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When in the hell are the sox gonna...


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We have a cheap ass owner and a stupid ass GM.


What did you expect?

Exactly!!It's time for that motherf***er Reinsdorf to s*** or get off the pot.

What's it gonna be,Jerry?? Do you really care that 2003 will be the 43rd year Chicago has gone without a World Series?? s***, the Angels won in 2002.Why not the Sox in 2003?? I'll tell you why f***ing not:




A Message for Reinsdork and Lenny :fyou :fyou :fyou

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First off welcome aboard. Secondly, its just Sox management. We all sit and hope and wait that the Sox will bring in a quality starting pitcher, or even someone like Rick Helling or Robert Person that could step in and provide a veteran presence, but even that is doubtful.


I still am holding out at the possibility of getting Colon.

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I don't understand why so many people are so pessimistic about our chances of getting Colon. Montreal MUST dump a s***load of sallary quickly, and getting rid of Colon and Vasquez is inevitable for them to do that. There aren't many teams in the hunt for him right now, which increases our likeliness of getting him on our team. I just have this feeling that KW will do the unexpected and make a blockbuster trade (hopefully Wright would be in the deal instead of Garland, because I think Garland has a much more promising career ahead).

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The reason everyone is so pessimistic about it is because of the fact that we've really expressed no interest in them publicly....the statistics prove that we can afford it and we have the kind of stuff we can give up to get one of the two of them.


This is the Sox....even if we did get Colon, the players union would probably strike because the Yankees are listening to the new labor agreement and have their payroll at around $160 million or so. Hell, we'll probably be one out away and then KW will come forward and say he cheated....they'll find a way to screw it up. They'll probably have a deal in the making and KW will ask for a prospect and the Expos will nix it at the last second. I want Colon as much as anyone....but I'm not sure we can get him.

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Don't you suppose KW might be handeling this "under the table?" He could very well be working on a deal, which wouldn't be unveiled until the deal actually happens, that being the reason for it not being PUBLICALLY revealed. I dunno, but it might be a possibility. We might see Colon here.

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I have heard other people state that since JR is part of the comittee in charge of the sale of the Expos that it could be a conflict of interests if the Sox were to aquire one of the big names from Montreal. Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

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I have heard other people state that since JR is part of the comittee in charge of the sale of the Expos that it could be a conflict of interests if the Sox were to aquire one of the big names from Montreal. Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

Awesome Post Nuke. You bring up some great points, and well I am going to hope your right on the money with this statement. One thing that I do know is KW typically does all he can to keep his moves quiet.

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Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

This, of course, would be assuming the White Sox Organization had an owner that was committed to winning and a GM worthy of the title. Since the Sox have neither, the above scenario is wishful thinking.

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Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

This, of course, would be assuming the White Sox Organization had an owner that was committed to winning and a GM worthy of the title. Since the Sox have neither, the above scenario is wishful thinking.

Sure throw reality in my face!

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One thing that I do know is KW typically does all he can to keep his moves quiet.

Good point....how many big sports networks even hinted at the possibility of Billy Koch getting traded to Chi-town? NONE. Maybe he is....we got hope. Hell, that's all we got is hope.

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I have heard other people state that since JR is part of the comittee in charge of the sale of the Expos that it could be a conflict of interests if the Sox were to aquire one of the big names from Montreal. Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

Since Reinsdorf is on the committee... and seems to suck up to Selig, we may get Colon for that very reason. The Expos are owned by MLB. Selig is the commisioner, therefore makes all the decisions. Minaya is the Expos GM, therefore is employeed by MLB, and effectively has to answer to Selig. Reinsdorf is the only owner in baseball to have a minority GM and manager. Minority hirings is one of Seligs pet projects. Since Reinsdorf is such a suck up, Selig may very well throw him the proverbial bone... Colon.

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I have heard other people state that since JR is part of the comittee in charge of the sale of the Expos that it could be a conflict of interests if the Sox were to aquire one of the big names from Montreal. Now I admit this might be just a half baked theory, but is it possible that the Sox are having talks with the Expos and keeping them quiet so it would appear that the Expos other options were dried up thus minimizing the possible accusation of a conflict of interests.

Since Reinsdorf is on the committee... and seems to suck up to Selig, we may get Colon for that very reason. The Expos are owned by MLB. Selig is the commisioner, therefore makes all the decisions. Minaya is the Expos GM, therefore is employeed by MLB, and effectively has to answer to Selig. Reinsdorf is the only owner in baseball to have a minority GM and manager. Minority hirings is one of Seligs pet projects. Since Reinsdorf is such a suck up, Selig may very well throw him the proverbial bone... Colon.

Is this what happened here? Any thoughts?

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