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Features that are Missing


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From now on when it comes to making html, script and coding changes to the site we are going to be much more careful to ensure that it is built to run relatively easy on our server.


For that reason, the blog will not be brought back. IT was a cool feature, but it kind of created extra stress on the server and all that stuff. After what happened last week i've decided to get a little more careful. :D


The basic stuff though, we'll definately bring that back. And BJ, the good news is, I think a good rss is going to be released soon that should make it easy and the new main page design/database I'm working on has a very easy rss set up. All you have to do is paste a short code and the rss will work or at least thats how I think it works.


As far as things I'm gonna be adding back, here's a little timeline:


Smilies - Anticipate having our old smilies back sometime today

Old Sigs and Avatars - I think i'll have a lot of them back today or tomorrow, although most uploaded files I'm not going to bring from the old server kind of as a way to do some house cleaning.



Also for those that don't know it, if you want to be notified in pop up fashion of a new pm, you can make that a setting by going into your controls. I have mine set up that way and it works great. You never miss a pm.

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From now on when it comes to making html, script and coding changes to the site to ensure that it is built to run relatively easy on our server.


For that reason, the blog will not be brought back.  IT was a cool feature, but it kind of created extra stress on the server and all that stuff.  After what happened last week i've decided to get a little more careful. :D


The basic stuff though, we'll definately bring that back.  And BJ, the good news is, I think a good rss is going to be released soon that should make it easy and the new main page design/database I'm working on has a very easy rss set up.  All you have to do is paste a short code and the rss will work or at least thats how I think it works. 


As far as things I'm gonna be adding back, here's a little timeline:


Smilies - Anticipate having our old smilies back sometime today

Old Sigs and Avatars - I think i'll have a lot of them back today or tomorrow, although most uploaded files I'm not going to bring from the old server kind of as a way to do some house cleaning. 



Also for those that don't know it, if you want to be notified in pop up fashion of a new pm, you can make that a setting by going into your controls.  I have mine set up that way and it works great.  You never miss a pm.




Um, I think that will be a headbanging smilie once the files are brought over :D

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