


Besides, 'Yason' is actually how that famous argonaut's name is pronounced in my language. Respect.





You clearly haven't read Moneyball because if you have, you'd know that 'Billy Beane getting jobbed' is contradiction in terms.  Otherwise, what kind of a genius extrordinaire would he be?

Oh I read moneyball and I have to admit at parts of it I was rolling and at other parts I thought, now that makes sense.


In the terms of Billy always jobbing people, I always find it hillarious how he never mentions how a prospect he moves can be doing good someplace else or anything like that.


Plus, I still think he's an idiot for drafting some of the guys he did, when he did. Jeremy Brown can be all that, but I still think he's gonna have some major weaknesses, once he reaches the majors and if he reaches the majors.


Reed is a far superior player to him, yet the White Sox drafted him in the 2nd round and up until late this year, not many people heard much about him. Reed was considered a "reach" too. I also think Reed will be a much better ball player then Brown will ever be.


And gracious....Jason and the Arganauts was what one of my buddies dads used to always call me.

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Sox stuck with Johnson too long.


I agree.


But, there are reasons. One, he was a first round draft pick. Lots of teams stick with their first round picks too long. Second, they didn't have many options. Josh Paul. Brook Fordyce. Left-handed hitting catchers are worth a longer look.


As for Moneyball, if you check the book you'll discover one name is never mentioned -- Miguel Olivo.


A whole chapter on the greatness of Chad Bradford, who was a good pickup (although we'll see how long the As hold him as his salary jumps next spring). But Michael Lewis never mentions that Beane gave up a solid catching prospect for him.


Too soon to judge if that was such a great trade by Beane.


Dude also traded for T. Long, and he's no everything he was touted to be either.

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