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Reflecting on Wrestling


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That would be a pretty mad matchup rite there, Angle and Lesnar in a real wrestling match. U can also throw in Benoit in there as well, he's a real sound techincal wrestler.

There are a few guys who are very tough real wrestlers. Tito Ortiz wrestled through junior college in college before he dropped out to concentrate on MMA.


If the WWE (such a bad name, it'll always be WWF) ever had a match with Brock and Angle, I (as would many, many others) would tune in very happily.

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The Mounty(and his tazer), Mr. Fuji, Paul Orndorf, The Rockers(shawn michaels and marty janetty sp?), Tito Santana(Chico haha) and the list goes on.  Man, so sad where some of these guys have gone.

Orndorf had a real serious neck injury while fighting for WCW in the late 90's. He's a road agent now for WWE.


Michaels still wrestle's for WWE but on a very limited basis because of his injured back.


Janetty still wrestles as well, mostly doing independent promotions and Japan.


Tito is also an agent for WWE.


Fuji I'm not sure on, same goes for the mounty.

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They fought at WrestleMania 19. It was a real good match, lots of NCAA style mat wrestling.

Benoit's prob gonna fight Lesnar at the next PPV which should be a good match. Also, what is your fav. wrestling move and promo u've ever seen. Mine's prob the Shooting Star Press by Billy Kidman, and DX imitating the Corporation ans E+C rappin imitating Road Dogg and K-Kwik. :lol:

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Benoit's prob gonna fight Lesnar at the next PPV which should be a good match.


Well, that won't be for awhile. December will be a Raw PPV, and January will be the Royal Rumble, a joint PPV. The match should be good, but Benoit is to small in the eyes of the McMahon's to be champ.


Also, what is your fav. wrestling move and promo u've ever seen?


Back in the 80's, I loved seeing Jake Roberts deliver the DDT, he did it better than anyone. Now I'd have to say I like to see the F-5. Promo would be the one delivered by Flair on the final WCW Nitro, and one by Paul Heyman in the midst of the ECW-WCW invasion that they botched.

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Benoit's prob gonna fight Lesnar at the next PPV which should be a good match. Also, what is your fav. wrestling move and promo u've ever seen. Mine's prob the Shooting Star Press by Billy Kidman, and DX imitating the Corporation ans E+C rappin imitating Road Dogg and K-Kwik.  :lol:

NO NO, I am talking about straight up real wrestling. With wrestling mats, and score and periods and everything. That is what I would love to see.

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NO NO, I am talking about straight up real wrestling. With wrestling mats, and score and periods and everything. That is what I would love to see.

That would never in a million years happen in WWE. Simply because their audience is such that unless someone is jumping off a ladder through a table, it's boring. Quite sad.

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NO NO, I am talking about straight up real wrestling. With wrestling mats, and score and periods and everything


Have to agree with Showtime.... that would never happen. It probably wouldnt of even worked back in the early days when the most extreme move was Undertaker walking the top rope.

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NO NO, I am talking about straight up real wrestling. With wrestling mats, and score and periods and everything. That Have to agree with Showtime.... that would never happen. It probably wouldnt of even worked back in the early days when the most extreme move was Undertaker walking the top rope.

It would sell pretty good if it did. Wrestling is a huge sport worldwide, and has a huge following in the US. I can dream can't I?

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Have to agree with Showtime.... that would never happen.  It probably wouldnt of even worked back in the early days when the most extreme move was Undertaker walking the top rope.



I think it could've worked from the standpoint that the fans wouldn't have chanted boring through the whole match.

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It would sell pretty good if it did. Wrestling is a huge sport worldwide, and has a huge following in the US. I can dream can't I?

You can dream sure.


Wrestling isn't that big in the US anymore, back when you had the Monday night wars you had 8 million people watching. Now Raw does 2-3 million. For sure in Japan a match of which you described would be huge, they have so much respect for the art-form, and the media takes it seriously.

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What happened to Diamond Dallas Page

Well, when WCW was bought by McMahon he was one of the first big money guys to sign with Vince. He was brought in as a stalker of the Undertaker's wife. Taker didn't like his style of wrestling so the company basically didn't use him much after that. He had some back trouble and retired as a wrestler. He does some internet stuff for WWE from time to time.

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Ah, pro wrestling, I was such a damn mark for it a few years back. I was so into it. Since then, i Haven't watched much, especially with no wcw or ecw. I did download a few ring of honor matches a few months ago. THAT is som e good pro wrestling. You should try getting some of kazaa

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Wow, i was HUGE into the wrestling scene back in jr. high, but then again everyone was. I remember flipping back and forth from WWF RAW to WCW NITRO on monday nights, for a good couple years I was so into that stuff. DX, nation of domination, stone cold, mankind.....those were the days. Then my interest just started to fade, it just got real old real fast, I don't know what exactly they did, but it seemed like everyone's interest seemed to drop at the same time.

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And now that i'm thinking about it, that was my 2nd phase of wrestling, i was also very into it when i was 6, and 7. ULtimate warrior, hawk, Legion of doom, bushwhackers, hogan, the 'old' undertaker - I actually thought when he would roll his opponents into the casket that he really killed them. Who else had one of those wrestling buddies? I had ultimate warrior.....wow, those were the days.

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