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Britney to appear in Playboy?


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When you get right down to it all these "divas", or whatever you call them, are nothing more than "ho's".  They may not be selling sex, they give that away for free if you're in the "in crowd",  but they sure are selling their bodies.

Bingo! And it bothers me IMMENSELY that these "divas" are the ones making the cash, while those of us who actually make a difference in our world don't get paid nearly as much...Speaks volumes about the priorities of our society as a whole.

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Bingo!  And it bothers me IMMENSELY that these "divas" are the ones making the cash, while those of us who actually make a difference in our world don't get paid nearly as much...Speaks volumes about the priorities of our society as a whole.

Why not...if someone can make more money then me in a legal fashion without working as hard as I do, then more power to them. So many people in society get all mad or jealous when people make a lot more money then them, but my theory is if they work hard at whatever it is they do and find a way to make it, then so be it.


You can only worry about yourself and how you get your money. I am not gonna b**** at the fact that I can't throw a 90 MPH fastball anymore (Well I could only get it to like 85, but then f'd up my arm) so I never made it to the majors...or minors, but thats not the point. For those that do...then I got a lot of respect for them and I ain't pissed that they get a few million a year to play a game that many of us love.


And there are so many people out there just as hot as Brittney that aren't doing what she's doing. Their are a lot of beautiful people that have to work hard or find a rich husband who will take care of them, depending on whatever they want.

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She WILL do it, because she has absolutely no self-respect and is absolutely WORTHLESS to the REAL society!  She's only gonna do this to get the "ohhhs!" and "Ahhhs!" from guys, because there isn't one classy thing she can do to gain TRUE respect, since she is such a ditz and probably has an IQ of ZERO, so she is hungry enough to accept FAKE respect!!!!


Britney Spears may rot in hell, for all I care!!!


Yeah, I totally agree with Heather...What a brainless slut who has as much respect as hooker turning tricks on Easter Sunday... :D


Now you wanna see someone with brains, beauty, and self-respect???(see pic below

Although she could have her brain taken out Hannibal style and I still would want her :D But then again, guys would f*** a hole in a mattress...Isn't it great being men :headbang


We can blame the biology of man and the brain wired to spread their seed as an excuse to be primiscuous...and we aren't labeled as whores if we sleep with more than 50 women..while if a women sleeps with more than 3 guys she's 1 step away from workin at the Moonlight Bunny Ranch :D


It's great being a guy....We can lust over women like Brit and not care if she has any self-respect or not....and the less self-respect and confidence she has the more guys will swoop down for the "kill" so to speak..It's the opposite for girls..

We like a girl who has no confidence and girls like a man with a high amount of confidence..


Isn't it great being a guy... :D

and also, women can't seem to fathom why guys go to strip clubs, buy and look at porn, would rather gouge out his eyeballs then "talk"

They think that mens and womens brains are wired the same..so when they see us ogling a girl they slap us on the back of the head and tell us to stop it...Why????Cause they find it insensitive but just about every man does this... millions of men can't be wrong :P :)


To conclude, guys like looking at hot girls...really..that, simple..

Why the hell did I type all that then?!?!? s*** :angry:

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Ok, first of all this is a bunch of bulls***.  Girls are just as superficial as guys are they just won't admit it.  It is my experience that the vast majority of girls go after guys who are assholes just because they happen to be good looking or rich.  There may be a minority of girls for who this isn't the case but for the most part women are just as superficial as men when it comes to judging the opposite sex.

TESTIFY! :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy :notworthy


Obligatory Maddox Links :lol:





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She know's the ILLUSION of he being naked is actually more enticing then the actually being naked part


Furthermore, I personally prefer seeing REALLY hot, unique, personality-endowed women (Halle Berry, my girlfriend, etc...lol) in tease-arific designer outfits just showing you ENOUGH, knowing full well they hold the power of making your balls explode with a gesture or a pose....instead of ugly vacuous porn rejects spreading their legs for close-up in some third-rate rag.


I am sorry, but I can't understand how anyone NOT in the gynecology racket could enjoy flipping through Hustler or most porn. Mystery of female body and flirting drives me crazy and is payoff in itself sometimes....But I guess imagination went out with the dinaseurs, to each his own.


As far as Britbot? Why would she do Playboy? Darva Conger and Enron women did it, for crying outlout! Hasbeen like Pam Anderson and Electra suit it more.....No, Britney (and Beyonce to lesser extent) should realize she is still a HOT commodity, and leave Playboy-type desperation to uglies like Cristina Augilera or Paris Hilton, instead trying to protract her fame/sex appeal into her 40s ala Madonna. She just did Angie Dickinson-style cover of Rolling f***ing Stone. Still on top of the game even if transition from girlhood requires more marketing ingenuity.....In short, no need to throw it all away for a "7-figure" pay just yet, IMO.

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Ok, first of all this is a bunch of bulls***. Girls are just as superficial as guys are they just won't admit it. It is my experience that the vast majority of girls go after guys who are assholes just because they happen to be good looking or rich. There may be a minority of girls for who this isn't the case but for the most part women are just as superficial as men when it comes to judging the opposite sex


Just watching first ep of Average Joe confirms it. The chick is so f***ing superficial and it's cringeworty watching her talentless ass try faking interest, even with all the money involved.


And men? They are sitting around b****ing about women being so superficial and shallow and how they are constantly rejected by cruel society because of their looks...And YET when they first saw Melena (sp?), ALL they could talk about is how fuking HOTTTT! she was, making self-aggrandizing jokes and stuff.


Hypocrite losers.

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No, Britney (and Beyonce to lesser extent) should realize she is still a HOT commodity, and leave Playboy-type desperation to uglies like Cristina Augilera or Paris Hilton, instead trying to protract her fame/sex appeal into her 40s ala Madonna.

Yep, cuz Madonna certainly would never use nude pictures of herself as a marketing tool!

:lol: :lol: :lol:


I don't know if it's "time yet" for Spears to hit the pages of Playboy, but at her rate of media attention, and given the mediocre-at-best level of her music, I'd think her shelf life is gonna be fairly short.


Hard for me to believe she'd need the money if she otherwise wouldn't pose, though.

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