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The game is crazy. Most Violent I have ever seen. You can take a plastic bag, rap it around the "hunters" head, sufficate him, then break his neck. You can rip out guys eyes, use a nail gun, throw victims heads to attract attention to them, and there is one level where if you are seen, they kill a member of your family.


Im not even sure I feel right playing it, and kinda glad I didnt buy it, cause I whould feel weird owning it. lol. But I guess its a good game to experiement with for a while.

Haha I just bought it.


It's a kickass game, not just the graphics, but the gameplay as well. It makes you use your head. It's no cakewalk, that's for sure.

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The game is supposed to be based around stealth.....though its hard to avoid killing someone. But yeah, its easily one of the most violent and twisted games I have ever played.


Only a matter of time before some feminist group complains about it or a kid blames it for something he did and all the debates about "violent video games influencing our children" reemerge.

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The game is supposed to be based around stealth.....though its hard to avoid killing someone.  But yeah, its easily one of the most violent and twisted games I have ever played. 


Only a matter of time before some feminist group complains about it or a kid blames it for something he did and all the debates about "violent video games influencing our children" reemerge.

No doubt, dang moms.


Tony, I have just acquired the nail gun in the garbage dump, I was close to getting the electrical switch, but the guard killed me.

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Only a matter of time before some feminist group complains about it or a kid blames it for something he did and all the debates about "violent video games influencing our children" reemerge.

Well, I am a female and can't wait until Brian gets it for PS2 so I can give it a twirl. We looked at it the other day, but picked up a different game instead.

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Let's see...I bought him Medal of Honor - the new PS2 game (the Pacific Fight). I got a kickass deal on Freedom Fighters - it was marked 39.99 and I got it for 19.99 - some unmarked sale or the guy thought I was cute - LOL! We have also bought Hidden and Dangerous 2, Call of Duty and MOH - Breakthrough. We want to get Max Payne 2 and Man Hunt for PS2 though (the other three mentioned are in PC format - I'd rather play on PS2 than computer myself).


I need to work on Fatal Frame...it's taken me awhile to figure that game out and of course when I did figure it out, we had to pack it away for remodeling.

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